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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

More hints at Putin's ailing health:

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Ryuu96 said:

Already comments suggesting that Lavrov is right mentioning a possible nuclear war when so many countries meet together as if it's their fault...

I mean, if so many countries meet together then maybe the country they have to talk about is the problem or otherwise they wouldn't sit there? 

I wonder if Twitter will be an even bigger shit show with Musk buying it or if it will get better. He always mentions freedom of speech but he also says people have to stand with their name if they post something. I guess we will see less bots but way more real idiots on Twitter n the future...will be "fun" with even more shit thrown on each other.

Ka-pi96 said:

Can't believe some of the stuff russia/russians are doing and saying now. They just seem so far detached from reality.

War brings out the worst in people, doesn't matter which side. A badly planned war under false pretenses, going bad only makes things 10x worse. Nothing as dangerous as a cornered wounded animal, and humans are just that, reduced to their primal state in a war situation. When you strip away civilization humanity goes along with it.

Then you have the continuous propaganda / brain washing painting the 'enemy' as demons. Everything is stacked in favor of escalation instead of de-escalation. Humanity has a lot to learn on how to prevent and de-escalate wars like this. So far as a species we're still on the level of turning everything into a fight to the death (while destroying everything around) when overwhelming force doesn't put a quick end to confrontations.

When a volcano erupts people get evacuated, not send weapons to fire at the lava. A brain washed and tricked army send by a delusional leader with no way out is not much different from an unstoppable lava flow. You can direct the flow with great effort but you can't stop it. And if you don't get out of the way you get burned.

It's a terrible tragedy which only gets worse as it drag out. The people with any sense left have already deserted or sabotaged their own units. The crazy fanatics lead the charge and only get more frenzied the worse things go. Yes, they get more and more detached from reality. The human mind is very adaptable to accepting the worst as the 'new normal'. And thus things keep spiraling down.

At this point the only way to quickly end it is for NATO to send in an overwhelming liberation force. But that comes with severe risks with Putin still having access to nuclear weapons. I have no answers :/

Hopefully more and more people in Russia see through the propaganda and will demand an end to the war from within. It worked for the Vietnam war in the end, although it was mostly an out given to the government to capitulate rather then continue a hopeless war. Replace communists with Nazis and the US with Russia and the Vietnam war has a lot of similarities with the Ukraine

Maybe one day people will stop thinking around tribal lines :/ As long as we don't, people with bad intentions will continue to use tribal lines to push their agenda and stuff like this will continue to happen.

Ryuu96 said:

That isn't even the most bizarre bit of it, or the bit that goes the furthest in showing ot os staged. There is a note with the stash supposedly written by the would-be assassins. It is signed 'signature is illegible'.

Those staging it were instructed to sign it so the signature was illegible but literally wrote 'signature is illegible' instead.

EDIT - The source where I saw this from has now deleted it, which implies that it was fake so never mind.

Last edited by SecondWar - on 26 April 2022

Twitter is trash, full with idiots, I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

But I'm of the opinion that Twitter will definitely get worse under Musk, I mean...

Less bots, more idiots. "Russia is defeating the Nazis! Ukraine deserves to die! Freedom of Speech!"

Musk is basically your average edgelord Twitter user too.

I wonder how he wants to handle online mobbing and stuff like that in the future on Twitter. That's something causing many suicides after all. But that's another topic for another thread. 

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Ryuu96 said:

Tweet 1 - Whilst something, I note it is just oil with no mention of gas.

Tweet 2 - Er, wtf?! I know Russia like to demonise LGBT+, but seriously? Even by their standards, that has nothing to do with anything.

SecondWar said:
Ryuu96 said:

Tweet 1 - Whilst something, I note it is just oil with no mention of gas.

Also won't happen for a long time. No LNG terminals like "all" the other countries in Europe have and the shut down of most nuclear and coal powered plants pretty much made us to Russia's slave for some more months/years. Doesn't help to have no real own resources like UK or Norway have.

crissindahouse said:
SecondWar said:

Tweet 1 - Whilst something, I note it is just oil with no mention of gas.

Also won't happen for a long time. No LNG terminals like "all" the other countries in Europe have and the shut down of most nuclear and coal powered plants pretty much made us to Russia's slave for some more months/years. Doesn't help to have no real own resources like UK or Norway have.

Pretty weird to think of the butterfly effect in this case. Inability for Germany and some other to act strongly against Russia can be, to a certain degree, traced back to architect and scientist who conceived the Fukushima nuclear powerplant.

EpicRandy said:
crissindahouse said:

Also won't happen for a long time. No LNG terminals like "all" the other countries in Europe have and the shut down of most nuclear and coal powered plants pretty much made us to Russia's slave for some more months/years. Doesn't help to have no real own resources like UK or Norway have.

Pretty weird to think of the butterfly effect in this case. Inability for Germany and some other to act strongly against Russia can be, to a certain degree, traced back to architect and scientist who conceived the Fukushima nuclear powerplant.

To elaborate, Germany wanted to extend their nuclear program. Then Fukushima happened, and in reaction Germany made a 180 and instead tried to get out of nuclear energy asap. Since coal was already ruining their CO2 emission reduction targets (so much in fact, driving an electric car in Germany could cause as many emissions as a conventional engine until shortly) they needed to get cleaner power in large quantities quickly, too quickly and too much for renewables alone at the time. Natural Gas was the savior in this situation, as gas burns much cleaner than petrol and especially coal. So they went all in on gas, which also helped with the problem with the distribution of renewable energy, which were mostly produced in the north but needed in the south.

The gas thing with Poland and Bulgaria is an obvious attempt at a scare tactic; if either one buckles and pays in Rubles then they can try to strongarm the Western European countries into doing the same. Even though practically everyone else also isn’t paying them in Rubles they pick two of their smaller markets to set an ‘example’, because obviously leading with Germany or even my country would cost them too much money, Euro or not. I’ll give them this though, while it’ll fail, this is most sound strategy they had in this war yet.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 27 April 2022