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If anything, Creative Assembly create the more hardcore RTS games than Relic does.

Microsoft does own Rise of Nations but I’m curious if it’s StarCraft! Unlikely but if Blizzard doesn’t want anything to do with the IP, then MS literally has an RTS studio.

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Relic Entertainment - Halo Wars 3 and Elder Scrolls: Something.

Halo Wars 3 will have land battles and space battles, although Idk what setting, I would honestly prefer Halo Wars: Forerunner Era cause that shit would be wild, the space battles would be insanity, Humans vs Forerunners vs Flood. It'd be a story of defeat ultimately, half the game could be played from the perspective of the humans and the final half from the perspective of Forerunners.

It'd also be amazing to command the flood in PVP near the peak of their power.

Elder Scrolls could be a dragon break timeline, the Deadric Princes are seeping into the world, the races of Tamriel are at war.

PVP mode where you can summon this bastard.

Or this bastard.

Or any Daedric Prince and command their armies.

On second thought, maybe set it during the Merethic Era so we can command this bozo as well and his dragon army.

Imagine commanding this dude of all the Daedric Princes to choose from.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 March 2024

Took me an extra week to finish Unicorn Overlord. Wasn't expecting the game to be quite that dense, but I also took my time with it (I got obssessed at one point of beating all the collosseum battles while still 10+ levels below all the teams).

Finally got to start Dragon's Dogma II last night. Had a couple hiccups at first-- didin't realise how gimpy my character's knees would look while running, after a couple hours I decided to just restart fresh, only to realise there's no option to just start a new game from the main menu. So I had to quit the game and delete all save data, which luckily I hadn't done much anyway.

Definitely some notable gameplay differences from the first Dragon's Dogma, mostly that it feels more kinetic. I'm playing Thief for now until I unlock Mystic Spearhand, and my first thought was I'd try to abuse Biting Wind/Cutting Wind to get through hordes of enemies like the first game, but the first time I tried it I got immediately hit mid-action then stunlocked into oblivion. So I'm guessing it doesn't give you full invincibility frames like it seemed to before. Also I tried to leap-frog up the back of an ogre, but physics for some reason get really wonky when trying that and the character kind of floats/spins mid-air (like that shooting stars meme), before just falling down; but the manual climbing actually seems much faster than the first game so the leap-frogging isn't all that necessary anymore.

So outside of a few rough edges I'm absolutely loving it. The long-distance travelling doesn't bother me at all, I actually really embrace the ideas. I never felt like I was in need of ferrystones in the first game. The game made it clear you should plan your journeys accordingly so that's exactly what I did. Even moreso with this game, I love that it actually incentivises you to slow down and ride the ox-carts for long journeys. It makes the game world feel much more immersive, since it's literally giving you the opportunity to slowly soak in the environments which all look beautiful and detailed. These were the kind of things I imagined Cyberpunk 2077 would push, but when that game launched the train ride was literally just a loading screen; only recently did they add an actual train ride, but even that is basically just a glorified cutscene with no control or interactivity (basically the Mass Effect elevator but with a better view).

You know what DD2 needs? A fucking roll move default for all classes, Lol. I get a bit annoyed when I get dive stabbed like 3-4 times in a row, I just put up a magic shield now and constantly keep it active so I don't have to bother awkwardly running around enemies to "dodge" them now, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 March 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

You know what DD2 needs? A fucking roll move default for all classes, Lol. I get a bit annoyed when I get dive stabbed like 3-4 times in a row, I just put up a magic shield now and constantly keep it active so I don't have to bother awkwardly running around enemies to "dodge" them now, Lol.

Not every game has to be Soulslike. Just play to the strengths of your class instead, or play a Thief.

Shaunodon said:
Ryuu96 said:

You know what DD2 needs? A fucking roll move default for all classes, Lol. I get a bit annoyed when I get dive stabbed like 3-4 times in a row, I just put up a magic shield now and constantly keep it active so I don't have to bother awkwardly running around enemies to "dodge" them now, Lol.

Not every game has to be Soulslike. Just play to the strengths of your class instead, or play a Thief.

Man, I ain't ever touched a Soulslike game

But I do that now, I just activate my magic shield before every encounter and I just spam that, but Idk, would be more fun if I can roll or Idk like a "dodge" jump to the side, Lol. Thief doesn't interest me, I was Fighter but since changing to Mystic Spearhand I haven't really wanted to use anything else, I'd just have liked if Mystic Spearhand was more "agile" and a bit more wild in movement.

It has a really cool teleport-like spear attack though that I constantly use cause it's fun, Lol.

And fighting with a long spear just looks badass.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 March 2024

Sticking to one/two class is a no-no, augments are one of the most important things in DD. I’m currently on my 5th vocation (Mystic Spearhand) with augments from 4 of those, makes a difference. Whilst I agree thief is a decent class (purely due to its rank 8 augment and maister teaching which consumes stamina but makes you auto dog) MSH has easily the most destructive melee maister teachings, massive stamina usage but it obliterates foes.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

I was gonna add this point to the end of my other post, but it was getting so long and this is also a response to something people were mentioning here a few weeks ago.

With Japanese games I almost always choose the native language if it gives the option. Not that there's many cases where the English dub is notably bad, but at best it's usually still worse than the Japanese dub and often won't set the same dramatic tone-- like how the original Xenoblade is known for being almost laughably British and over-the-top.

Even diving into anime for a second. People always remember Dragon Ball Z for it's notable 'hype' scenes and being able to make you feel like an excited kid again. But watching the series again with the Japanese voice acting and OST choices-- this Gohan scene (you know the one) the quality of the voice acting means they can actually emphasise how sinister Cell is, how sincere Android 16's appeal to Gohan is as a supposed lifeless robot, all while the rage subtly and quietly builds up inside Gohan before exploding; the OST is only there to compliment the voices rather than overpower them. There's a greater degree of emotional depth, assuming you've bought into the story and characters already.

Dragon's Dogma II is one of the few cases where I'd say you almost have to play with the English dub. It's been half of what's made the experience so great for me at least. They're not only really good quality, they're also a perfect thematic fit for this kind of setting, which seems heavily inspired by British/Arthurian style fantasy. Especially when it comes to the Pawns, they will probably be the voices you're listening to the most often, and being able to understand them clearly mid-gameplay feels pretty important so far. But also just for hearing bits and pieces when you're passing NPCs, to know which of them may have something important to talk about etc..

So basically Japanese dub is always the preference for Japanese games that want you to be immersed by the story and characters, but for a game like Dragon's Dogma II that wants you to be immersed in the world and uses dialogue as a direct gameplay tool, this is when an English dub actually feels necessary.

Starting to feel like 80-90% of the Dragon's Dogma II playerbase is maining Mystic Spearhand. I won't let it stop me for now, but I really hope they plan to add more vocations in the near future. Warlock should be the most obvious-- since they made a purple/pink hybrid vocation, but don't have a purple or pink basic vocation yet -- but a shapeshifting Druid vocation would be great too.