Could you imagine what USA's response would be if a country blew up their biggest children's hospital, after already destroying dozens of civilian targets and dozens of hospitals previously, imagine, the USA would go absolutely fucking nutso and wipe that country out, they would not follow any rules, they never have, the USA does what it wants, they would rip through anyone in their way.
But Ukraine is just thoughts and prayers, it's a fucking massive hypocrisy, can't even hit military targets, what a joke. Ukraine is fighting against the biggest enemy of Europe and one of the biggest enemies of the West, aided by two other enemies of the West (Iran and North Korea) with an arm tied behind its back because world leaders are cowards.
What a choice, either Biden the weak or Trump, Putin's best friend.
When Russia wiped out every hospital in Aleppo, the world looked the other way, still had diplomatic ties with them, as Russia blew up hospital after hospital in Syria, world did nothing. Now they've moved onto Ukraine, congrats, Russia has won again, the world has once again shown them they are allowed to bomb hospitals, now even children hospitals, and nobody will do anything, so more hospitals will be bombed.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 July 2024