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Delayed more than Starfield.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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VersusEvil said:

Delayed more than Starfield. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

I'm assuming Microsoft will have to delay the closure date as well, May 22nd is now the earliest it can close and they'd need a couple weeks after approval for final formalities and whoever else still needs to approve, I imagine a few will wait for EU (reportedly China was) and then they'd need to close over FTC (if they want to go that route) and hope FTC either takes them straight to court or drops their case.

Ryuu96 said:

- The offer does not include concessions to ease EU concerns over how the takeover might impact Sony's PlayStation or Google's PC operating system, indicating that the EC has narrowed its objections to the deal to focus on cloud gaming.

Google's PC Operating system? I dunno what that is even about I guess they have Chromebooks.....

WoodenPints said:
Ryuu96 said:

- The offer does not include concessions to ease EU concerns over how the takeover might impact Sony's PlayStation or Google's PC operating system, indicating that the EC has narrowed its objections to the deal to focus on cloud gaming.

Google's PC Operating system? I dunno what that is even about I guess they have Chromebooks.....

That’s exactly what they are referencing, ChromeOS is google’s desktop operating system. If I recall correctly it has a lot more local functionality than it used to 

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Didn't know this would happen but it has been delayed from April 25th to May 22nd because of remedies being offered, Lol. I thought the latest deadline already took possible remedies into account in the schedule.

Jesus. Can this please just end. I'm not in favour of Publishers being purchased by platform holders but I'd take the deal going through now rather than another 2 months of the horrific fanboy warring around the deal from both sides continuing.

ice said:

Happy Birthday @shikamaru317 


Xbox needs ABK especially for European market.

shikamaru317 said:
ice said:

Happy Birthday @shikamaru317 


Aww snap it's your birthday??? Happy birthday man! 21 with a few year's experience right?

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

My body is ready! I beat RE2 last week and I'm already on my second playthrough of RE3 for collectibles since the game is so damn short, but both games are amazing! RE2 is by far the most stressful lol, while RE3 is focused more on action and boss fights, but still somehow retains the horror of survival horror. 

Looks like these games have culminated into Capcom putting out their best work yet in RE4!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind