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Pierre Hintze is Cooking.

Another map added into matchmaking.

This is awesome as well.

Season 4 brought the first appearance of a placeable and scalable water object in Forge—the static water plane. Being a static object, it didn’t react to gameplay interactions such as footsteps, bullets, or explosions and was more applicable for map aesthetics. It was a big step forward for Forge, but we knew that having a reactive water plane would be the next big leap.

Next week, you’ll be able to take that leap with the addition of a scalable water plane in Forge. This new water object will react to players, vehicles, and projectiles just like it would on any of our dev maps!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 August 2023

Around the Network
DroidKnight said:

Happy Birthday @EpicRandy , You have the coolest Birthday date.

thanks but 

... have the coolest birthday.

Happy birthday to you too.

ps. If you think this day is the coolest just wait until I realize my secret plan to fix the so apparent flaw of the Gregorian calendar (which is not having a month with my name of course) 13 months (f*** the superstitious) of 28 days each. This would leave 1 day to be a special day outside of the month convention and week convention, a worldwide holiday with mandatory great weather, free alcohol, and free snacks, and guess which day it will be... 

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 05 August 2023

The king has returned!!!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Machiavellian said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Possibly, I'm sure that's part of the reason why MS extended the deal out to October in case the CMA pulls some kind of stunt. 

Maybe its just me but it really seems like the CMA is trying to set their careers on this merger and because the rest of the world pretty much said yes, they might act like a stubborn child and say no just to piss everyone off.  Its why I believe they were so cozy with the FTC and their language still leaves a lot to be desired.  If Phil and team pull this off, they should all get a raise.

Like I said before, there is absolutely no way in hell the UK government is gonna let them do that. In fact, I'm quite surprised that they let them get this far (and yes, I'm fully aware that they are supposedly a "fully independent" organization).

When BG3 definitive edition launches on Xbox in 2yrs it’s gonna be amazing.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network
gtotheunit91 said:

The king has returned!!!

So Microsoft is working with Iron Galaxy again on a fairly substantial Killer Instinct update.

There is no way a Killer Instinct 2 isn't in development, I also don't believe Iron Galaxy would return just for an update, Keits (Rumbleverse Lead Designer, Killer Instinct S2/3 Lead Combat Designer) is free again after Rumbleverse sadly bombed and is shutting down. So I think potentially that Iron Galaxy is working on a Killer Instinct sequel now after Rumbleverse's shutdown.

James Goddard works at XGSP and worked on Killer Instinct there as Design Director/Animation Director.

He still works at XGSP as Principal Design Director. Dude on stage introduced his title as "Head of Killer Instinct" 👀

James Goddard: "More KI for the next 10 years"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 August 2023

VersusEvil said:

When BG3 definitive edition launches on Xbox in 2yrs it’s gonna be amazing.

Microsoft should buy Larian and Remedy and force them to take daily lessons on how to code for Series S.

Killer Instinct Balance Update announcement Evo 2023 [ Max Dood & James Goddard ] - YouTube

Yup. His title is literally "Head of Killer Instinct" It's happening. You don't have a brand manager title for a single patch, Lol.

Iron Galaxy is either doing a Killer Instinct 2 or a new season, 100%.

Rumbleverse was only recently shutdown though so it may be very early in development.

  • Senua, Joanna Dark, Doomguy, Master Chief, Dovahkiin, Skoorge, Chai, Emily.
  • If ABK closes: Sylvanas, Lich King, Lilith, Overwatch Character (Any).

Guest list could be amazing.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 August 2023

Since the June showcase it feels like Microsoft has planted nice seeds at other events. Bits of news to chew on. Last week at the FFXIV showcase where they announced an Xbox port and basically said that Xbox/Square's relationship is fixed now and confirmed better support in the future. Now they announce Killer Instinct news at EVO and basically said that KI isn't dead and it'll have a future, guy straight up says "the next 10 years"

Spreading their announcements out a bit, having a large presence at other events, like they probably could have, if they wanted to, convinced Square to let them announce XIV at an Xbox event, or saved the KI news for an Xbox event. Their marketing is improving with these targeted events, Microsoft is making their presence felt in more places than one.

Gamescom and TGS next. Imagine if they actually announced an Xbox exclusive at TGS, Lol. Maybe not this year...Maybe.