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Zippy6 said:

Tom Henderson is saying that CoD 2025 does not currently have a main developer and that Sledgehammer Games basically refused as they didn't want a repeat of MW3.

Infinity Ward are doing 2026, Sledgehammer is doing 2027.

He says he now expects 2025 to fall to Treyarch but honestly they should just have a year off then basically have a 1-year dev cycle CoD.

They can refuse? Wtf. Lmao. Love them for that, 

They're so close...

  • Treyarch in 2024 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.
  • 2025 = ?
  • Infinity Ward in 2026 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.
  • Sledgehammer in 2027 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.

Either Sledgehammer or Treyarch are going to get screwed...

If it had to be one, it should be Treyarch, as they are huge (over 600 employees) and Sledgehammer has already been treated shitty enough, Treyarch is also the best COD developer.

Sadly...Maybe it's time to get a 4th developer on CODs rotation, at least the release schedules will be smoother and every entry will be on a 4 year schedule. I don't think they'll skip a year but 2025 is one where they could get away with it I think, Treyarch 2024 will be huge and still played in 2025, they could just release a major expansion instead for that COD, I don't think Battlefield is anytime soon either so no risk of losing any fans.

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Dulfite said:

One thing I'm now fascinated by is the notion that, if MS has great success (profit-wise) of launching games on PS5, with Sony already admiting their business model is outdated compared to MS's, how long until Sony follows suit and releases brand new PS5 games on Series S/X?

In a couple years, PS5/NS2 players may be playing Halo and Xbox Series/NS2 users may be playing Spiderman. I would love this!

Xbox hardware will be too low on numbers for them to bother by then but I do think Sony will do day one PC eventually for all titles, or at least, the timed exclusivity window will be significantly cut, there's too much money to be made in PC and AAA development costs keep increasing and in the end, PC players will be the ultimate winners and getting everything.

Except Nintendo titles, Lol.

Zippy6 said:
Dulfite said:

One thing I'm now fascinated by is the notion that, if MS has great success (profit-wise) of launching games on PS5, with Sony already admiting their business model is outdated compared to MS's, how long until Sony follows suit and releases brand new PS5 games on Series S/X?

In a couple years, PS5/NS2 players may be playing Halo and Xbox Series/NS2 users may be playing Spiderman. I would love this!

The reason MS are looking to other platforms is because of Xbox Hardware sales. If they were going to sell ~120m consoles like Sony/Nintendo this wouldn't be on the table. Sony can ignore 40-50m Xbox consoles a lot easier than Xbox can ignore 120m PlayStation consoles. So no I don't see Sony following suit. Simply because they have a lot more to lose and a lot less to gain from doing it than MS.

If that was entirely true, I highly doubt Sony wouldn't be investing so much on PC. Who would've thought that not only would PC be getting franchises such as Uncharted, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank, Spider-Man, etc. but even Sony's multiplayer games day in date with PC. Even the Until Dawn remaster, a single player game, seems to be coming to PC day in date with console. 

Although I don't personally see Sony going much further than that, the eventual potential is certainly there. NS2 moreso than Xbox though lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
Shaunodon said:

Truly represents the current state of Xbox; just when the thread needs moderation and clear guidance the most the thread owner peaces out.

There's from what I can see, two Mods in this thread today, Pi-Guy and Machia, the latter is a common poster in Empire and long term Xbox fan, in addition to that, I stated earlier last week that I'm considering making G2TheUnit a co-owner of the thread if possible and see him as my future successor/already defacto in charge when I'm not around so it's not like I completely abandoned you guys.

I've already said, I wanted to take more breaks this year, at least from Gaming, for the past 5+ years I've been posting non-stop in this thread, every single day, updating it with news, all for your benefits and because I wanted to discuss gaming news with you guys, but I realise now I've been long talking about games more than I actually play them. Sometimes I'd waste hours having debates about shit I really don't care about, I don't think it's my job to handhold every user in this thread or try to bullshit them out of feeling a certain way.

For the past 2+ years I've been non-stop keeping up to date with the Russia/Ukraine situation which is more important than this thread as well but I'm getting drained and have been coming close to abandoning this thread completely over the past few months. Or at least, abandoning trying to find news for the thread, and I'm not talking about today but often has the reaction to certain things been eyerolling dooming, clickbait trash and negativity bait.

Now we come on to today, the reason I took a break recently was because of layoffs, not because of the current news, but because it was just constant negativity about the industry I love and one of my few escapes which I find pure joy in, now I can usually deal with the hyperbolic dooming and shitty attitude of gamers but the layoffs have just been depressing and I wanted break(s), I just want to have fun playing a game and then talking about a game.

What guidance am I meant to give you? Lol. I genuinely don't know what you want from me. I understand why people are upset about the current news but as for me, I'll likely keep buying the console as long as they keep making them, Game Pass exists and the IPs are timed exclusive and then I'll eventually switch to PC, I know many will not like that response, what more am I meant to say? Try to shove it down your throats that it's how everyone should feel? Lol.

