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Your most anticipated upcoming Xbox RPG in 2025?

The Outer Worlds 2 2 10.53%
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion remaster/remake 6 31.58%
Fable 8 42.11%
Avowed 3 15.79%
konnichiwa said:

Well I probably am like you, since 2006 when I work overtime I use half of the money on games mostly on Xbox tho to keep me motivated to work over time. First I am busy with power wash ^^'.

Eh, I dont work over time anymore - it was so draining when I did it in the past. Now I just leave immediately once my shift is done.

Right now, money isnt a focus for me - I've saved up enough and already bought most what I want to buy (gaming and non-gaming wise).

Right now, I'm focused on spending time with my family, travel, etc.

Earlier this year we went to UK and France and last year to India. Next year we'll likely do something domestically - I want to go see the Grand Canyon and my wife wants to go to New York.

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konnichiwa said:

Well yeah I have been saying Xbox is not going for the 10/10,

IDK, that's totally dependent on what's your definition of 10/10, I'm sure whatever MS definition of it is they are going for it. 

konnichiwa said:

I understand people were in a form of excitement after the xbox showcase but it is back to reality and xbox is getting dominated and destroyed in sales and gaming news.

I don't think people were disconnected from reality the way you seem to suggest but you'd have to be precise about what you meant. 

konnichiwa said:

It would have been great if xbox listened to gamers

they did in many ways. In what way they have not?

konnichiwa said:

Soon they will release the xbox series s 1Tb edition that during its release will be almost the same price of a PS5 digital version. Xbox deserves to be owned.

I think we have enough data to say small price diff have barely any effects on customer behavior in this market. MS better reduce their losses and focus on improving their offering else wise.

konnichiwa said:

I think we are very close to a point that MS has to pay stores in Europe to carry xbox consoles. In shops like Mediamarkt; Auchan (Belgium/Germany/Netherlands/France) you find a huge shelf of games for PS/Switch but barely any for Xbox and if you dare to ask it is because no one wants to buy an Xbox.

I thought your whole post was in response to Xbox still being out of stock on Amazon, this does not really transpire "no one wants to buy an Xbox" to me.

Also, the whole reason why it's now back to out of stock is, while Spencer did state they increased production at the showcase, the showcased itself had a huge impact on Xbox sales.

And that's France. 

Now of course it's a temporary boost, still it's not hard to see why it's now back to out of stock, but that does not mean the situation is not improving  

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 10 July 2023

konnichiwa said:
Ryuu96 said:

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true

Back to reality? Because Shika made a post about Xbox console sales we're back to "DOOMED!"

It'd be nice if Shika could make educated posts on a subject matter without someone else diving in with a hyperbolic take formulated based on absolutely nothing, Lol. I and many other Xbox fans are still very excited due to the Xbox showcase, I and many other Xbox fans accepted years ago that Xbox won't beat PlayStation 5 this generation, who on Earth thought a great showcase would change the narrative in Xbox sales versus PlayStation?

Destroyed in Gaming News? What? Lmao. Again, all I see is excitement from the Xbox community lately about the future line-up. Starfield is literally right around the corner and the excitement for that is massive. You do understand that not everything can be perfect right? We can criticise one aspect of something without jumping to "IT'S ALL TERRIBLE, WE'RE DOOMED" Lol.

Don't give a shit if Xbox outsells PlayStation or not, I don't even give a shit if they come close to PlayStation. You're too invested in beating the competition. You have a mindset of "If Xbox can't win, then they're a loser" or that for someone to win, someone has to lose, that isn't the case at all, otherwise we can say that Switch is the only winner in the console market and PlayStation is a loser as well, Lol. I only care that Xbox grows as a business and provides me with games to play, if Xbox is profitable then them beating PlayStation is irrelevant.

It took 29 days for you to go back to your hyperbolic negative takes...It was nice while it lasted.

I don't speak the truth but sales numbers don't lie. Also gaming news is positive? What was positive since the xbox showcase? The baldurs gate situation?Sales numbers? We are on Vgchartz a sales site so yeah sales numbers are partially important.

It is not about beating the competition but MS making xbox relevant. 

Nobody asked for the Xbox series S 1 TB, go to youtube and you will find plenty of live Xbox TGS 2022 reactions that are rather negative and most will summarize it as ' Xbox announces games that were available for years on Playstation'.      In face some of us in this thread played thos games on PS and then played it on xbox like the Ni No Kuni games.  I mean can you even point out why TGS for Xbox in 2022 was great? 

I am also so tired of 'but konni they showed Atlus games at xbox showcase'  I am sorry but if you are a Persona/Smt/Atlus games fan you don't have xbox as a primary console, espeically when games like SMT Nocturne are available on PS5 and switch but not on Xbox. 

Right, sure, Switch beats PlayStation so nobody must be happy with PlayStation, sales numbers don't lie, PlayStation is doomed. Also is it sales numbers or is it a stock issue? Make your mind up, if it's a stock issue then you can't use sales numbers to justify your argument that everyone is down on Xbox again, Lol.

The Xbox showcase was literally only a month ago, JFC. Xbox fans are riding off that momentum because it was a brilliant showcase. Looking forward to the future, counting down the days to Starfield, Lol. We're in the middle of Summer though, major gaming news or videogame releases rarely happen in July.

Here's what else we have to look forward to in the near future.

  • July 11th - ID@Xbox Showcase.
  • July 14th - ExoPrimal Day One Game Pass.
  • August 23rd - GamesCom (Which Xbox is labelling as a "special year" for them, also, Sony has confirmed they aren't attending).
  • September 6th - Starfield
  • September 21st - Tokyo Game Show (Which Xbox is listed as an exhibitor, meanwhile Sony is only listed in the Indie section).

Numerous other anticipated indie titles coming to Game Pass in the near future, such as Party Animals, Payday 3, Cities Skylines II, Lies of P, etc.)

We had 11 Bit Studios announce a Game Pass partnership with Xbox as well.

But tell me more how Xbox is being dominated in the Gaming News...Especially when the vast majority of the recent Gaming news has been about the damn FTC vs Microsoft trial, Lmao.

I knew you'd mention Baldur's Gate III again, we've already been through this. It'll score very high, it's also niche on Consoles and releases on PC a whole month before PlayStation because they wanted to avoid Starfield, the game you think is in trouble because of Baldur's Gate III...When some Sony fans can't even get the genre of BG3 right but hey anything for console war ammunition right?

We know that BG3 is 100% coming to Xbox, it has one issue (split-screen) and once that is fixed it will be release on Xbox, for all we know it could be literally a week after the PlayStation release, Xbox ATG is assisting them on it, Xbox fans will get it shortly after PlayStation is my expectation, it's a shame that this developer is being dragged into the console wars though, I'm sure they love that, I'm sure they'll love when people start comparing Starfield to Baldur's Gate 3, two completely different titles, when people try to mock BG3 for not selling as much as Starfield because fanboys have decided to use it in their pathetic console wars.

Sales numbers have remained the same for years, PlayStation will beat Xbox, how many times does this need to be repeated before it goes into peoples heads, Lol.

Actually, a lot of people asked for higher storage on Xbox Series S because the current storage is pitiful.

I suppose if you surround yourself with Twitter console warriors and angry bait YouTubers then you'll be in a constant state of negativity like you are, I took the reaction of TGS 2022 on Twitter at the time and on ResetEra and it was largely positive, some even saying it was better than the Xbox E3. What do you want? Nothing Xbox does is ever good enough for you, Xbox is getting better Japanese support but nah it isn't enough, it was already on PlayStation...THAT'S THE FRIGGING POINT! Xbox is increasing their Japanese support and many gamers are grateful for that, titles that have for years skipped Xbox are finally coming to the platform, that is a POSITIVE development no matter how much you want to moan that they have no Japanese exclusives (hello Hi-Fi Rush).

But then you end it that it doesn't even matter if Xbox gets Japanese titles because the fanbase is on PlayStation/Switch! Guess what, that applies to all Japanese titles, even new brand new IPs, Lol. You ignore that Xbox this year has had more variety in Japanese titles on Game Pass then the past few years (I made my list, I'm sure you saw it). You ignore the multiple multiplatform day one Game Pass titles which didn't launch on Xbox later than PlayStation (such as ExoPrimal, Wo-Long, MH Rise, etc.)

Nothing Xbox does makes you happy, I'm convinced you just love moaning.

konnichiwa said:
Ryuu96 said:

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true

Back to reality? Because Shika made a post about Xbox console sales we're back to "DOOMED!"

It'd be nice if Shika could make educated posts on a subject matter without someone else diving in with a hyperbolic take formulated based on absolutely nothing, Lol. I and many other Xbox fans are still very excited due to the Xbox showcase, I and many other Xbox fans accepted years ago that Xbox won't beat PlayStation 5 this generation, who on Earth thought a great showcase would change the narrative in Xbox sales versus PlayStation?

Destroyed in Gaming News? What? Lmao. Again, all I see is excitement from the Xbox community lately about the future line-up. Starfield is literally right around the corner and the excitement for that is massive. You do understand that not everything can be perfect right? We can criticise one aspect of something without jumping to "IT'S ALL TERRIBLE, WE'RE DOOMED" Lol.

Don't give a shit if Xbox outsells PlayStation or not, I don't even give a shit if they come close to PlayStation. You're too invested in beating the competition. You have a mindset of "If Xbox can't win, then they're a loser" or that for someone to win, someone has to lose, that isn't the case at all, otherwise we can say that Switch is the only winner in the console market and PlayStation is a loser as well, Lol. I only care that Xbox grows as a business and provides me with games to play, if Xbox is profitable then them beating PlayStation is irrelevant.

It took 29 days for you to go back to your hyperbolic negative takes...It was nice while it lasted.

I don't speak the truth but sales numbers don't lie. Also gaming news is positive? What was positive since the xbox showcase? The baldurs gate situation?Sales numbers? We are on Vgchartz a sales site so yeah sales numbers are partially important.

It is not about beating the competition but MS making xbox relevant. 

Nobody asked for the Xbox series S 1 TB, go to youtube and you will find plenty of live Xbox TGS 2022 reactions that are rather negative and most will summarize it as ' Xbox announces games that were available for years on Playstation'.      In face some of us in this thread played thos games on PS and then played it on xbox like the Ni No Kuni games.  I mean can you even point out why TGS for Xbox in 2022 was great? 

I am also so tired of 'but konni they showed Atlus games at xbox showcase'  I am sorry but if you are a Persona/Smt/Atlus games fan you don't have xbox as a primary console, espeically when games like SMT Nocturne are available on PS5 and switch but not on Xbox. 

This is why its hard to take you serious in some of your comments.  Its like you do not understand business.  Lets take your take on Altus and that MS has secured games from a series that really has not been on the Xbox console.  Its not about if you are a gamer and if you wanted Persona that you would already have a PS or Nintendo console, Its the fact that MS is making deals with the bigger Japanese developers, getting their games on the system and on GP and thus moving the needle in that country.  Think about MS relationship with Sega now.  They actually getting new IP on GP from them.  Think about MS relationship with other Japanese developers where they have secured games on GP or even new IP.  These are relationships that need to be first secured, then nurtured.  As a business, MS needs to start somewhere and once you start to get enough of the bigger guys over, making deals with the smaller ones become much easier.

I personally do not care for any of the Japanese RPG games nor most of Japanese content in general but I do understand that if MS is to expand their offering for GP, the diversity of content is a must and thus Japanese games are also needed to fill in the gap in content.  These are not moves to make the PS or Nintendo gamer suddenly say to themselves.  MS has Persona, its time to switch, that is not going to happen.  What this does do when someone looks to purchase a new console or get GP and they are looking for excuses not to do so, it will not be because of lack of a certain series or type of game they want to play.

Everything is not about the Xbox vs Sony fan boy war and a lot of moves that are done are done strategically to expand within a market.  It  just seems you miss seeing what is being accomplished because you are way to focused on stuff that really does not matter.  Just remember MS has lost the console war so being in the trenches caring about such things is a waste of time.  The key is not that you can win every war is that can you win the battle.

Angelus said:
konnichiwa said:

I don't speak the truth but sales numbers don't lie. Also gaming news is positive? What was positive since the xbox showcase? The baldurs gate situation?Sales numbers? We are on Vgchartz a sales site so yeah sales numbers are partially important.

It is not about beating the competition but MS making xbox relevant. 

Nobody asked for the Xbox series S 1 TB, go to youtube and you will find plenty of live Xbox TGS 2022 reactions that are rather negative and most will summarize it as ' Xbox announces games that were available for years on Playstation'.      In face some of us in this thread played thos games on PS and then played it on xbox like the Ni No Kuni games.  I mean can you even point out why TGS for Xbox in 2022 was great? 

I am also so tired of 'but konni they showed Atlus games at xbox showcase'  I am sorry but if you are a Persona/Smt/Atlus games fan you don't have xbox as a primary console, espeically when games like SMT Nocturne are available on PS5 and switch but not on Xbox. 

Ok, so lemme get this straight...

on the one hand, you're not impressed with Xbox for announcing Japanese games that have been on other platforms for years already...

but on the other hand, who cares if Xbox bring a Japanese dev on stage to announce new projects at an Xbox show, cus the fans are on other platforms anyway...

This has been another great edition of gamers talking out both sides of their mouth. Tune in next week for more!

Well it would be the same if Sony announces on stage that Quake 2 remaster is also coming to PS5....  Would you say to bethesda/zenimax fans buy a PS5!!?  Would it be not wise to say 'You should get an Xbox series if you are a Bethesda/Zenimax fan especially with Starfield coming up?'

This is what Xbox is doing....  announcing games that have a fanbase on another platform;  inititally it is not bad but if you love Atlus games why would you go for xbox???  Same with SE games and possible capcom games with some of the megaman games not popping up on xbox...

With Xbox 360 they created a fanbase with games as  Project Sylpheed, Lost Odyssey; Blue dragon, Last remnant, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, Enchanted Arms, Lost planet 1, Magna Carta and so on...   

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Meanwhile Starfield has crossed 300k followers on Steam, still beating Hogwarts Legacy and Elden Ring aligned in pre-orders on Steam as well.

