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Hmm i wonder if the base building also includes automation like factorio, universal trade empire building.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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KratosLives said:

After seeing starfield, I think i'm looking forward to hellblad 2 instead. What were they thinking showing off an opener like that..some generic looking shooter , when they could have showcased something much more epic. Space ship flying looked good, but again, 1 on 1 ship, when they could have had something on a bigger scale. Not a big fan of procedural generated maps, I would prefer a narrow focus to work on and tighten up the story / world designand gameplay.I'm expecting another delay. Possibly end of next year at the earliest.

You mean you'd like a movie?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
KratosLives said:

After seeing starfield, I think i'm looking forward to hellblad 2 instead. What were they thinking showing off an opener like that..some generic looking shooter , when they could have showcased something much more epic. Space ship flying looked good, but again, 1 on 1 ship, when they could have had something on a bigger scale. Not a big fan of procedural generated maps, I would prefer a narrow focus to work on and tighten up the story / world designand gameplay.I'm expecting another delay. Possibly end of next year at the earliest.

You mean you'd like a movie?

So the only 2 levels are gereric procedural generated content or movie? Ok. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
kirby007 said:

You mean you'd like a movie?

So the only 2 levels are gereric procedural generated content or movie? Ok. 

No but i know his preference in gaming which is what i mentioned, nice try buddy

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

axumblade said:
Mar1217 said:

Oh btb, what the heck happened with Hellblade II ? Didn't we had "gameplay" footage of the game shown back in 2020 to hype up the release schedule of the Xbox Series ?

If I had to guess, they'll probably showcase it at the event they are having in a couple of days. They did show off an update some time over the past year but everything I'm googling keeps bringing up the Bethesda/Xbox Showcase. 

I belive they said the next show is supplemental info on games showed today. I don't belive there will be any anouncememts at all.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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kirby007 said:
eva01beserk said:

So the only 2 levels are gereric procedural generated content or movie? Ok. 

No but i know his preference in gaming which is what i mentioned, nice try buddy

I see. This is a " I know what he meant thing" instead of actually replying to what he said. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

axumblade said:
eva01beserk said:

I belive they said the next show is supplemental info on games showed today. I don't belive there will be any anouncememts at all.

It says there will be new trailers as well as info on the games from the showcase. It might just end up being poorly written but I don't know why they'd say new trailers and then say "also info on new games" in the press release.

Calling it as i see it, but this guy hasnt said a good word about xbox ever so he doesnt want to see more good news

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Hm. Maybe I'm the outlier here but I thought it was a pretty bad conference. No wow factor, nothing that stood out aside from starfield gameplay (which I only got a glimpse of but seems to not be exciting). Not a lot of new stuff. Not a lot of gameplay (though more than other conferences of theirs.) and still no exclusives. Plenty of 'CONSOLE LAUNCH EXCLUSIVE' declarations, something I'm increasingly getting pissed off about. I want to take 0.2 points off the conference every time they say that because it's so disingenuous in its attempt to mask the fact that they somehow STILL DON'T HAVE ANY GAMES.

I was in the middle of hosting my parents while making home made lasagna so I missed most of the Starfield stuff, and I didn't get to participate in the immediate aftermath (we went out to see Jurassic World Dominion), so I had some time to really marinate my thoughts. I was unimpressed at first but then now that I have time to reflect a bit I think it was outright bad.

I keep saying they need to release some damn games. They need some actual exclusives. right now literally all Xbox has is GamePass (A service that I see the value in for others but would never pay for given my personal buying and playing habits) and hardware so marginally better than PS5 you need machines to tell the difference in framerate and resolution. I genuinely went into this event HOPING to see something like Banjo or Everwild or a surprise Elder Scrolls VI tease...or literally any updates on any of the 20+ great sounding games we heard about in the last few years that we needed elaboration on. the lack of anything interesting or new or detailed tells me that....yup, we're gonna be facing yet another drought of games that somehow take forever to release and end up only being 'good' or 'decent'. Nothing about that conference made me think 'yeah, this is a step in the right direction'.

Just more CONSOLE LAUNCH EXCLUSIVES (which means nothing but sounds special), and another year without a megaton announcement or significant reveal. Again, I Can't comment on Starfield, I will be watching that soon. I just spent an hour and a half thinking 'okay, that looks fine I guess, what have you got for me next?' on repeat. What a whimper of a show. I still want an Xbox but it looks like that purchase is going to be deferred another year or so.

Give me Fable. Give me Avowed. give me Everwild. Give me Hellblade. Give me Elder Scrolls VI. Give me anything that can even begin to stand on the same levels as Uncharted or Ratchet & Clank and God of War and Horizon and spider-Man. Give me SOMETHING, Xbox....

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twintail said:

Probably a 6.

I don't think there were any big announcements. Forza looked spectacular though. I think a large part of the middle section just felt kind of 'there'. A lot of stuff that seemed only interesting because it was coming to GP. Otherwise, that middle section just kinda blended together. I can't even remember what was shown.

The big gameplay reveal of Starfield I think looked both amazing and horrid at the same time. The scale and vista were great, but the framerate and gunplay were pretty horrible. I can't say I have much interest in it after that showing. It was just ultimately poor, scale aside.

As usual, a lot of games. I think the focus on the next 12 months and GP was a good idea, but I think it also masks a showcase that was just lacking in big announcements. So yeah, I think is a 6 is fine.

@shikamaru317 at least you cant deny the moneyhatting MS is doing to get console launch exclusives and day 1 GP games.

Okay, I have to ask: What do you qualify as a "big announcement"?

Ok, I watched the Microsoft showcase and I have to say something about it.  Disclaimer:  I have never owned an XBox, I don't like Microsoft as a company, and I also think all Bethesda games suck.  (No, I am not joking about any of that.)

That was probably the best XBox presentation I've ever seen.  It was definitely better than the State of Play shown several days ago.  I usually watch these XBox presentations half out of curiosity and half to make fun of them, which is what I did with this one at first.  Then I got to Diablo 4.  That shut me up.  The game looked cool, and they did show off a fair amount of gameplay.  I think I was also partly shocked just seeing a classic Blizzard franchise shown as a Microsoft exclusive.  I have fond memories of Diablo 1, because it was the first game I played on the internet.  Good times.

I've also gotta say they had a good variety of games, and not just the cliche FPS and Third Person Shooters.  They also showed off a whole lot of games, and a few looked like games I might try even if they were not as interesting as Diablo 4.  (Also, I am curious if HK: Silksong and the Persona games are coming to Switch.  If they are not in the next Nintendo presentation, then I'll have my answer.)  They had an impressive amount of content, little filler, and they only showed games releasing in the next 12 months.

So, I am not ready to buy an XBox yet.  But I'll say they are moving ahead of Playstation in my mind as far as quality and quantity of games.  If Nintendo's lineup takes a nosedive, or if XBox continues to improve for the next couple of years, then I'll need to start thinking about how to play these games (i.e. maybe a PC instead of a console...we'll see).

Overall: 7/10