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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

Europe has overpromised on the amount of artillery shells that they can deliver.
Come on Europe, let's get these factories going so that this war can be finished sooner. Ukraine needs you, as the United States probably won't be much help when the repugnant guy becomes president.

Not the first time Europe has overpromised and underdelivered.

We're really going to get caught with our pants down if Trump becomes President despite having years to prepare for it...

Yeah I agree.... they'll have to start finding ukraine European systems instead of American ones. The F-16s, Patriots, etc might be inadvisable if Ukraine can't get more of them when needed. 

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crissindahouse said:

I guess this is a desperate attempt to scare civilians to let them give up and change their opinion about giving away territories to Russia.

Imagine you are the guy programming the missile knowing what it will hit

Terror Bombing never works, in fact it often only galvanizes those that got bombed. Just look at the London Blitz, Americas bombing campaign against Vietnam or even the Allies carpet bombing Germany into a giant pile of rubble, neither lessened their resolve to fight on. In fact, Vietnam considers Linebacker II as a colossal American defeat.

The only time one could think where it "worked" was using nukes against Japan - and even then only because Hirohito feared that the US were about to sent entire bomber fleets armed with nukes that would annihilate Japan practically overnight.

Germany sent 55k 155mm shells from the last update about delivered military help to Ukraine from two weeks ago to the new update from yesterday. That was by far the biggest number since the war started. Pretty much 1/3 of the whole amount of 155mm shells since 2022. I really hope that this is a good sign and wasn't only a once in a year delivery.

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Could you imagine what USA's response would be if a country blew up their biggest children's hospital, after already destroying dozens of civilian targets and dozens of hospitals previously, imagine, the USA would go absolutely fucking nutso and wipe that country out, they would not follow any rules, they never have, the USA does what it wants, they would rip through anyone in their way.

But Ukraine is just thoughts and prayers, it's a fucking massive hypocrisy, can't even hit military targets, what a joke. Ukraine is fighting against the biggest enemy of Europe and one of the biggest enemies of the West, aided by two other enemies of the West (Iran and North Korea) with an arm tied behind its back because world leaders are cowards.

What a choice, either Biden the weak or Trump, Putin's best friend.

When Russia wiped out every hospital in Aleppo, the world looked the other way, still had diplomatic ties with them, as Russia blew up hospital after hospital in Syria, world did nothing. Now they've moved onto Ukraine, congrats, Russia has won again, the world has once again shown them they are allowed to bomb hospitals, now even children hospitals, and nobody will do anything, so more hospitals will be bombed.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 July 2024

China is happily watching how they can always invade Taiwan without much to fear. Yes, they have a defense pact with USA but under Biden and obviously even more under Trump, Taiwan can be happy if US-Ships will shoot down a few missiles here and there but nothing more.

What kind of sign is this to China that even bombarding hospitals isn't enough for the West to risk some confrontation with Russia and China is probably way stronger nowadays.

I can't say that often enough: if USA would have been like that when Hitler was going to take over the World, Hitler would have taken half of the World. Putin will take everything he can and China will also start to get what they want anytime soon if USA won't stop to be the weak "we will watch carefully" shit. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 09 July 2024

crissindahouse said:

China is happily watching how they can always invade Taiwan without much to fear. Yes, they have a defense pact with USA but under Biden and obviously even more under Trump, Taiwan can be happy if US-Ships will shoot down a few missiles here and there but nothing more.

What kind of sign is this to China that even bombarding hospitals isn't enough for the West to risk some confrontation with Russia and China is probably way stronger nowadays.

I can't say that often enough: if USA would have been like that when Hitler was going to take over the World, Hitler would have taken half of the World. Putin will take everything he can and China will also start to get what they want anytime soon if USA won't stop to be the weak "we will watch carefully" shit. 

yeah, i'd hate to see China be in control of computer chip manufacturing.  Even if that scenario thankfully doesn't happen, China will be more powerful after this war is over and Russia will be much less powerful for a variety of reasons.

Hopefully Ukraine will be able to protect those incoming F-16s.............. they'll be a game changer eventually if they have a good plan in place to keep the planes secure.