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If there's any KEMCO fans, here ya go

Spade said:

Still pretty good/favorable scores overall for their first game. Looking forward to Gameranx's before you buy video. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:
Spade said:

Still pretty good/favorable scores overall for their first game. Looking forward to Gameranx's before you buy video. 

Oh nice, appreciate this!!!!">"><img src="

Much better on a technical level than Hogwarts on Series X. Game is full 2160p indoors, between 1620 and 1800p outdoors, at 60 fps, with only the occasional drop to 59 fps. Series S version is a mess though, game only runs at 1080p indoors, as low as 900p outdoors, and though resolution goes as low as 900p outdoors, it still can only manage low 50's on framerate alot of the time outdoors.

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Well, I'm not quite done with Hogwarts Legacy yet, but I'm close enough to the end that I think I can go ahead and post my review as I doubt my score will change at this point unless the ending is truly amazing. I only have 3 main and 5 side quests left, plus a small handful of challenges and collection items, should finish the game tomorrow.

The Good

  • The combat is good, not too challenging unless you want a bit more challenge, always entertaining to combo spells together for cool effects.
  • The writing and characters are good, I like all 3 companion characters quite alot, as well as most of the teachers. The writing on the Sebastien questline in particular is top notch, whichever writer on the team who wrote that deserves a huge raise
  • The nostalgia from seeing locations from the movies hits hard
  • The detail that went into Hogwarts itself is quite high, you can find most of the classrooms from the books including classrooms for elective courses that Harry never took, such as Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, and Alchemy. It's alot of fun to just explore the Castle.
  • The variety of outfits and other customization items
  • Lots of fun challenges and secrets
  • Beast care and breeding is fun, if a bit limited

The Not So Good

  • The world design overall. Far too much focus went into an Ubisoft-like "everything and a kitchen sink" approach with the Scottish Highlands, there is just too much repetitive open world content such as treasure caves, with only a single item in them each, and merlin trials
  • We were promised a Hogwarts student experience by the marketing for the game, but the game itself is sorely lacking in this department. You pretty much have a single class for each subject, and not all subjects are taken by the player, and some subjects don't even have a teacher designed for them, those classrooms sit empty. There is no option to come back and revisit the subjects you do take and learn something new. As a result, most of the teachers have very little dialogue. I was expecting something a bit more like a combination of Bully and Harry Potter in terms of the student experience, but the game just doesn't have that sadly.
  • To go with the above, the world is lacking alot of interactivity. Not only are the classes pretty much non-existent as mentioned above, but you can't sit, you can't eat in the Great Hall, you can't talk with random students, you don't get to know your bunkmates in your House Dormitory at all, etc.
  • Some things are hidden a bit too well. I ended up having to resort to a guide to find a few of the revelio pages, and will need to do the same for landing platforms as I have searched alot and still need 5 of them. 
  • Ravenclaw is the only house without a proper companion character, a bit strange to only design 3 companions, one each from 3 of the 4 houses, but then not design one for the 4th house. The closest we get is Amit who has a single sidequest and a single main story quest where he is a companion, but he doesn't get a full questline like the other 3. 
  • 2 pretty major things are lacking imo, Quidditch and romance
  • The game needed more House specific content in order to better encourage replays, as it stands there is just one single quest that is different depending on your house, there is little interaction with people in the house dorms, no unique friends per house that you can interact with, etc.
  • Having a single achievement for playing as a member of each house up until a certain point in the game, coupled with the above lacking of house exclusive content, really sucks the desire out of trying to get the full 1000gs
  • Graphics are only so-so overall (likely due to being cross-gen and having to run on Switch as well), and the performance isn't great either

Final Score: 8/10

Overall I can forgive alot of the issues with the game because a. we finally got a proper Wizarding World game after more than 2 decades, and b. Avalanche has never made a AAA game before, so for a freshmen effort at AAA development, it's really not bad at all. However, I won't be able to overlook similar issues on the sequel. With the kind of revenue WB is going to be pulling in from the huge sales figures on this game (biggest non-CoD/FIFA game launch since RDR2 in Europe at least), WB and Avalanche can't afford to pull a Gamefreak and try to skirt by with a minimum of effort when they are bringing in more than enough revenue to go from a low end AAA effort to a high end AAA effort on the sequel. This kind of money being brought in deserves Rockstar/Bethesda tier quality and detail on the sequel. They need to actively work to make the sequel significantly better, fixing many of the issues with the first game. With that in mind:

Things I Want Out of a Sequel

  • A much deeper Hogwarts student experience. More classes in all subjects including the option to take more of the elective subjects via sidequests. More class minigames kind of like Bully. More interaction with other students and teachers. More of the game spent in Hogwarts and a less time spent doing repetitive open world content basically.
  • Add more of the world that was missing in the first game, such as Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, the Ministry of Magic, Godric's Hollow, etc. 
  • Add in Quidditch as a full experience with multiple games against the other houses throughout the year
  • Have the Tri-Wizard Tournament hosted at Hogwarts on the next year, with the player chosen as the Hogwarts House Champion
  • Add in romance options
  • Design more companions overall, goal should be 2 per house I'd say, a male and a female each, both as romance options. 
  • In addition to the fully fleshed companion characters, would be cool to befriend your 3 dormitory bunkmates, would be a fair amount of work with 3 per gender per house for a total of 24 characters to design and write and record dialogue for, but they wouldn't need to get nearly as in depth with these as with the fully fleshed companion characters, just a couple of dozen lines of dialogue per group of 3 friends spread throughout the school year, and maybe a single unique quest for each group.
  • More spells to be learned across multiple classes, as well as a better menu for organizing and using those spells when you need to use them, shouldn't need to hotbar spells to use them like in the first game
  • More magical beasts to catch and breed, as well as allowing the room of requirement beast ecosystems to hold more of each animal type
  • A more in-depth character creator including body type customization, as well as being able to change your head and body customization after the initial character design via some transfiguration spell
  • Let us customize and name our pet owl and interact with him
  • Overall bigger than the first game by a fair amount, but without relying as heavily on a repetitive Ubisoft style open world as the first game in order to fill out the game with more content. Design more actual main and side quests in addition to other new things listed above like more classes and quidditch and more companions each with their own quest lines and romance lines.
  • Drop last gen and Switch 1, release only on PC, Xbox Series, PS5, and Switch 2, in order to give us much better graphics than the first game. 
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 21 February 2023

You can get the house specific cheevs in around 1.5 hrs each.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

@Spade @ice @NobleTeam360 

Sarah Has Spoken. Beans on Toast is GOAT.

ice said:

If there's any KEMCO fans, here ya go

Have been collecting them when they are in sale :).   Weird part is that the Japanese anime month sale is not showing up in my store while the games themself if you search for them are on sale...