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You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Lol, Xbox, I'm trying to play Starfield.

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I'm only 20 hours into Starfield and barely completed my first faction questline lol. UC Vanguard was a pretty cool questline albeit kinda predictable tbh, but the reward is totally worth it! Gonna go join the Freestar Rangers then probably do a few more main quests before joining the likes of the Crimson Fleet and Ryujin. From what I'm hearing, probably going to save Ryujin for last

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Spade said:

Crazy how many hours I got into Starfield so far. 

Skyrim on 360, I'm not sure as it didn't track, but I think it was around 110, when I played it again on Xbox one, looks like 140 ish. Fallout 4 had me at 210 hours, I remember doing a lot more with outposts in that game, plus I played all the DLC and 100% it cheevo wise. I'm guessing with DLC it will surpass Fallout 4 for me. 

After today I will hit 3 days of playtime, or 72 hours, on the in-game tracker, I'm at 67 hours right now. I'm at less than halfway point on main story, have 3 missions left on the Freestar and UC factions, have I think 6 left on Ryujin faction, still haven't started Crimson Fleet. I have been to most named outposts/settlements now and done most of the side quests in each I have been to, though looking on this list of named settlements I do still have a several left to find, the biggest among them beeing The Key, which is associated with the Crimson Fleet. I haven't touched Starship or Base designing at all as of yet, bought the first skill in each now so that I can get started on leveling them up through the challenges.

The main issue I'm having is with the incredibly slow leveling in Starfield, only at 35/100 for the level 100 achievement right now, and since there are scaling XP increases per level, leveling is only going to get slower from here, I'm already at 3k XP per level with some quests only rewarding like 100 XP for completion. I badly need levels right now for skill points as there are still many skills I need to buy, I want to get 4/4 on Stealth for that final Ryujin mission, want to put some points into reduced resource costs before I dive into outpost construction skill leveling as based on what I saw the base modules have very high resource costs, need some points for upgrading both the ship and outpost skills as I complete the challenges for them, I still have very few points in the ground combat or physical tree so I want to put a few points into those for things like more weapon damage, more damage resistance, and more health at least, I still need piloting 4 for C class ships and I want to upgrade my ship shield and weapons a bit more as well, I want to get a few more tiers of the commerce skill for better buying and selling prices, want to upgrade my carrying capacity a bit more. I think I'm just going to need to go power level for awhile, buy a bunch of high XP foods to eat, go to a planet with high level alien creatures, and then just farm the heck out of them while eating XP booster foods. 

shikamaru317 said:
VersusEvil said:

WAIT you two are not taking about the final mission for Ryuujin? And you’re struggling now? LOL RIP my peeps RIP.

Yeah, I was talking about the one where you have to go in and use the hacker's computer program. I was doing just fine up until the last floor, but then I reached a spot where there is multiple enemies patrolling including robots, and I was getting spotted every damn time, no matter how slowly I moved, even going still with the chameleon suit when I started to get noticed they would eventually get close enough to find me even while chameleon. Eventually I just gave up and ran to the end office with the computer target and Chameleoned in there until the enemies went off alert. If there is another mission like this later in the chain, I will definitely wait until I'm at 4/4 stealth skill to attempt it. 

If it makes you feel any better I did the entire quest line up till the final mission without a point in stealth or any gear/items that boosted stealth and only had to reload a few times. It was fine … until the last floor of the last mission and my hubris caught up to me 🥲

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