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I see a lot of shots at Phil over today's Xbox announcements. I get it. But knowing him as a human, I know this hurts him as much as anyone else. I can't speak for all of the leadership there, but I do know him and I do know what he is likely going through.

I'm not trying to defend the decisions. I think we all get ourselves into situations that are tough and unexpected (certainly I have). It's part of the job, as is the accountability for the outcomes. But he's a good human and he cares deeply for the creative process and developers. That's my first hand experience in working closely with him for 8+ years and knowing him for 24+.

I 100% understand the anger and confusion, and I feel deeply sorry for those teams impacted today and over the last few months. I didn't agree with every decision he made at Xbox, and I think that was pretty clear, but I do believe in his product leadership and I know how hard these decisions can be.

Xbox could have a very bright future. I hope they are able to realizes it and all of the teams have an incredible experience together. It's certainly a tough time that needs great clarity into what the plan ahead is and how gamers everywhere can be excited for it.

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True and nobody will believe a word for Aaron Greenberg, Xbox's Gaming Marketing Lead, Lol.

I'm going to have to look deeper into PC but the Xbox console is more than ever just a piece of plastic that plays games I like from developers I love, what I mean by that, I'll still likely play Xbox for the near future and I'm still excited by a lot of Xbox's announced titles (Hellblade II, Avowed, Fable, The Outer Worlds 2, Indiana Jones, Clockwork Revolution, Blade, Elder Scrolls, Forza Horizon, Halo, Gears, etc.) but the overarching Xbox leadership above those brilliant developers, I am incredibly angry at and my faith in them is ruined, I think Phil, Booty and Aaron need to step down.

There's amazing developers at these studios and they are who I'm going to focus on trying to support, not Xbox, that's why I sort of want to change the name to something else, not sure what, I don't like the Empire part of the name now, but honestly I don't even think I want to be OP of this thread anymore, I just want to go and play good games and not be a fan of a specific platform anymore or feel like I'm some free marketing hoe for Microsoft while they pull shit like this.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 May 2024

It just feels fucking cruel, evil.

If they divested I wouldn't even be this mad.

How much are they saving by closing instead of divesting?

Give them a fucking chance at least, if it doesn't work out then fine but at least they had that chance.

We all went on about how GP was the best deal in gaming and how it was gonna save Xbox and make Xbox a compelling system and here we fucking are;

1. Second worst selling Xbox ever
2. Game Pass starting to decline

If this was how it was going to turn out where some of my favourite studios are at risk of closing if they don’t release profitable games whilst AT THE SAME TIME completely cannibalising any sales they could have got because GP then fuck me … GP was a fucking disease and I wish I never supported it.

 Personally not playing another game through GP, will go back to purchasing all my games. 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 07 May 2024

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

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Ryuu96 said:

True and nobody will believe a word for Aaron Greenberg, Xbox's Gaming Marketing Lead, Lol.

I haven't trusted Greenberg since he claimed Quantum Break was a success, while Remedy was at the same saying they were waiting for a sequel greenlight from Xbox.

Xbox says some employees will shift to other studios but I wonder how many and who would even want to.

Harvey being moved to any other studio would be a demotion as well.

Ryuu96 said:

I'm going to have to look deeper into PC but the Xbox console is more than ever just a piece of plastic that plays games I like from developers I love, what I mean by that, I'll still likely play Xbox for the near future and I'm still excited by a lot of Xbox's announced titles (Hellblade II, Avowed, Fable, The Outer Worlds 2, Indiana Jones, Clockwork Revolution, Blade, Elder Scrolls, Forza Horizon, Halo, Gears, etc.) but the overarching Xbox leadership above those brilliant developers, I am incredibly angry at and my faith in them is ruined, I think Phil, Booty and Aaron need to step down.

There's amazing developers at these studios and they are who I'm going to focus on trying to support, not Xbox, that's why I sort of want to change the name to something else, not sure what, I don't like the Empire part of the name now, but honestly I don't even think I want to be OP of this thread anymore, I just want to go and play good games and not be a fan of a specific platform anymore or feel like I'm some free marketing hoe for Microsoft while they pull shit like this.

This was the biggest reason why I 100% made the switch to PC in 2018. PC gaming has always played a big part of my gaming life but I always had an Xbox for the amazing experiences that I got, especially the likes of Halo. Even some of those on Xbox One. Then in 2018 when Xbox decided to fully support PC in 2018 and they purchased Obsidian and inXile, I decided to fully make the switch. There are so many studios and IPs that Xbox owns that made up so many of my gaming memories that I knew I would still be able to enjoy on PC. 

NateDrake said:

Tango closure is the sole one that doesn't add up. The rest you can understand/justify in a business sense. Tango, though? No.

NateDrake said:

Arkane... we need to see the percentage of impact. If they move a significant amount to nearby studios (iD/Machine) then Arkane impact wouldn't net too strong of a reaction. Tango is the primary driver of the reactions, so far, as Tango's closure makes no sense.


He has a point, I don't think the reaction would be anywhere near this bad if Tango wasn't on the list, in a shitty business sense you can justify Arkane by saying Austin released both a poor product and a big flop, alongside that, Arkane still exists in Lyon, it is still a shitty thing made especially shitty after Phil's comment about Austin being able to get a 2nd chance but it's understand from a business perspective.

But Tango, sure HFR may have flopped but it likely cost less than Redfall with a smaller team than Redfall, based in Japan where salaries are lower than Texas and despite it flopping, it was a critical success which won dozens of awards, it was great for Xbox's brand, it was great for Game Pass brand, it was ripe for transmedia potential with a TV Show, it felt like the start of a new franchise and it had only just released on PlayStation so if it flopped, give it a little more marketing + time and it still hadn't released on Switch.

Tango's closure just makes no damn sense.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 May 2024