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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Konami Kojima game NOT named Metal Gear


Bet Konami Kojima game not Metal Gear

Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner 8 57.14%
Zone of the Enders 1 7.14%
Snatcher 2 14.29%
Policenauts 1 7.14%
Boktai 0 0%
Other (Explain) 2 14.29%

My answer is obvious with Zone of the Enders 2ND Runner but very close to that is Snatcher IMO tho IMO I think both are better than MG but that's just me.

BTW this is released games not demo's of unrelased games.

If none of the poll options suit you here is his wiki.

He also worked on Beatmania,Boktai series,Penguin Adventure,Lunar Knights and more.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Yes. His DNA is still in ZOE2

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Suikoden 2

Pinkie_pie said:

Suikoden 2

He didn't work on that game as far as I know

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Pinkie_pie said:

Suikoden 2

He didn't work on that game as far as I know

My bad. I missed the kojima part. Thought it was any konami games apart from metal gear

Around the Network

Well, thats easy for me. Its Lords of Shadow. I'd rank that game above most of his MGS games.
And yet you didnt even put it in the poll.

My vote goes to ZOE1.

Never heard of any of these games and I'm sure there a plenty other people who are also in the same boat.

Jpcc86 said:

Well, thats easy for me. Its Lords of Shadow. I'd rank that game above most of his MGS games.
And yet you didnt even put it in the poll.

That’s because it’s not a game by Kojima. Kojima Production only helped with development.

sethnintendo said:

Never heard of any of these games and I'm sure there a plenty other people who are also in the same boat.

If you're ignorant to his work then why post? A lot of people played those games. Policenauts theme is in the intro of Metal Gear Solid. Policenauts has Meryle. Snatcher has a Metal Gear before Metal Gear. ZOE,Policenauts take place in the MG universe long after the MG games happened. I don't mean this next sentence in a malicious way but Nintendo fans are the most ignorant fanbase as a general rule to games/series outside Nintendo. So this isn't surprising.

Last edited by Leynos - on 08 May 2022

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!