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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Unfortunately, I'd say it is time for Poland to acquire nukes of its own, the eastern flank needs more security, especially in light of Le Pen and Trump possibly coming into power, meaning we may be in a scenario where the only nuclear blanket left is the UK.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 July 2024

This is what the PM of the National Rally said in June:

"I wish for Ukraine to have at disposal the ammunition and equipment it needs to hold the front, but my red line will not change, which is sending equipment that could have consequences of escalation in eastern Europe," Bardella told reporters at the Eurosatory arms fair near Paris.

"And so I don't plan to send, especially, long-range missiles or other weapons that will allow Ukraine to strike the Russian territory. My position has not changed and will not change – it's about support for Ukraine and avoiding all risks of escalation in the region. And I think the risk of escalation is of course real."


Reads like defensive only equipment, you could read it that they won't send long-range missiles at all (even if Ukraine promises not to use them on Russian soil) and the line "equipment it needs to hold the front" so essentially he doesn't want Ukraine retaking their territory, only holding the current lines, aka keep what you've taken Russia.

So many western Europe countries "concerned" about escalation in eastern Europe meanwhile eastern Europe countries are sending practically everything they have, telling the western Europe countries to do more, telling them to lift all stupid red-line restrictions and yet western Europe politicians are "concerned" despite the fact that if a war did break out it would be the eastern European countries who would suffer the most.

The "concern" is just cowardice or wanting to help Russia. Grow some fucking balls like eastern Europe has.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 July 2024

Nato members are concerned or even worried about the possibility of Trump becoming president and what this could mean for NATO's ability to contain Russia

Ryuu96 said:

This is what the PM of the National Rally said in June:

"I wish for Ukraine to have at disposal the ammunition and equipment it needs to hold the front, but my red line will not change, which is sending equipment that could have consequences of escalation in eastern Europe," Bardella told reporters at the Eurosatory arms fair near Paris.

"And so I don't plan to send, especially, long-range missiles or other weapons that will allow Ukraine to strike the Russian territory. My position has not changed and will not change – it's about support for Ukraine and avoiding all risks of escalation in the region. And I think the risk of escalation is of course real."


Reads like defensive only equipment, you could read it that they won't send long-range missiles at all (even if Ukraine promises not to use them on Russian soil) and the line "equipment it needs to hold the front" so essentially he doesn't want Ukraine retaking their territory, only holding the current lines, aka keep what you've taken Russia.

So many western Europe countries "concerned" about escalation in eastern Europe meanwhile eastern Europe countries are sending practically everything they have, telling the western Europe countries to do more, telling them to lift all stupid red-line restrictions and yet western Europe politicians are "concerned" despite the fact that if a war did break out it would be the eastern European countries who would suffer the most.

The "concern" is just cowardice or wanting to help Russia. Grow some fucking balls like eastern Europe has.

Hopefully things will be easier in 2025, so that these restrictions on aid that we are expecting from France and the US won't affect Ukraine too much. 

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at least Bardella is not as crazy and delusional as Trump... still, if he gets a majority it will be tragic for Ukraine

maybe if he was closer to Macron on Ukraine it wouldn't be as bad, since the migration issue is giving more and more power to conservatives and the far-right almost everywhere in the EU and still nothing substantial is being done about it

but now it's definitely the worst possible timing for this, there is literally a crazy man with nukes on the Eastern borders that always wants more land

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

BFR said:

Good, they are listening.  Those strikes at the ukranian airfields lost the ukranians some planes and they need to be able to protect them.  

Russia is running out of tanks:

While the total number of 3657 counted seem like there's still a lot left, about a third of them are in so much disrepair that cou can almost write them off as just good for parts anymore, and half of those 3657 are in a poor condition, meaning they will need some serious effort (and thus time and ressources) to get them fully operational again.

The tanks models in general are also getting older. They ran out of T-90 and have only about 25% of T-80 left. More than half of the T-72B are also gone already, meaning Russia needs to use more and more their age-old tank models like the T-62 (the model of which Russia still has the highest reserves, having lost just over a third of the reserves) and T-54/55, of which they still have over 200 in storage.

The T-72A meanwhile constitutes the bulk of the tanks considered barely worth recovering and will probably for the most part only used for parts and the like, while Russia is reluctant to use their T-64 in Ukraine, probably because that model is the Ukrainian MBT and could easily provoke some heavy friendly-fire, so they're not in widespread use. This explains why Russia still has around 90% of pre-war stocks on both models - it's just not worth for Russia to reactivate both types most of the cases.

Long story short, Russia's Army is getting less and less mechanized, to the point that in 2 years, they might have entire divisions that are fighting entirely without mechanized vehicles - which will make any try to advance for them a suicide mission. Russia's devolving back to human wave tactics of early WW2 - without the manpower to sustain such tactics even in the short run.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

The tanks models in general are also getting older. They ran out of T-90 and have only about 25% of T-80 left. More than half of the T-72B are also gone already, meaning Russia needs to use more and more their age-old tank models like the T-62 (the model of which Russia still has the highest reserves, having lost just over a third of the reserves) and T-54/55, of which they still have over 200 in storage.

Would be quite something if they end up using T-54/55s. Those date back to the last 1940s just after WW2.

makes you wonder if they’d start pulling T-34s or T-44s (WW2 tanks) out of museums. May even be some T-26 or BT Tanks if they really need to scrape the barrel.