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You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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konnichiwa said:
BasilZero said:

Dont care what other fans think, I just want another BK game.

Same, it always made sense to me to have a bunch of smaller or midscale studios working on games with older IP's especially with all those sierra/rare ip's,

New KI/Viva Pinata/King Quest/geometry wars and so on, they could be fiinished fast and would be ideally for gamepass.

Anyway makes me hope that project dream will become a reality always love their trailers:

edit: Indiana being 14th is kind of bad and the excuse but it is only on xbox and steam is not a good one (steam chart was correct).

What are good sales for a game which releases only on PC and Xbox consoles where you can also play it on Gamepass? Do you have any number to talk about or is it just one of these feelings where you have no idea how high the sales should be to call it a success?

And most Steam players are pretty much people who like to play either hardcore singleplayer games or multiplayer games. Sony's singleplayer games also don't destroy the Steam charts and that's without a Playstation subscription service on PC. 

This Doom: The Dark Ages showcase is making me grow chest hair and make me want to go chop wood!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

"New Ninja Gaiden probably coming, could be interesting..."

*Developed by PLATINUM GAMES*

That's a nice surprise to open with.

G2ThaUNiT said:

This Doom: The Dark Ages showcase is making me grow chest hair and make me want to go chop wood!

"CLEAVE AND CHOP!  CLEAVE AND CHOP!" to death metal guitar riff.

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New Doom shield mechanics is ripped right from Rygar! Mecha Doom also cool and they had a Panzer Dragoon section or should I say Panzer DragDOOM! Also NG4 AT LAST! FUCKING YES!

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

id Software fucking COOKED!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

That was a GREAT presentation! All of the games look really good. But man, 3 games in 6 weeks! Better clear my schedule, lol

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

That was a fucking awesome Developer Direct!

Ninja Gaiden 4 wasn't a surprise because I saw it leaked beforehand or rather, heavily speculated, but still awesome to see, what did surprise me is that it is being published by Xbox and it is releasing in Fall 2025! Wtf Microsoft? They got to chill out with 2025, GTA 6 is still undated! Then they shadow-drop a Ninja Gaiden 2 Remaster on us TODAY (on Game Pass).

Doom launching in May, I had the biggest smile on my face all throughout that footage, RIP AND TEAR. South of Midnight in April, I'm still worried about the gameplay but the story sounds interesting, the art-style, music and character design, especially the bosses though, is spot on. Expedition 33...NGL...I was curious about it but wow that footage just caused it to shoot up my list, it looks wicked in every aspect.

My speculation is Microsoft are fine with publishing IP they don't own anymore due to their multiplatform approach because Ninja Gaiden they obviously don't own and it's the first non-owned published IP in...Years...I can't really remember the last IP they published which they didn't own, Koei is probably very happy to be multiplatform and let Xbox publish it as well. Could lead to Xbox publishing other unexpected titles.

Ninja Gaiden and Fable releasing near each other would be so nostalgic of the OG Xbox days, Lol.

Not bad. Clearly focused on a few decent games, but most importantly they clearly organised them by clear release dates which are all within a few months from now, but even more importantly avoiding the murderer's row of February-March.

Of course they do still have Avowed coming in February, assuming anyone outside Xbox circles remembers it exists. I don't know if they just have so little faith in it's sales potential and/or they assume everyone that would be interested already knows about it, but with so little exposure for Avowed and not even a standard disc physical option-- only an expensive steelbook with a download code --and after 'strategecially avoiding' November of last year only to land between KCII and Monster Hunter, it's like Avowed has been left to die.