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BasilZero said:
konnichiwa said:

Well I probably am like you, since 2006 when I work overtime I use half of the money on games mostly on Xbox tho to keep me motivated to work over time. First I am busy with power wash ^^'.

Eh, I dont work over time anymore - it was so draining when I did it in the past. Now I just leave immediately once my shift is done.

Right now, money isnt a focus for me - I've saved up enough and already bought most what I want to buy (gaming and non-gaming wise).

Right now, I'm focused on spending time with my family, travel, etc.

Earlier this year we went to UK and France and last year to India. Next year we'll likely do something domestically - I want to go see the Grand Canyon and my wife wants to go to New York.

Well I meant like you as in buying games but not playing them or not having time to play them ^^'. Larry suit games will be on my TBG list for some time till I play them on Xbox.