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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fighting game thread backup(Tekken Pakistani Miracle video from Passports and obstacles in the way overcoming )

Will do this while the my first one is recovered. Anyways I always wanted to try Gran Blue Fantasy Versus even though Arc System worked on it, It was free for Ps plus And I had few ranked matches I loved the game even though I'm I pitted against monsters like wow Im a beginner and my first ranked opponent is an A ranked that is not ok though anyways I beat several A ranks and Enjoyed the game even though alot of players got demoted to light blue like me. They say Gran Blue Fantasy Versus is the easily most casual friendly game ever made. I played it the life bars are big which I love thats playing fair. And of course you can win by button mashing except you cant button mash against vets so I decided to do combos in training the easier combos do some amount of damage and the really bug combos are incredibly harder than dragon ball fighter Z like damn well my main Zeta combos are ultra hard the big combos. heres 2 Zeta combos I made

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I don't usually play fighters, but yes. I enjoyed GBFV a lot. But I'm not very good at it, but good enough to get the platinum!

twintail said:

I don't usually play fighters, but yes. I enjoyed GBFV a lot. But I'm not very good at it, but good enough to get the platinum!

It's a great game underlooked if only it didn't have the price of 60$ for a long time they would of had more players It's a newer IP It's not a beloved IP like Dragon Ball Fighter Z that sometimes cost 15$ physical at walmart sometimes.

Capcom Fighting Collection on Nintendo Switch is Dead, that was super quick Darkstalkers IP on Nintendo console didn't last long on Nintendo handheld. Street Fighter 30th you can always find matches in ranked and sometimes player matches. Street Fighter IP too powerful those oldschool IPS that have alot of sales from 4th and 5th gen are legendary.

Last edited by SegaHeart - on 03 October 2022

Ignore. Talking about other fighting game not from capcom fighting collection or Gran Blue Fantasy versus which I like now.

Last edited by SegaHeart - on 03 October 2022

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I love Guilty Gear Revelator 2 now.

Last edited by SegaHeart - on 04 October 2022


Last edited by SegaHeart - on 03 October 2022

I'm speechless, I bought Guilty Gear Revelator 2 and I can see Normal people struggling from this Dizzy combo. I just mained Dizzy I played Revelator 2 and this game huge damage is very easy for me I can do it whenever I want it's timing. Oh wow and I love Revelator 2. Gran Blue Fantasy versus big combos are way harder than Guilty Gear Revelator 2. People should buy Guilty Gear Revelator 2 more it's a shame Rev series was not loved. Arc System needs to go back to Revelator 2 inputs. This is hard for normal people but ultra easy for me. I lab and never use her took few hours like 1 hour.

I don't like Guilty Gear Strive the inputs are ultra easy just as I feared. I always disliked ultra easy making every player make huge damage without trying much. I'll lab Accent Core + R will try those combos now. (this years Strive players would not make it to top 8 in Revelator 2 evo I think?) I got strive and I feel weird of character I used not Potemkin but was not hard

Last edited by SegaHeart - on 04 October 2022

I drop the character I felt embarassed. It's like Kanji combos in Persona 4 Arena Ulitmax Kanji combos are extremely easy I Feel like a I wanna not play anymore.

Last edited by SegaHeart - on 10 October 2022