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NateDrake said:

Tango closure is the sole one that doesn't add up. The rest you can understand/justify in a business sense. Tango, though? No.

NateDrake said:

Arkane... we need to see the percentage of impact. If they move a significant amount to nearby studios (iD/Machine) then Arkane impact wouldn't net too strong of a reaction. Tango is the primary driver of the reactions, so far, as Tango's closure makes no sense.


He has a point, I don't think the reaction would be anywhere near this bad if Tango wasn't on the list, in a shitty business sense you can justify Arkane by saying Austin released both a poor product and a big flop, alongside that, Arkane still exists in Lyon, it is still a shitty thing made especially shitty after Phil's comment about Austin being able to get a 2nd chance but it's understand from a business perspective.

But Tango, sure HFR may have flopped but it likely cost less than Redfall with a smaller team than Redfall, based in Japan where salaries are lower than Texas and despite it flopping, it was a critical success which won dozens of awards, it was great for Xbox's brand, it was great for Game Pass brand, it was ripe for transmedia potential with a TV Show, it felt like the start of a new franchise and it had only just released on PlayStation so if it flopped, give it a little more marketing + time and it still hadn't released on Switch.

Tango's closure just makes no damn sense.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 May 2024