I've always doubted my tenure versus Jaywood's as well, I've always partly wondered why Jaywood was so good at garnering activity to the thread compared to ours where sometimes I will end up posting 10+ comments in a row with zero responses and truth be told, that did frustrate me and I felt at times why was I bothering, am I just being used as a news bot, I want to actually talk gaming with people, then the negativity news comes and the thread gets 100+ comments.

I have no say over Xbox's business, I don't know ultimately if this will be the right or wrong decision, I've a feeling they will make more profit from this move in the long term but it may come at the cost of Xbox hardware but I've been preparing myself for that eventuality for years now, I do still expect another console for next gen but maybe not one after, ultimately, I care most about the games themselves and will go where they go (followed by Game Pass) and have cared less and less about dedicated console hardware overtime.

Nevertheless I felt guilty about abandoning the thread, I've always felt guilty about considering taking breaks, because I felt like the thread would need me, to keep the peace, to keep spirits up, to post the news, but shit I've been doing this for years and if I don't take a break then you'll definitely lose me permanently and that's exactly why I've positioned G2 as a co-owner, partly because I would feel guilt about taking a break.

We still know so little about Xbox's future plans, what titles will be multiplatform, how long they'll be exclusive, what their future hardware plans are, etc. Personally, I'd love if they made a sort of "mini-PC" box which runs a stripped back Windows OS focused solely on Gaming, finally combining the Xbox Store and Windows Store as one, making it easier for developers to port to and support, allowing me to buy a "PC" like device without having to educate myself on a bunch of PC specs, tech, etc. Microsoft does it for me and maybe even opening it up to Steam Store.

The respect I have for Ryuu is profound, and I must say that you have done a fantastic job here. I don't comment here like I did back in the day, but the reason this place was and is so special to me, and always will be, is because of the relationships built. Its not just about a box and it never has been. We all share a common love for gaming, and this thread blossomed far beyond that in large part because of Ryuu. 

So Ryuu, thank you! Youve always been a spark for this community, youve done a phenomenal job, and most importantly, youre a good person. Im positive everybody here is cheering you on as you focus more on yourself. I wish you the utmost happiness :)


konnichiwa said:
crissindahouse said:

Xbox hardware sales won't increase but the community playing Xbox games will. I mean, I don't own an Xbox console anymore and I'm still an Xbox user who's in the Xbox ecosystem so why should the Xbox ecosystem shrink when more people can play Xbox games? 

Sometimes I have the feeling it personally hurts you guys if more people can play the same games. You lose a console you need for your games, you don't lose the games. 

In theory yeah but the Halo community as an example Xbox + PC is way smaller than the halo community Xbox 360 days.

The Minecraft community on xbox isn't that happy either

Also in general most would not refer to you as an Xbox user but a PC user/PC gamer and you probably know yourself that a lot of Xbox console gamers in MP  did not like to play with PC gamers.  As a Fervent Gears player I was returned to the main menu countless time when some team mates saw the PC icon in the enemy team and left the game. At some point it became so bad that The Coallition turned the option to see if someone was a console player or PC player off.

In my opinion Xbox is the console that people invested in, their gamerscore their friends and so on, and why some like Klobrille and others saw a bright future, they realise now that it isn't that bright and I guess they feel devasted.  The Xbox ecosystem will probably die, MS at some point will probably stop with the hardware, gamerscore, friendslist, the games may continue but how can we be sure?  

I couldn't care less what other call me. I'm an Xbox gamer since the first day the first Xbox released. And I'm still an Xbox gamer when I use the Xbox ecosystem which Game Pass is a big part of. You could rather not call me an Xbox gamer because I just don't find the time to play much but Xbox ecosystem is Xbox ecosystem, with or without the console to play the damn games.

Klobrille will still get the same games he always talks about. Nothing changed for him except that people on Playstation will probably get them as well. If it is so devastating to him to hear that he will still get the same games but not only on Xbox then well, let him be devastated. I guess then it wasn't really only about the games like always said. 

Not sure what the Halo example is supposed to tell me. The franchise didn't shrink because of the games also releasing on PC nor does the much smaller player base tell us that it still isn't bigger with PC as it would be without. The MCC sold like 6-10m units on Steam... Forza Horizon exploded also with the help of PC sales. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 05 February 2024

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JRPGfan said:
Ryuu96 said:

Think this is a reasonable analysis of the situation.

Well, I'm not sure it was entirely to do with Game Pass, I think Microsoft just didn't want to wait for 10 or so years for a "maybe we'll improve our console situation" over the tried and proven profit sources. It is what it is, the CFOs won the battle. COD being exclusive of course like you said would make zero financial sense. AAA costs are too much, the small Xbox install-base. Console exclusivity limits their growth via acquisitions. Their Q1 Xbox hardware projections were ~600k IIRC...That's Wii U levels of bad.