Still has 7/10 Most Wish Listed titles on Steam coming Day One to Game Pass, with a few in the very near future. Have the ID@Xbox Showcase to look forward to tomorrow, Xbox confirmed at Gamescom, Xbox confirmed at TGS, Starfield in 57 days, a stacked September Game Pass line-up, a Capcom title launching day one into Game Pass this week.

But yah we're doomed.

BasilZero said:
konnichiwa said:

Well I probably am like you, since 2006 when I work overtime I use half of the money on games mostly on Xbox tho to keep me motivated to work over time. First I am busy with power wash ^^'.

Eh, I dont work over time anymore - it was so draining when I did it in the past. Now I just leave immediately once my shift is done.

Right now, money isnt a focus for me - I've saved up enough and already bought most what I want to buy (gaming and non-gaming wise).

Right now, I'm focused on spending time with my family, travel, etc.

Earlier this year we went to UK and France and last year to India. Next year we'll likely do something domestically - I want to go see the Grand Canyon and my wife wants to go to New York.

Well I meant like you as in buying games but not playing them or not having time to play them ^^'. Larry suit games will be on my TBG list for some time till I play them on Xbox.

konnichiwa said:

Well I meant like you as in buying games but not playing them or not having time to play them ^^'. Larry suit games will be on my TBG list for some time till I play them on Xbox.

Yeah , which is why I never buy games day 1.

I always wait until they are discounted depending on what type of game it is.

Having a backlog doesnt bother me, I just see it as a huge library of games on whatever I want to play whenever I feel like it lol

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true

Back to reality? Because Shika made a post about Xbox console sales we're back to "DOOMED!"

It'd be nice if Shika could make educated posts on a subject matter without someone else diving in with a hyperbolic take formulated based on absolutely nothing, Lol. I and many other Xbox fans are still very excited due to the Xbox showcase, I and many other Xbox fans accepted years ago that Xbox won't beat PlayStation 5 this generation, who on Earth thought a great showcase would change the narrative in Xbox sales versus PlayStation?

Destroyed in Gaming News? What? Lmao. Again, all I see is excitement from the Xbox community lately about the future line-up. Starfield is literally right around the corner and the excitement for that is massive. You do understand that not everything can be perfect right? We can criticise one aspect of something without jumping to "IT'S ALL TERRIBLE, WE'RE DOOMED" Lol.

Don't give a shit if Xbox outsells PlayStation or not, I don't even give a shit if they come close to PlayStation. You're too invested in beating the competition. You have a mindset of "If Xbox can't win, then they're a loser" or that for someone to win, someone has to lose, that isn't the case at all, otherwise we can say that Switch is the only winner in the console market and PlayStation is a loser as well, Lol. I only care that Xbox grows as a business and provides me with games to play, if Xbox is profitable then them beating PlayStation is irrelevant.

It took 29 days for you to go back to your hyperbolic negative takes...It was nice while it lasted.

I will also chime in and say as someone who enjoys his Xbox and interested in the games coming, my enjoyment does not increase based on Xbox somehow winning the console war or even really matching the PS5.  I stated way before Phil confirmed it that Sony won the console war and thus MS is not concerned about winning something they already lost but instead is concentrating on their stragety of content and keeping a competitive product.  You do not need to be number 1 in order to make enough profit that the business is viable.

I believe the issue with some people is that they are still in the trenches of the console war when that battle is over.  Instead I would be concerned when MS is not making deals, publishing games, reducing staff at key studios, cancelling a lot o projects, you know things that would actually effect me as a Xbox gamer not the e penis of my console is better than yours mentality.  Then again, I have all the consoles so my take probably is different since I purchase a console because it has games I want to play instead of if it sells better than its competition.

It isn't just about Sales but when I joined vgchartz we were in a period with Sony being like:

'Bioshock is coming to PS3'  We can already buy it on Xbox 360 for 20 bucks don't need a PS3..

'Oblivion is comin to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Eternal Sonata is coming to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Star ocean is coming to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Tales of Vesperia is coming to PS3'  ^Only in Japan tho so get it on Xbox 360

'Condemned II is coming to PS3' ^But condemned I isn't on PS3 so it is better to get an Xbox 360

' Mass Effect II coming to PS3' ^ Ugh if you like Mass Effect you should get an Xbox 360

And so on....   because of that foundation plenty of studios were like 'lets also release on X360 like Tekken/Soul Calibur and later on the big announcement FFXIII'.

This is a simular situation but Sony invested a lot of money to get some games, Persona 5/Tales games etc on PS3 to switch the situation around or atleast create a reason why anyone should want a PS3.

Ms is not creating a foundation so far...

If it isn't today then Microsoft has to come to some sort of agreement with ABK to extend or ignore the deadline, Lol.