Think I have mostly seen everything.
Honestly if it was just Zenimax line-up, I think they would have been fine with that, it ain't like it hasn't happened before (NTKRNL). It sucks for the teams at Zenimax but it has positive PR implications for Xbox in that a lot of really awesome shit has just been revealed which creates excitement for the Xbox brand.
However the danger is that these documents are from 2020 (pre-Xbox acquisition) and as a result, a few things listed could be wrong, Tango may have decided to not go forward with Ghostwire Tokyo 2, MachineGames may have decided to fully focus on Indiana Jones, ID Software may have decided to go with Quake Reboot instead of another Doom, especially after finalising Doom with the DLC.
I do think Oblivion Remake is safe and happening though, I think the Fallout 3 Remake has a high chance of happening still. The line-up/release schedule is obviously junk and not worth paying too much attention to other than it's a baseline of what order to expect the titles in but since this document is outdated by 3 years we could have scenarios where some titles suffer bigger setbacks than others.
So while there's excitement for these plans, the plans may not be 100% accurate.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 September 2023