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As a Consumer Would You Rather?

Traditional Console + Everything Exclusive 20 42.55%
Xbox/PC Hybrid + Access t... 27 57.45%

Want to return to Starfield just to decorate my spaceship and house...I love things like this in RPGs, Lol.

I'll probably just wait until the expansion to return though, it'll have a bunch more updates by then too.

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AC Shadows looks pretty damn good, will definitely play it later this year.

That was a good trailer, happy last gen is being ditched finally, November 15th tho, ugh...That's going to be near Avowed isn't it...

Ryuu96 said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

2nd half of 2024 is simply ridiculous at this stage.

They should delay Towerborne into Q1 if they can't get it out in June-August.

If they didn't stupidly call Flight Sim 2024 I would even suggest pushing that back to Q1 25.

I'd be disappointed if Avowed/Indiana Jones slipped into Q1 though, Lol.

Why jinxing it... WHY!!

I am so hyped for both of those games :) I really hope they are not delayed man

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The only reason I still have a Series X is because of its exclusive games. I'm really looking forward to Hellblade, Avowed, Indiana Jones, and Fable.

I'm also still playing Forza Horizon and Gears.

Once these titles also start releasing on PlayStation, I'm definitely selling my Series X and will just play them on PlayStation or Switch 2. For me, a console without exclusive must-play games is just not interesting at all.

In fact, it would be very beneficial for me if Microsoft went completely multiplatform.

I haven't subscribed to Game Pass since the beginning of the year, so that doesn't really matter to me.

Ryuu96 said:
VersusEvil said:

Still no Pre-load for Hellblade 2 and not a midnight launch .. playable 9am in the UK, the Ls keep on fucking coming for Xbox Christ all mighty.

9am > 12am.

Got to sleep bro, Lol.

I wake up at 6am tho 🥺

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

Imaginedvl said:
Ryuu96 said:

2nd half of 2024 is simply ridiculous at this stage.

They should delay Towerborne into Q1 if they can't get it out in June-August.

If they didn't stupidly call Flight Sim 2024 I would even suggest pushing that back to Q1 25.

I'd be disappointed if Avowed/Indiana Jones slipped into Q1 though, Lol.

Why jinxing it... WHY!!

I am so hyped for both of those games :) I really hope they are not delayed man

Looking forward to Towerborne but I'm just saying, if it's a choice between Towerborne in Q4 or Q1, I would push it to Q1 even if it's ready for Q4

I have no reason to believe any of those will be delayed but the Q4 is becoming seriously stacked.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 May 2024 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.