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Forums - Politics Discussion - The Free Speech thread


Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%

Let's not forget musk dumb attempt to bring Tesla private at 420 a share buyout that actually never existed at time which put him in eyesights of SEC.

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Let's look at dogecoin which is junk crypto that Elon heavily promoted till it reached peak at around 70 cents.  How many losers did he get to commit to a joke currency?

ConservagameR said:
Jumpin said:

Question: is this the biggest midlife crisis purchase in world history?

I'd argue it's one of the biggest FU money moves in history, tied up with the biggest shadow like ban pre maneuver to keep one's self (and others) from being banned (and getting some unbanned).

Slowly but surely buy up shares until you're ready, then make a few larger purchases that make you the largest private shareholder. Then make your moves in a manner which either forces Twitter to sell, or leads to the platform suffering far greater than it already was if they don't. Twitter itself is partially to thank.

It looks like Elon has had a lot built up that he's wanted to say on Twitter, based on more recent tweets, aware that he's not the only one, yet hasn't been able to express them, knowing that if Twitter is willing and able to ban the President of the US, then there's no stopping them from banning Musk and anything associated with him, like his companies.

If you're someone like Musk, who likely has an idea, or knows other elites think having too much media influence is a major problem, even if some of those elites already have too much media influence (and ownership), and you've got the money, then buying something like Twitter seems kind of obvious, especially from a strategic business perspective.

Now not only can Elon say as he pleases, but he can do so knowing he and his associations will never be punished on one of the most influential platforms ever to exist. As per usual, his genius being put on display along with some of his opponents and dissenters misplaced fearful acknowledgement.

In a world of cancel culture, if you've got the money to buy influence, you buy it, and if you can outright own it, it's your eventual downfall if you don't.

Imagine being so fucked in the head that the logical conclusion of “I wanna post dumb shit on the Internet” was buying a 50 billion dollar microblogging platform? But let’s be real, the Twitter purchase is Elon’s Mazda Miata.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

padib said:
Zkuq said:

It's not that easy though. Twitter can't host itself; someone else has to do it. IIRC hosting providers have shown their willingness to stop hosting services they find problematic, and finding a new hosting provider for a service the size of Twitter might not be simple. This should provide Musk some freedom if he so desires, but by no means does this guarantee absolute freedom (even within legal limits, whatever that means for an internationally provided service).

As far as I know, Twitter is on AWS, and Bezos is Musk's direct competitor outside of twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if Musk leveraged his own platforms to bypass the censorship or obstruction. Nowadays people are aware of the monopoly on cloud services and are gearing up against it.

AFAIK Musk doesn't (currently) own anything that could counter AWS stopping hosting Twitter. Starlink comes closest, and it's really a different thing. Regardless of the trend, I'm not sure it's easy to counter stopping hosting Twitter just yet.

Jumpin said:
ConservagameR said:

I'd argue it's one of the biggest FU money moves in history, tied up with the biggest shadow like ban pre maneuver to keep one's self (and others) from being banned (and getting some unbanned).

Slowly but surely buy up shares until you're ready, then make a few larger purchases that make you the largest private shareholder. Then make your moves in a manner which either forces Twitter to sell, or leads to the platform suffering far greater than it already was if they don't. Twitter itself is partially to thank.

It looks like Elon has had a lot built up that he's wanted to say on Twitter, based on more recent tweets, aware that he's not the only one, yet hasn't been able to express them, knowing that if Twitter is willing and able to ban the President of the US, then there's no stopping them from banning Musk and anything associated with him, like his companies.

If you're someone like Musk, who likely has an idea, or knows other elites think having too much media influence is a major problem, even if some of those elites already have too much media influence (and ownership), and you've got the money, then buying something like Twitter seems kind of obvious, especially from a strategic business perspective.

Now not only can Elon say as he pleases, but he can do so knowing he and his associations will never be punished on one of the most influential platforms ever to exist. As per usual, his genius being put on display along with some of his opponents and dissenters misplaced fearful acknowledgement.

In a world of cancel culture, if you've got the money to buy influence, you buy it, and if you can outright own it, it's your eventual downfall if you don't.

Imagine being so fucked in the head that the logical conclusion of “I wanna post dumb shit on the Internet” was buying a 50 billion dollar microblogging platform? But let’s be real, the Twitter purchase is Elon’s Mazda Miata.

Well how much is that 50 billion to Musk? Just because it's a big number to almost everyone else, don't mean it's big for him.

There seems to be plenty of people upset he bought Twitter, figuring he'll change it, so they must all love that junk as well.

One man's trash is another man's treasure. Caviar ain't for everyone.

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Zkuq said:
padib said:

As far as I know, Twitter is on AWS, and Bezos is Musk's direct competitor outside of twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if Musk leveraged his own platforms to bypass the censorship or obstruction. Nowadays people are aware of the monopoly on cloud services and are gearing up against it.

