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And the best part about it is that we don’t have to pretend it’s a good game because we paid £70 for a 66 meta (3.5 user) flop because it is. In fact. A good game.

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 28 January 2023

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Spade said:

Easily going to be my GOTY or best game played in 2023 for me. 

I think I might prefer 5 over 4. Especially coming after 5 and the changes it has made. Both are 10s for me though, so might have to think more on which i prefer. 

Definitely the best villain so far for me in the series. 

Agree about villain of you mean the culprit. Definitely it's the only thing where P4 is better than 3 and 5 - the villain.

Barozi said:

Seriously? I'm definitely past the half-way point and probably closing in towards the end and I would rate it at most a 7.5.

The leap from 4 to 5 is gigantic. 4's dungeons are just awful. Whoever thought it was a great idea to use the same exact layout for the whole game hopefully got fired. Also the dungeons are linear as fuck. Just because there are some corridors that fool you into a dead end doesn't mean it's not linear, it's just a waste of time. It wouldn't be as bad if every corner of every floor didn't look identical. I much prefer the linearity of games like FFXIII. At least there's always something new to look at despite there being only one way to go.

Story is the only thing that keeps me going and honestly it's not nearly as exciting as the story of Persona 5. It's good at the beginning but there's absolutely nothing going on for many many months (I'm in October now). Same old same old. Also, what you're doing has no impact on the world at all.

Talking about the world, there's simply not much to do, especially if you haven't unlocked the two locations that require the scooter. High School only has confidants. The Flood Plain only has one fishing spot, the rest is a waste of space. Junes is the biggest joke of all with only one tiny room and otherwise just used for team meetings. The street in front of the Dojima residence is also pretty pointless. That only leaves the Dojima residence itself (actually just your room), the shopping district and the High School as places of interest. It also pisses me off that I can go to Okina City but can't visit the bookstore there to buy me some new books. Game logic. "Buy books! but not there, duh!". Furthermore the activities are poorly timed. I've maxed out my stats during Summer and now there's basically nothing to do during Evening. There are only a couple of confidants available (and only on specific days) and money is not an issue of mine so I might as well go straight to bed.

Lastly, I already had issues with the menu design of Persona 5 but I had no idea that it could get even worse. Well Persona 4 proved me wrong. Not only does it look incredibly boring, it's also missing important information that luckily got added in Persona 5.

If you hate this dungeon design, then don't even think about trying P3. 260+ floors of Tartarus await you there. Which are basically the same random generated labyrinths like in P4. As for nothing to do in the game - totally agree. Maybe this is the reason why it took just 65 hours for me to beat P4. But as for the story - it should get more interesting around late October if I remember correctly.


DroidKnight said:

At this point they should just say to hell with Sony and let the chips fall as they may. It's already too many concessions and they should only be concerned with benefiting their own brand. They've shown that they are willing to work close with Steam and Nintendo and have no interest in creating a monopoly. Sony is the only company looking unreasonable and making a total ass out of themselves.

They should rescind all offers they have made to Sony.

Whether or not Xbox wants a CoD game being released on a Playstation console should be up to Xbox.

Lets be honest, its business.  Sony is in the better position so they can ask for the world if they believe MS will have to do some type of concession.  Its a gamble by Sony but I cannot say its a wrong move.  Of course parity on service is not going to happen with MS which Sony knows as well so this will just go to the regulators to see what they believe is a fair situation.  Either way, MS actually may not put COD on GP but put everything else on GP.  All old CODs can go on GP which can also be a pretty good move if the term Sony is looking for is current COD.  Either way, if the deal lands for MS, without an agreement between Sony and MS, Sony may come out of this way worse.

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derpysquirtle64 said:
Spade said:

Easily going to be my GOTY or best game played in 2023 for me. 

I think I might prefer 5 over 4. Especially coming after 5 and the changes it has made. Both are 10s for me though, so might have to think more on which i prefer. 

Definitely the best villain so far for me in the series. 

Agree about villain of you mean the culprit. Definitely it's the only thing where P4 is better than 3 and 5 - the villain.

Barozi said:

Seriously? I'm definitely past the half-way point and probably closing in towards the end and I would rate it at most a 7.5.

The leap from 4 to 5 is gigantic. 4's dungeons are just awful. Whoever thought it was a great idea to use the same exact layout for the whole game hopefully got fired. Also the dungeons are linear as fuck. Just because there are some corridors that fool you into a dead end doesn't mean it's not linear, it's just a waste of time. It wouldn't be as bad if every corner of every floor didn't look identical. I much prefer the linearity of games like FFXIII. At least there's always something new to look at despite there being only one way to go.

Story is the only thing that keeps me going and honestly it's not nearly as exciting as the story of Persona 5. It's good at the beginning but there's absolutely nothing going on for many many months (I'm in October now). Same old same old. Also, what you're doing has no impact on the world at all.

Talking about the world, there's simply not much to do, especially if you haven't unlocked the two locations that require the scooter. High School only has confidants. The Flood Plain only has one fishing spot, the rest is a waste of space. Junes is the biggest joke of all with only one tiny room and otherwise just used for team meetings. The street in front of the Dojima residence is also pretty pointless. That only leaves the Dojima residence itself (actually just your room), the shopping district and the High School as places of interest. It also pisses me off that I can go to Okina City but can't visit the bookstore there to buy me some new books. Game logic. "Buy books! but not there, duh!". Furthermore the activities are poorly timed. I've maxed out my stats during Summer and now there's basically nothing to do during Evening. There are only a couple of confidants available (and only on specific days) and money is not an issue of mine so I might as well go straight to bed.

Lastly, I already had issues with the menu design of Persona 5 but I had no idea that it could get even worse. Well Persona 4 proved me wrong. Not only does it look incredibly boring, it's also missing important information that luckily got added in Persona 5.

If you hate this dungeon design, then don't even think about trying P3. 260+ floors of Tartarus await you there. Which are basically the same random generated labyrinths like in P4. As for nothing to do in the game - totally agree. Maybe this is the reason why it took just 65 hours for me to beat P4. But as for the story - it should get more interesting around late October if I remember correctly.

I mean Persona my fave series, so I'm clearly bias towards it. Get Persona depression upon beating them :( 

Persona 3 Portable definitely showing its age, really hoping the remake is true. Tartarus is a chore.">"><img src="

VersusEvil said:

And the best part about it is that we don’t have to pretend it’s a good game because we paid £70 for a 66 meta (3.5 user) flop because it is. In fact. A good game.

SAvage af">"><img src="

Holy hell, guessing that shadow drop of High-Fi really pissed in people's cereal. Broke people like gamepass has done.">"><img src="

I'm waiting for Mid Enix to blame Tomb Raider for Forespoken's flop.

Any second now...">"><img src="