Ok, I watched the Microsoft showcase and I have to say something about it. Disclaimer: I have never owned an XBox, I don't like Microsoft as a company, and I also think all Bethesda games suck. (No, I am not joking about any of that.)
That was probably the best XBox presentation I've ever seen. It was definitely better than the State of Play shown several days ago. I usually watch these XBox presentations half out of curiosity and half to make fun of them, which is what I did with this one at first. Then I got to Diablo 4. That shut me up. The game looked cool, and they did show off a fair amount of gameplay. I think I was also partly shocked just seeing a classic Blizzard franchise shown as a Microsoft exclusive. I have fond memories of Diablo 1, because it was the first game I played on the internet. Good times.
I've also gotta say they had a good variety of games, and not just the cliche FPS and Third Person Shooters. They also showed off a whole lot of games, and a few looked like games I might try even if they were not as interesting as Diablo 4. (Also, I am curious if HK: Silksong and the Persona games are coming to Switch. If they are not in the next Nintendo presentation, then I'll have my answer.) They had an impressive amount of content, little filler, and they only showed games releasing in the next 12 months.
So, I am not ready to buy an XBox yet. But I'll say they are moving ahead of Playstation in my mind as far as quality and quantity of games. If Nintendo's lineup takes a nosedive, or if XBox continues to improve for the next couple of years, then I'll need to start thinking about how to play these games (i.e. maybe a PC instead of a console...we'll see).
Overall: 7/10