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Psssssst... video games, ya know, playing them and talking about them and thinking about them, uh, should make you happy and bring you joy. Just FYI.

If you're in a place where that's not happening maybe mix things up or do something else or watch different streamers for a bit idk.

— Mat Piscatella ( 19 December 2024 at 20:56

Helpful advice to all, not really related to this thread but I'm so much happier without seeing all those negative fuckers. People spend too much time talking about what they hate nowadays (or what they've been told to hate) than actually playing games, even over the holiday season! I will continue to avoid YouTube and Twitch like a plague and continue to enjoy gaming. Can't wait for 2025!

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And hopefully...

Hopefully the Oblivion remaster happens. TES 6 is still probably about 4 years out from release (Holiday 2028 probably), so would be nice to have a remaster of an older TES game that I didn't play all that much originally to play in the meantime. I bought Oblivion on release, but wasn't feeling it at all at the time and shelved it. Played it again a couple of months before Skyrim released, but mainly rushed the main story and didn't do much exploration or side quests as I recall. So this remaster will give me the chance to play it properly. I just hope it is closer to remake than remaster, Oblivion needs more than just barely upgraded graphics, needs all new combat animations, new 3rd person movement animations, bigger graphics upgrades, better UI, and more. If the official remaster ends up disappointing, I can always play the upcoming Skyblivion mod at least.  

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 20 December 2024

All those 1st timer Elder Scrolls fans that entered via Skyrim are going to experience the best Elder Scrolls finally, I remember when I was younger a lot of Skyrim fans I would speak to in real life didn't even know Oblivion was part of the same series because they somehow ignored the "Elder Scrolls" part of the name, Lmao, they only knew it as "Skyrim" and didn't know it had a prequel.

I have some things I wonder about though, will modding be more complicated with it using Gamebryo as the base but Unreal Engine for the visuals? Why wouldn't they have just used Creation Engine 2 for the entire thing? Or if they want to keep the games "feel" as close as possible, why not Creation Engine 2 for the visuals only? Only reason I can think of is making it easier for the external studio developing it?

Another thing I hope is that Creation Club comes fast, I rarely replay games unless they're remasters of extremely old games and my favourite IPs, Oblivion is both of those things but I still hope Creation Club comes fast so I have some actually new content to play too, I hope they implement Starfield's recent "achievement friendly" mods that players can check without having to be part of Bethesda's curated area.

Our Winter Sale is live! Don't miss on deals on new releases like Age of Mythology: Retold, Ara: History Untold, and more, all on sale now until January 2nd. Happy gaming and happy holidays!

[image or embed]

— Aaron Greenberg ( 20 December 2024 at 00:34

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Ryuu96 said:


0:17 one of the best drops in gaming music history!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
Ryuu96 said:


0:17 one of the best drops in gaming music history!


Ryuu96 said:

All those 1st timer Elder Scrolls fans that entered via Skyrim are going to experience the best Elder Scrolls finally, I remember when I was younger a lot of Skyrim fans I would speak to in real life didn't even know Oblivion was part of the same series because they somehow ignored the "Elder Scrolls" part of the name, Lmao, they only knew it as "Skyrim" and didn't know it had a prequel.

I have some things I wonder about though, will modding be more complicated with it using Gamebryo as the base but Unreal Engine for the visuals? Why wouldn't they have just used Creation Engine 2 for the entire thing? Or if they want to keep the games "feel" as close as possible, why not Creation Engine 2 for the visuals only? Only reason I can think of is making it easier for the external studio developing it?

Another thing I hope is that Creation Club comes fast, I rarely replay games unless they're remasters of extremely old games and my favourite IPs, Oblivion is both of those things but I still hope Creation Club comes fast so I have some actually new content to play too, I hope they implement Starfield's recent "achievement friendly" mods that players can check without having to be part of Bethesda's curated area.

Then you have the OG fans that feel Elder Scrolls peaked with Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall and has been shit ever since

Fr though, Skyrim is upwards of 60 million+ sales. Even if three quarters of those sales were double or triple dips over the years, that's still 15 million copies and is millions more than what Oblivion sold overall. Hell, by the time Skyrim originally released, Oblivion was only at like 3.5 million copies sold total. So the overwhelming majority of Skyrim fans will be coming in completely new. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind