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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Ryuu96 said:

About damn time if they finally gonna lift the restrictions

A very substantive and long conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, during which we discussed all key issues.

It is important that Ukrainian arguments are heard. This includes the long-range weapons, the supply of combat brigades on the front lines, and the overall strategy for achieving a just peace. Special attention was given to preparing for the second Peace Summit and the necessary steps that will make the Summit effective.

I am grateful for the unwavering support of our independence, Ukraine’s defense, and the protection of our people’s lives.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 September 2024

The U.S. is demanding a clear strategy from Zelensky regarding strikes against Russia before lifting restrictions, according to Bloomberg. During their visit to Kyiv, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary Lammy sought a long-term plan from Zelensky for the coming year to better understand Ukraine's objectives.

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We already know Ukraine's objectives (push Russia out of Ukraine) and what do they mean, a clear strategy on missile strikes? It's not that fucking complicated, military targets go bye bye, airfields, ammo depots, etc. Here you go America, is this clear enough for you? Lol. Anything within range of there is a viable target.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 September 2024

UK and USA already know Ukraine's objectives so the demand strikes me as weird, almost like they're gently trying to nudge Ukraine into giving up the objective of reclaiming all their land or maybe it's a shitty way to get Ukraine back to telling America every single tactic they have planned? Remember that the Kursk invasion, Ukraine didn't inform the USA beforehand because they started to not trust them...Could be the USA is using this as an excuse to get Ukraine back to telling them absolutely every single tactic they have planned again.

If I was Ukraine I'd still keep things hidden from the USA...I don't really trust at this stage that America won't be instantly on the phone to Russia to give them a heads up on certain things and Ukraine was complaining that some of their past things were leaked to the Russians beforehand...Kursk was the first real success that Ukraine has had in over a year and they didn't inform anyone about it.

Yeah...I think I'm going with this is America and UK dangling a carrot to get Ukraine to tell them absolutely everything again.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 September 2024

Hah. Yeah...

Hope Zelenskyy is as vague as possible, Lol.

I think that what we hear isn’t the full story of what strategic planning is going on between US, UK, and Ukraine.
I could be wrong, but military strategic planning doesn’t often go out to the public before the execution of operations. Especially if the three want to have bargaining chips in how Moscow conducts their tactics - assuming Moscow effectively controls its military - the country seems messy.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.