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Think I have mostly seen everything.

Honestly if it was just Zenimax line-up, I think they would have been fine with that, it ain't like it hasn't happened before (NTKRNL). It sucks for the teams at Zenimax but it has positive PR implications for Xbox in that a lot of really awesome shit has just been revealed which creates excitement for the Xbox brand.

However the danger is that these documents are from 2020 (pre-Xbox acquisition) and as a result, a few things listed could be wrong, Tango may have decided to not go forward with Ghostwire Tokyo 2, MachineGames may have decided to fully focus on Indiana Jones, ID Software may have decided to go with Quake Reboot instead of another Doom, especially after finalising Doom with the DLC.

I do think Oblivion Remake is safe and happening though, I think the Fallout 3 Remake has a high chance of happening still. The line-up/release schedule is obviously junk and not worth paying too much attention to other than it's a baseline of what order to expect the titles in but since this document is outdated by 3 years we could have scenarios where some titles suffer bigger setbacks than others.

So while there's excitement for these plans, the plans may not be 100% accurate.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 September 2023

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So ARM decision is about to be done by the end of this year it seems. Smart choice as it will give plenty of time to work on B/C before 2028 launch if they go through with it. I'm a bit surprised about how low MS console sales projections are. Xbox Series slowed down a lot in a last year but it can still hit the 30m as soon as early next year which is their projection for late 2024.


derpysquirtle64 said:

So ARM decision is about to be done by the end of this year it seems. Smart choice as it will give plenty of time to work on B/C before 2028 launch if they go through with it. I'm a bit surprised about how low MS console sales projections are. Xbox Series slowed down a lot in a last year but it can still hit the 30m as soon as early next year which is their projection for late 2024.

Honestly, I noticed this a lot and it's also why I don't think these plans being leaked are as "devastating" as some are acting.

A lot of it is "maybe" or "if" or "this or that" and things that have been undecided, I'm sure Microsoft won't be happy but they didn't reveal too much unexpected, Microsoft already told us they aren't doing a "pro" console but a digital only Series X was kind of obvious...The release dates for Zenimax are severely wrong and doesn't include XGS stuff, etc. Sony probably knows some of this but in vaguer terms.

Sony won't be able to react to anything in the 1-3 year future, or change the PS5 Pro (and why would they? Xbox is only releasing a refresh, as they already told us they wouldn't do a Pro). The big problem is them knowing their NEXT GEN plans but that is still vague enough (maybe 2027/maybe 2028) (maybe this spec/maybe that spec) and by then we may have even better specs to pick from.

It's a headache, a fucking annoyance for Microsoft and some stuff is bad for Sony knowing but I see nothing fatal leaked. Mid-gen refreshes were already rumoured, videogame dates are unreliable when listed from 3 years ago, next gen was already rumoured and expected for 2028. Big company wanting to buy big company is not a surprise at all. Specs can change 7 years out, Lol.

Sony knows some things about what they're planning but they probably had a good idea anyway of the general plans. Some of the documents are also outdated and not true as of today, there are things listed which have been cancelled such as Keystone alongside the recent developments of significant scaling back in xCloud and the Ubisoft deal.

Microsoft may change some of their plans but they are largely vague enough that they could still move ahead with Sony knowing some things like general release timelines. Might have to just accept it. Two silver linings is that they now have consumer feedback before even announcing anything, Lol. The other is that if it's FTC's fault then I could see multiple scenarios where future Microsoft acquisitions just got a whole lot easier, Lol.

Having said that, Microsoft should absolutely take the FTC down if it's their fault.

Like honestly what is Sony meant to do with this?

Xbox might use ARM64 or x64 (Zen 6). They'll use "Big Cores and Little Cores" CPUs. The GPU will be "Custom Design" or "Off-The Shelf" It's too vague for them to do anything with. "Ah yes, we know that Xbox will use Big Core and Little Core CPUs!" "We know that they'll use a Custom Design! But we don't know what design!"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 September 2023

Imagine Oblivion getting a remaster before Halo 3 Anniversary happening SMH!!!!

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Console warring is about to get even more insufferable though.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 September 2023

When FTC asks the next company for confidential documents in a regulatory case.

I wonder if this can actually be used as a legal reason to not give FTC documents in the future.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 September 2023

Phil probably fast forwarding his retirement for Sarah :)

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 19 September 2023

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

This is what Microsoft expects the costs to be for certain titles on Game Pass.

Red Dead 2 - $5M/mth
Suicide Squad - $250M
Star Wars Jedi Survivor - $300M
Mortal Kombat 1 - $250M
Baldur's Gate 3 - $5M
Gotham Knights - $30M
Assassin's Creed Rift - $100M
GTA V - $12-$15M/mth
Dying Light 2 - $50M
LEGO Star Wars - $35M
Dragon Ball: The Breakers - $20M
Return to Moneky Island - $5M
Wreckfest 2 - $10-$14M
Just Dance - $5M
Blood Runner - $5M
Glitch Busters - $5M

Hence why they need to acquire

I'm sorry Phil but I can't get enough of these leaks, it's like E3 2.0

Ah I do feel sorry for the teams though.