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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

So Russia is already unleashing the Russian equivalent of the Volkssturm and Volksgrenadiere after just 2 years even though he had already made extensive use of PMCs and penal units beforehand??

Putin will have to make a very difficult choice in the coming months. He will have to choose to prioritize his military economy or recruit more soldiers to compensate for the losses, as he doesn't have the personnel anymore to do both. In other words, Russia will either have fewer, somewhat better equipped units or more units, but very poorly equipped ones.

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

So Russia is already unleashing the Russian equivalent of the Volkssturm and Volksgrenadiere after just 2 years even though he had already made extensive use of PMCs and penal units beforehand??

Putin will have to make a very difficult choice in the coming months. He will have to choose to prioritize his military economy or recruit more soldiers to compensate for the losses, as he doesn't have the personnel anymore to do both. In other words, Russia will either have fewer, somewhat better equipped units or more units, but very poorly equipped ones.

Good to hear of these misfortunes of Russia's forces

To quote my favourite Science Fiction show:

"Sometimes peace is another word for surrender."
-Commander Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5

Earth (along with a number of other systems in the region) had been swept by the xenophobic sentiment and the Trump-like President Clark came into power. The Centauri Republic had invaded and conquered much of the Narn regime, and President Clark under the guise of "peace in the galaxy by not expanding the conflict" signed a treaty with the Centauri stating that they wouldn't defend or aid the Narn Regime in their war (at the time, Babylon 5 was sheltering Narn refugees and hiding a Narn heavy cruiser that had escaped battle).

The irony is Susan Ivanova is a character of Russian heritage.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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