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ice said:
Spade said:

Shoutout to @ice for the 5 minute Grounded 2.4K. And no dent head (you know who you are, 343 + Halo hater), not a hAcK jOb.

Damn bruh you can't diss someone who can't defend themself on here

btw if anyone wants the shared world for all grounded cheevos let me know, I can easily add you.

Nah all that dude does is talk shit about Halo and 343, f him. Wanna see him post his crap here and get dog walked by the xbots">"><img src="

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Ryuu96 said:
ice said:

Damn bruh you can't diss someone who can't defend themself on here

btw if anyone wants the shared world for all grounded cheevos let me know, I can easily add you.

You and Spade.

(You won't get this, Spade will).

When I can be bothered though, I might do it as well

Bruh it's 5 minutes and they looking to patch it, Ice even sent you the file i think (might have been Noble actually).">"><img src="

SegaHeart said:

Morrow wind vs Oblivion

For me, Morrowind.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Please bring over Monster Hunter Stories 2 instead. Rather play that than Rise. Then I can throw my unplayed switch version in the litter box.

Getting MH on GP is a big time get though. Big ups Sarah Bond.">"><img src="

Spade said:

Please bring over Monster Hunter Stories 2 instead. Rather play that than Rise. Then I can throw my unplayed switch version in the litter box.

Getting MH on GP is a big time get though. Big ups Sarah Bond.

MS going, "fine, if we can't get RE Village, we're gonna get an even bigger fish!" 

Major Japanese title! Great get. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Around the Network

I felt kinda ashamed when I did the Grounded trick a few days ago so I didn't mention it here. (There was a news story on TA that day, so it wasn't exactly hidden knowledge).
Glad to see I'm not the only whore out there. (btw. it's still a great game though)

SegaHeart said:

Morrowind vs Oblivion


Great OST, Faction Questlines, World, Daedric Princes > Everything Else, Best Expansion.

Barely played Morrowind Tbf, I played for a few hours and didn't really stick with it, Oblivion and Skyrim instantly hooked me, I liked the world of them both a lot more and I played through them both multiple times.

^^tbf, me, ice and Ryuu played that for 25 hours, so we good">"><img src="

Spade said:

^^tbf, me, ice and Ryuu played that for 25 hours, so we good

bruh and that was like in 3 days too we had long ass sessions 

@Ryuu96 I did add you to the share world just incase u wanted it tho

Phil & Sarah using all the money saved from 2022 onto Early 2023 Jk.

Monster Hunter Rise, Wo Long, Riot Games are all scheduled for Early 2023 and no doubt all expensive deals.

Would be safe to say that MH Rise & Riot Games are their most expensive 3rd party deals to date?