They basically fire sale'd Xbox last holiday and still sold meh and under their expectations. Starfield barely provided a bump. Meanwhile look at how amazing Sea of Thieves for example sells on Steam, Xbox IP are often very strong sellers on Steam so it's not like these games don't have large consumer appeal, it's more than Xbox doesn't. It has hit a ceiling where coupled with the costs of AAA development, it's starting to make more sense to go more multiplatform. At least, that's what I think is happening.

I still think there are ways they could make Xbox hardware an option, and also ways they could garner developer support, but they would require drastic changes to both how Xbox creates their hardware and their entire financial system (I.E...Probably have to cut that 30% for developers down to like 15%) + Make the Xbox Store/Windows Store one unified store, something like making the Xbox hardware basically a PC which runs a Windows Gaming OS with an Xbox UI...Something like that, I'm spit balling ideas here but as I said they'd require huge changes.

I've often wondered why MS didnt include a dual-boot option for the xbox consoles.
Allow them to run a full windows version, that you can boot into from the console OS.
So you could swap back and forth.

That would be another "check box" for console sales.
This isnt just a console, its also a desktop pc for your kid, that needs to do x,y,z school work ect ect.

Atleast I feel like that would be another, sales argument.

What I was thinking and Idk if it would even be possible.

The Windows team make a stripped back Windows OS for Gaming but with an Xbox UI (and allows other stores such as Steam). They finally combine the development environment of Windows Store + Xbox Store into one universal store, make the porting easier for developers from Steam. Obvs Game Pass is a major focus. Maybe cut the store split for developers from 30% down to like 15-20% to make up for the less overall consoles sold. In addition to that, can have a handheld option (Phil recently liked a post about Xbox making a handheld device) which uses the same OS/Store, etc.

One factor why I am reluctant to get into PC gaming is my lack of knowledge surrounding it, if Microsoft just built the hardware for me I'd be happy to fine with buying that, Lol. Plus it'll still feel like Xbox with the custom Xbox UI.

A call of duty studio refusing to make a call of duty game is crazy to me lol. Whats going on.

Ryuu96 said:
Zippy6 said:

Tom Henderson is saying that CoD 2025 does not currently have a main developer and that Sledgehammer Games basically refused as they didn't want a repeat of MW3.

Infinity Ward are doing 2026, Sledgehammer is doing 2027.

He says he now expects 2025 to fall to Treyarch but honestly they should just have a year off then basically have a 1-year dev cycle CoD.

They can refuse? Wtf. Lmao. Love them for that, 

They're so close...

  • Treyarch in 2024 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.
  • 2025 = ?
  • Infinity Ward in 2026 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.
  • Sledgehammer in 2027 = 4 Years Since Last Entry.

Either Sledgehammer or Treyarch are going to get screwed...

If it had to be one, it should be Treyarch, as they are huge (over 600 employees) and Sledgehammer has already been treated shitty enough, Treyarch is also the best COD developer.

Sadly...Maybe it's time to get a 4th developer on CODs rotation, at least the release schedules will be smoother and every entry will be on a 4 year schedule. I don't think they'll skip a year but 2025 is one where they could get away with it I think, Treyarch 2024 will be huge and still played in 2025, they could just release a major expansion instead for that COD, I don't think Battlefield is anytime soon either so no risk of losing any fans.

I think their only hope of CoD 2025 not turning out like MW3 at this point (assuming they don't delay it) would be to make Treyarch lead dev, and then have people from basically every Activision studio assisting them. So something like:

  • Treyarch- 200 of their 600 devs on CoD 2025 throughout 2024, 400 of them on CoD 2025 once CoD 2024 releases (the rest starting on CoD 2028)
  • Infinity Ward- 150 of their 500+ devs on CoD 2025, the rest on CoD 2026
  • Sledgehammer- 50 of their 370 devs on CoD 2025, the rest on CoD 2027 (with 30% of the studio recently laid off, they can't afford to spare too many)
  • Raven Software- 80 of their 360 devs on CoD 2025, the rest on CoD Warzone and assistance on CoD 2024, CoD 2026, and CoD 2027
  • High Moon- 150 of their 250 devs on CoD 2025, the rest assisting on other in-development CoD games
  • Toys For Bob- 80 of their 150 devs on CoD 2025, the rest on early development of one of Xbox's platformer IP's maybe
  • Beenox- 200 of their 460 devs on CoD 2025, the rest working on something else, like early development of one of Xbox's platformer IP's
  • Demonware- 150 of their 270 devs on CoD 2025, the rest assisting on other in-development CoD games

Like that is pretty much their only hope other than a delay, Treyarch is going to need alot of assistance to develop CoD 2025 in less than 2 years. 

jason1637 said:

A call of duty studio refusing to make a call of duty game is crazy to me lol. Whats going on.

Kotick no longer there to crack out the whip

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Official news next week. That's gonna be a long wait. Back to AC Odyssey for me.