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Ok, then keep them there, we good here. Thanks.">"><img src="

Around the Network
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Square is not a first party to begin with.

It seemed odd to see so few Xbox fans thinking about Sony games like God of War, Spider-Man, or Horizon.
And Stellar Blade is also third party.

I know this discussion started with a reply to Konnichiwa.
Well I am writing about my impressions from comments on ResetEra and Twitter.

Xbox fans are not thinking about God of War, Spider-Man, or Horizon because they have no reason to expect those games will be on Xbox.

Square Enix is a third party developer and they have put lots of their games on Xbox before. So it's reasonable that some Xbox gamers can be sad when they do not get a game by Square Enix.

Uhh did SegaHeart evil twin make an account or something lol

Zippy6 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Square is not a first party to begin with.

It seemed odd to see so few Xbox fans thinking about Sony games like God of War, Spider-Man, or Horizon.
And Stellar Blade is also third party.

I know this discussion started with a reply to Konnichiwa.
Well I am writing about my impressions from comments on ResetEra and Twitter.

Xbox fans are not thinking about God of War, Spider-Man, or Horizon because they have no reason to expect those games will be on Xbox.

Square Enix is a third party developer and they have put lots of their games on Xbox before. So it's reasonable that some Xbox gamers can be sad when they do not get a game by Square Enix.

Hey, it would be really nice if they are just complaining out of sadness that they are not getting what they want as you say😢

EspadaGrim said:

Uhh did SegaHeart evil twin make an account or something lol

Needs more pigtails and threads about impregnating his cousin. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
shikamaru317 said:

What? When did I ever say I was a Japanese dev? What do Spider-Man, God of War, and Stellar Blade have to do with the Japanese games situation on Xbox (other than the fact that Stellar Blade was originally supposed to release on Xbox back when it was known as Project Eve, before Sony bought the publishing rights in order to make it into an exclusive, and it is Korean, not Japanese)?

Why would Xbox fans not be annoyed that the platform they bought for $500 is the main platform excluded by JP devs? How is that creepy?

I think I replied properly.
Of course I can't reply to everything.

Me stating that JP devs skip Xbox for ports more often than they skip PS5 and Switch does not mean I'm a JP developer myself, I'm just stating a simple fact. A list of just some of the JP games so far this generation that have yet to release on Xbox:

  • FF7 Remake Intergrade
  • Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Collection
  • SaGa: Emerald Beyond
  • Live A Live remake
  • Trials of Mana remake
  • Valkyrie Elysium
  • Star Ocean the Second Story R
  • All 4 Atelier games this gen (Ryza 2, Sophie 3, Ryza 3, Marie Remake)
  • Granblue Fantasy Relink
  • All 3 Legend of Heroes games in the new story arc (Trails Through Daybreak 1 and 2, and the upcoming Kai No Kiseki- Farewell O Zemuria)
  • Ys X- Nordics
  • Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection
  • Disgaea 7
  • Neo: The World Ends with You
  • Fate/Samurai Remnant
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 05 February 2024

Death of Xbox.">"><img src="

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Square is not a first party to begin with.

It seemed odd to see so few Xbox fans thinking about Sony games like God of War, Spider-Man, or Horizon.
And Stellar Blade is also third party.

I know this discussion started with a reply to Konnichiwa.
Well I am writing about my impressions from comments on ResetEra and Twitter.

That is the problem, Square are a 3rd party publisher but often work with Sony on exclusives.

I can only speak for myself, but I like several Sony 1st party series including Horizon, Uncharted, God of War, and Until Dawn. But those are PS5 exclusives which will also release on PC eventually, they aren't coming to Xbox anytime soon, if ever. Not sure how they pertain to this discussion about Japanese games on Xbox.

shikamaru317 said:
JRPGfan said:

They spent $80-100 bn on studios, that do multiplatform games.
If they don't continue being multiplatform, their earnings (the studios they bought, drop drastically, esp if its day and date on gamepass).

Basically the debt costs, and the throwing money way, tactic (day and date on gamepass, instead)..... would add a huge financial burden on xbox, that there gameing side cannot support. 

This was a very likley outcome, when they decided to buy activision blizzard ect.
Ontop of that, they now have commitments, to make certain of these games availiable to other platforms for 11+ years anyways.

None of that answers the question though, how does Xbox exclusives going multiplatform benefit the loyal fans who spent $500 on a console in order to play exclusives, that now will no longer have those exclusives? How are they supposed to not feel cheated by this move?

You still have access to gamepass on a console.... something the other two, likely never will have.
And gamepass is going to become much much better, now that they have those extra studios.

Spade said:

Death of Xbox.