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Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:

Kind of amazing how badly Blizzard has been torpedoing their own games here this summer between Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4. First it was them announcing that their PvE plans for Overwatch 2 were being majorly scaled back, PvE of course being the main reason for Overwatch 2 to exist a sequel instead of just updates for Overwatch 1. Now, they have managed to torpedo Diablo 4, with what is one of the worst patches ever released for a game, filled with poorly thought out rebalancing that hurts the 99% of normal players while not touching the 1% of players at the top using the very best builds. I've seen former Blizzard devs calling them out for how bad the patch is, including Mark Kern (lead producer on Diablo 2 and lead director on Vanilla WoW), and the game's user review average has plummeted to 2.7/10 on PC and 2.5/10 on PS5, down from apparently about 5/10 before the new patch. Xbox sure does have their work cut out for them repairing both Activision and Blizzard after the acquisition closes.

Not that I disagree that this particular patch is bad, it most certainly is, but when the user metascore was already at 5/ doesn't really say much about the consumers' ability to give devs good feedback.

Yeah, Diablo 4 has been pretty controversial ever since they said it would be an online game, leading to it getting alot of bad user reviews at launch in spite of the good critic reviews. But the fact that it dropped by about 2.5 points in just a few days shows the patch was a poor idea.

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Ryuu96 said:

This patch does sound bad and I see all the complaints. They should revert back to an earlier state.

Grummz is a moron though. Just wanted to get that in there too, Lol.

Eh, only when it comes to his takes about the Microsoft acquisition, he posted some pretty asinine takes about that, and then when people called him out and gave him information negating alot of his talking points, he called everyone criticizing him an Xbox bot brigade. Usually though, his gaming takes are alot more sane that, for instance:

Anyway, I posted his take on the Diablo 4 patch because he was one of the leads on Diablo 2, which is considered to be the gold standard for the series by most of it's fans.

They interviewed a bunch of people for this piece but one of the people they talked to is a French lawyer who thinks the deal could still be blocked and who also think Microsoft agreed to pull out of the CAT appeal because they thought they would lose. 

I will say I'm still having fun with Diablo 4, in-spite of how crap the patch is, and the patch is pretty crap, when I played yesterday some of my Sorceress spells were suddenly doing half the damage they were before the patch, though on the plus side, they did make Sorceress a bit tankier, at least at my level. Not sure if that extra tankiness was worth such a big damage nerf though, being tanky is nice because it makes boss fights less stressful, but doing half the damage slows up my levelling speed quite alot since DPS is far preferable to tankiness for fighting random mobs.

Regardless of the final outcome of this, if I am Microsoft I would be immediately beginning the process of withdrawing as much of my operation from the UK market as possible as quickly as possible. You simply cannot allow a market that small dictate global regulatory terms.

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shikamaru317 said:

I will say I'm still having fun with Diablo 4, in-spite of how crap the patch is, and the patch is pretty crap, when I played yesterday some of my Sorceress spells were suddenly doing half the damage they were before the patch, though on the plus side, they did make Sorceress a bit tankier, at least at my level. Not sure if that extra tankiness was worth such a big damage nerf though, being tanky is nice because it makes boss fights less stressful, but doing half the damage slows up my levelling speed quite alot since DPS is far preferable to tankiness for fighting random mobs.

You need that tankiness.  Trust me, at Tier 4 you can get one shot and you are done.  I tried Uber Lilith not to long ago and she killed me with one hit.  I have not gone back to her since.  I am thinking of trying her again soon as now my Sorc has a lot more armor, reduction etc.  I had to give up killing power to balance staying alive because in Tier 4 there are a lot of mobs that are resistance to a lot of damage but deal a hell of a lot not to mention nightmare dungeons.

aTokenYeti said:

Regardless of the final outcome of this, if I am Microsoft I would be immediately beginning the process of withdrawing as much of my operation from the UK market as possible as quickly as possible. You simply cannot allow a market that small dictate global regulatory terms.

They may be small but for MS the UK makes up a huge chunk of their marketshare.  Hell I believe they make up way more than the rest of the EU so its not insignificant to pull out.  I do believe that no matter what MS do, people in the UK will still be able to get a Xbox so it might not be as big of a hit as it could.

Machiavellian said:
shikamaru317 said:

I will say I'm still having fun with Diablo 4, in-spite of how crap the patch is, and the patch is pretty crap, when I played yesterday some of my Sorceress spells were suddenly doing half the damage they were before the patch, though on the plus side, they did make Sorceress a bit tankier, at least at my level. Not sure if that extra tankiness was worth such a big damage nerf though, being tanky is nice because it makes boss fights less stressful, but doing half the damage slows up my levelling speed quite alot since DPS is far preferable to tankiness for fighting random mobs.

You need that tankiness.  Trust me, at Tier 4 you can get one shot and you are done.  I tried Uber Lilith not to long ago and she killed me with one hit.  I have not gone back to her since.  I am thinking of trying her again soon as now my Sorc has a lot more armor, reduction etc.  I had to give up killing power to balance staying alive because in Tier 4 there are a lot of mobs that are resistance to a lot of damage but deal a hell of a lot not to mention nightmare dungeons.

Lilith spams a lot of one shot attacks regardless of how sturdy you are. She's not a particularly well designed fight imo. You either have to be perfect dodging all her one shots, which...again...she spams like a mofo, or you cheese her to the point of not engaging with her mechanics at all.

Damn, not even 5 seconds to find a match! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind