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gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

He says "midway" not "halfway" and often "midway" is used as a word to simply mean you're in the middle of doing something but it doesn't literally mean in the middle. In the UK it's often used to say "midway through" something but doesn't mean "exactly halfway through" it just means you're currently doing something.

So I'd wait for clarification on the wording, Lol.

Well, considering Todd is American and in America midway and halfway mean the same damn thing, I doubt there will be much lost in translation  

But, I would certainly still like some clarification as still that's an odd thing to say that he's midway through executive producing. I'm guessing he's half done through his specific job?

Actually if you go by the context of that statement, It only sounds like they are midway through a particular point in development but that does not translate to midpoint in the entire project.  With development, there are multiple development points and each can have a set date for completion so I really would not take his statement to really mean anything beyond the specific context he makes.

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Ryuu96 said:

Love hearing news like this. Indies succeeding on gamepass so much so that the sequels coming tot he service day one. Amazing to see.

I'm so excited for Starfield that I haven't showered in like a week.

COME ON THURSDAY!!!">"><img src="

So Sonic Frontiers... it's actually pretty good. Kinda shocked. Enjoying it more than I thought I would.">"><img src="

Spade said:

I'm so excited for Starfield that I haven't showered in like a week.


You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind