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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz got attacked [IMPORTANT]

Machina said:
DonFerrari said:

Mine too.

This was necessary to allow those of us who were banned to start using the site normally again after being unbanned.

curl-6 said:

I think Basilzero's still corrupted as posts from him seem to have locked up both the Tears of the Kingdom and Nier Automata Switch threads.

The threads are fine I think, they're just missing posts from anyone who got 'delete' banned (same for all threads at the moment).

They seem technically fine, but they are always in orange despite there being no new posts.

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S.Peelman said:
mjk45 said:

Mine too so does that makes us part of the mine too movement.

Oh hey, my notifications are gone as well. Does that mean I am part of the inner circle? I never even knew though, wasted effort by the hacker.

Aren't everyone's notifications gone?

yo33331 said:

Please find a way to restore all deleted posts and threads...

Talon is on it, it's a little more complicated than we originally thought but he may have a solution, unfortunately the solution requires him writing up a huge amount of new code and he has a fulltime job so it may take a little bit and it's not a guarantee to work but let's hope, I've also lost about 20,000 comments from my Xbox OT, it sucks.

Chazore said:

What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.

It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.

Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.

Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included). 

It's not any of those. No need to throw a dig at their website.

I'm fairly sure he just chose members who were either highly active or currently online, likely just went down the list.

We're very sure on who it is, and we believe it's a former member who has been permabanned, I don't know how much CGI wants me to say though.

Kakadu18 said:
Machina said:

This was necessary to allow those of us who were banned to start using the site normally again after being unbanned.

curl-6 said:

I think Basilzero's still corrupted as posts from him seem to have locked up both the Tears of the Kingdom and Nier Automata Switch threads.

The threads are fine I think, they're just missing posts from anyone who got 'delete' banned (same for all threads at the moment).

They seem technically fine, but they are always in orange despite there being no new posts.

If you keep spam opening it, don't they go eventually? I've got no orange left.

We'll all the best to him and let's all hope that it works out coz right now any threads that relied on user comments for data are destroyed like the Nintendo Third Party Society and xxx Most Wanted ones. 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 04 October 2022

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

mjk45 said:
DonFerrari said:

Mine too.

Mine too so does that makes us part of the mine too movement.

Finally I have a me too movement to be part of.

mjk45 said:
DonFerrari said:

And since there were no LoD posts we can be safe it wasn`t your job.

besides the large penis size was a dead give away that it wasn't BraLoD

Never saw his or the one on the page, but skin tone would rule him out anyway.

Machina said:
DonFerrari said:

Mine too.

This was necessary to allow those of us who were banned to start using the site normally again after being unbanned.

curl-6 said:

I think Basilzero's still corrupted as posts from him seem to have locked up both the Tears of the Kingdom and Nier Automata Switch threads.

The threads are fine I think, they're just missing posts from anyone who got 'delete' banned (same for all threads at the moment).

Gotcha, mod decision to put things back online seems fine, those notifications after being read really didn't had much use.

S.Peelman said:
mjk45 said:

Mine too so does that makes us part of the mine too movement.

Oh hey, my notifications are gone as well. Does that mean I am part of the inner circle? I never even knew though, wasted effort by the hacker.

Welcome onboard

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network

I think kyuu is still permabanned?

SegaHeart said:

I think kyuu is still permabanned?

Not from what I can see.

Ryuu96 said:
yo33331 said:

Please find a way to restore all deleted posts and threads...

Talon is on it, it's a little more complicated than we originally thought but he may have a solution, unfortunately the solution requires him writing up a huge amount of new code and he has a fulltime job so it may take a little bit and it's not a guarantee to work but let's hope, I've also lost about 20,000 comments from my Xbox OT, it sucks.

Chazore said:

What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.

It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.

Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.

Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included). 

It's not any of those. No need to throw a dig at their website.

I'm fairly sure he just chose members who were either highly active or currently online, likely just went down the list.

We're very sure on who it is, and we believe it's a former member who has been permabanned, I don't know how much CGI wants me to say though.

Kakadu18 said:

They seem technically fine, but they are always in orange despite there being no new posts.

If you keep spam opening it, don't they go eventually? I've got no orange left.

No they stay orange for whatever reason. Specifically the Most wanted October and the Tears of the Kingdom threads. The Picture Association Game thread still doesn't open.

Kakadu18 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Talon is on it, it's a little more complicated than we originally thought but he may have a solution, unfortunately the solution requires him writing up a huge amount of new code and he has a fulltime job so it may take a little bit and it's not a guarantee to work but let's hope, I've also lost about 20,000 comments from my Xbox OT, it sucks.

Chazore said:

What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.

It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.

Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.

Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included). 

It's not any of those. No need to throw a dig at their website.

I'm fairly sure he just chose members who were either highly active or currently online, likely just went down the list.

We're very sure on who it is, and we believe it's a former member who has been permabanned, I don't know how much CGI wants me to say though.

If you keep spam opening it, don't they go eventually? I've got no orange left.

No they stay orange for whatever reason. Specifically the Most wanted October and the Tears of the Kingdom threads. The Picture Association Game thread still doesn't open.

Okay. Hmm. I can't seem to replicate the orange thing.

Where are you attempting to open the Picture Association game from? I can't open it by clicking "5 new" but I can open it by clicking directly on the title, via here.

@Kakadu18 Just tried something, does that fix the issue of being unable to open the thread?