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As a Consumer Would You Rather?

Traditional Console + Everything Exclusive 20 42.55%
Xbox/PC Hybrid + Access t... 27 57.45%

Yoooooo the opening of High on Life had me dead!!!

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gtotheunit91 said:

Sega announced Sonic Frontiers sold 2.5+ million copies in its first month! Not bad

Pretty surprised at that - I wonder how that is compared to Forces, Adventure 1/2, and Generations.

Dead or Alive 5 and 6 did as much as I could. Pretty fun series. Not as good as MK, but I do like it better than SC in terms of the gameplay. Heard we not getting another though. :/

Might start High on Life! Road to 70!">"><img src="

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I played some High on Life last night for an hour or so and beat the first boss. I'm really enjoying it so far and it certainly helps that I enjoy Justin Roiland's humor. It might annoy some if they don't care for it.

Witcher 3 tonight. Can’t wait.

High on Life is pretty good.

Odd. I'm not seeing any major outlet YouTube reviews, like IGN/GameSpot for High on Life and on metacritic, there's only 7 reviews. And that's just for the PC version. There's no console reviews for Series X/S or XOne on metacritic right now.

I really hope mods eventually come to Xbox for MCC. Console players deserve to experience these mods!! Plankton as the game announcer is awesome!