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Gotta agree with Jez on this one, Xbox's treatment of Minecraft is rather horrible considering how popular the IP is. This shit is getting ridiculous at this point, this makes 3 times now that Xbox console fans expected to see a graphics improvement for Minecraft only to have it torn away from them by Microsoft, the first was the Super Duper Graphics pack that Xbox themselves announced and then cancelled, next was the raytracing that was added on console only to be removed with Xbox saying it was an error, now soon after ESRB rated the game for Xbox Series creating hope the game was finally getting a native version, Xbox says that too was an error. Mojang is the biggest studio in Xbox's whole stable (at least until the ABK acquisition is approved) with 961 employees on LinkedIn (of which about 300 were hired in just the last 3 years or so), and yet Xbox can't get Mojang to devote enough development resources to make a native Xbox Series version with better graphics? Ridiculous. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 06 September 2023

Phil should be forcing them to release a native series version, it’s not acceptable we don’t have one by now.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

So because I play games how I want to play them not what twitter says I’ve still only done 2 main missions and will do the rest after I’ve done every other thing in the game :L

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

Next summer showcase!

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Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 06 September 2023

gtotheunit91 said:

Next summer showcase!

That makes sense, Indiana Jones is likely a 2025 release, and as we saw at this last Xbox Summer Showcase, Xbox is no longer doing that next 12 months games only thing. We saw several 2024 and even some possible 2025 releases at the 2023 Summer Showcase, Avowed (2024), Hellblade 2 (2024), Fable (no date, possibly late 2024 or early 2025), South of Midnight (no date but likely 2024), Clockwork Revolution (no date but likely 2025). We should see almost all 2024 and most 2025 releases at the 2024 Summer Showcases, maybe even see a few 2026 releases. 

I only say it because Noble reminded me but since Starfield I haven't thought one second about that damn ABK deal, Lol.

Like I said all along, we just needed a great game to distract us, then MS can do whatever the fuck they want in the background, Lol.