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Finished XIII (Remake)

Thankfully I kept reading news stories about the game after its disastrous launch because it got a new developer post launch (!) who worked hard improving the game... with success! In its current state the game is more than playable. Performance is perfectly smooth, visuals are nice (aside from some anti-aliasing problems) and most importantly the game is pretty stable. I encountered only a hand full of bugs during my play though and none of them caused any serious issues.

I remember playing the original XIII in my youth but I never made it very far because I couldn't beat a stealth mission pretty early in the game (mission 7 out of 34 lol). Nevertheless I had a lot of fun with the game back in the days so I just replayed the first 7 missions over and over again.

Visually, the game still holds up due to its cellshading look but it obviously got a huge visual overhaul as well. Gameplay-wise the game was certainly unique when it came out. First person shooter stealth games weren't that common. While there are some missions that force a stealthy approach, the vast majority can be beaten by brute force (if you want). Another positive thing to mention is that there are tons of weapons at your disposal and since it's an older FPS, you can carry all of them at once. Obviously, there's no health regeneration either which is a welcome change when you're used to modern FPS.


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Spade said:
ice said:

Arkane waited for MS to buy them to do all of this so they could get all the blame LOL

Seriously tho, wtf are they on

Physical has no disc, Progress being tied to host, online required...

lol and yall wanted me to play with yall? Me game 100% confirmed! 

Co-op games can die for all i care  

can't even blame u anymore tbh

WoodenPints said:
shikamaru317 said:

It's kind of funny how alot of the features we were so mad about when Xbox One was first announced, such as always online connection, and DRM that bound a game to a single XBL account and only allowed game ownership transfer at certain retailers and only then if the publisher allowed it, have basically been fed back to us in smaller doses over the course of a whole decade now, and because it was drip fed to us over a decade instead of all at once, alot of us have just grown to accept it. What once enraged large numbers of gamers, now just feels normalcy to many of us. It's kind of insidious honestly.

Funny enough that would be better than we currently get where our digital purchases sit in the hidden game graveyard never to be seen of again.

Yeah, your rights as an owner of a digital game are even less than your ownership rights on physical games would have been on the launch Xbox One model. This push towards an all-digital future definitely worries me. I really wish Xbox and others would look into some kind of digital used game storefront, where you could sell your ownership rights to a digital game to another user, and the publisher of said game would get a cut with you getting the rest. That's more than a publisher gets from a physical used game sale, so they should be happy, while we as users would at least be able to get some money back if we aren't happy with a game or have no plans to replay a certain game in the future.

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Potato Cam + Bad Angle + Picture of Trailer on PC.

All the hallmarks of a classic fake.

But it's the lady from the gameplay trailer.

One of the problems cleared up.... how bout that internet connection plus host shit?

Midfall still in the mud. :/">"><img src="