AFAIK Musk doesn't (currently) own anything that could counter AWS stopping hosting Twitter. Starlink comes closest, and it's really a different thing. Regardless of the trend, I'm not sure it's easy to counter stopping hosting Twitter just yet.

No, but Google is tied up with Starlink in offering ground infrastructure, so that makes it unlikely that Google will go against Twitter. MS also has been promoting Azure Space which is supported by Starlink. Musk has enough connections to big tech, so unless they change their minds, or AWS and Bezos goes against Elon solo, odds are he doesn't have to worry too much.

Companies have been onto this for some time, especially social media, and have been building their own completely separate ecosystems from big tech. Gab has it's own servers for example, and Rumble right now does more business with it's servers than it's video platform, just because it's separate from big tech and therefore offers very little risk. Rumble has been acquiring and is growing quickly and recently got some huge investments into the company. The management at Rumble are also big fans of Musk.

If AWS wants to cause considerable headaches for Twitter asap, they can, but in the long run, Twitter can remain, and directly attacking Elon like this is asking for trouble. It's not just Elon who will feel attacked. The internet, is supposed to be about openness and working together, not closed doors and monopolies.

JRPGfan said:

Time to sell, before he does.
When he bought in, his fame kickstarted a rave and probably made the thing shoot into the air.
I'd wait a week or so, and dump them (if I had any invested in it).

"Elon Musk in a late-Thursday tweet announced that he is placing his Twitter acquisition bid on "temporary hold" over doubts about the platform's spam-bot data. Twitter, in a recent SEC regulatory filing, disclosed that spam bots made up less than 5% of its userbase. The filing revealed that Twitter has 229 million users that viewed consistent ads, while fewer than 5% of the "monetizable daily active users" were fake or spam-bot accounts. Financial analysts predict the substantial fall in cryprocurrency values, as well as a $400 billion drop in market-capitalization of the Tesla stock since Musk announced plans to buy Twitter, may have made the world's richest man squeamish about buying Twitter, and that he is probably looking for a legally safe escape route from the deal. Twitter shares plummeted in value since the Musk tweet."

Beginning of april, stock was at 39 (it had been trending upwards, for abit before that as well, from like 33).
Musk notices, and jumps in on it. Musk rumors/buying it, and it goes up to 51 points.

I said, might as well sell it, before he does.

Since then, its gone down abit, and up abit (back to 51 points) and down again... and its now trending downards (44 or so).
If Musk backs out, I'd imagine it drops below 39.

The right time to buy and sell, was when it was at 51 points.

sethnintendo said:

Let's look at dogecoin which is junk crypto that Elon heavily promoted till it reached peak at around 70 cents.  How many losers did he get to commit to a joke currency?

This is my thing as well.
I feel like, its happended too many times.
Musk loves to joke around, use his name and influence, and stocks shoot up, and then he sells.
He causes lots of people to lose, if they invest and dont back out before he does.

Thats why I did this post (below) earlier on in this thread:

JRPGfan said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

I think it could go multiple directions, Elon may hold onto his shares and the stock may rise and fall like all the meme stocks tend to do whenever someone tweets something positive about it.  Elon could sell all of his shares and the stock could tank, or Elon could try a hostile takeover and try to buy Twitter outright in which case the shares could jump.

I just feel like this has happended alot.
He uses his fame and PR, and a tweet or something, and a stock goes up, and then a week or so lateron, he tweets something else and it drops.
Its like he enjoys messing around with the stocks, based on his say so.

Hes also, done this before, where he boughts something, it goes up, and then he sells.
Knowing full well his "makeing a big hoo-ha, about buying stocks, forces it up".

People that follow trends, usually do so late, and end up burnt.
Like if you follow musk, I'd be nervous about keeping stocks that got a bump out of him, for long.

ei. dont buy stocks because of musk, do it if you believe in it yourself.
because Musk enjoys messing around too much lol.

But to each their own.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 13 May 2022

Report:The free thinking independent and champion of free speech allegedly sexually harassed a flight attendant, paid her off and had her sign an NDA, suddenly aligned himself with the Republican party as soon as he was asked to comment on the allegations, and is now crying victim to paint said allegations as a political hit job.

I can see why he's so sympathetic to Trump's plight to get back on the platform.

TallSilhouette said:

Report:The free thinking independent and champion of free speech allegedly sexually harassed a flight attendant, paid her off and had her sign an NDA, suddenly aligned himself with the Republican party as soon as he was asked to comment on the allegations, and is now crying victim to paint said allegations as a political hit job.

I can see why he's so sympathetic to Trump's plight to get back on the platform.

These people are crazy. If you're THAT rich and in need of sex just get a hooker! With the kind of money a billionaire has I bet he can even get a pricey one lol

I wonder what Twitter has to say about this? Their fact checkers are no doubt on this!