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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

And I a texas guy and I know all about oil. I know so much. I can tell you all about every kind of well and drilling condition.  I can even squat down and smell the earth, and i'll know whether or not it would be a good place to put in a new well. One time, this Yankee salesman was trying to get me to invest in an oil well in west texas and I didn't want to. He showed me these company documents over my coffee table in his damn rose colored suit. Really? You're gonna come to my house on your pink suit? He was so slick, was disgusted by his whole persona. So with an evil grin I held him down and forcefully tied the Yankee up. And I sat him down on a dinner chair in handcuffs. And I taught him how to talk like a Texan by slapping him in the face with a steak when he didn't say it right.

"Awl and gas bidness" and when he didn't say it right I'd slap him again. Finally he knew to call every soft drink a "Coke" and spoke respectfully of Texas norms.
I finally let the Yankee go, surprised that I didn't get a kidnapping charge.

Last edited by shavenferret - 4 days ago

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Hmmm interesting what trumps plan to end this war would be.


Fucking Russia openly endorsing the far-right party in France led by Le Pen says it all, I wonder if she'll publicly come out and tell them to stick their praise? Probably not, fuck me, Europe feels like it's repeating the exact same mistakes of the WW1-WW2 eras, electing fascist governments because they got you angry about a single issue which they won't fix (either the economy or immigrants) and overlooking all their fascist tendencies because they make you bullshit promises about fixing all your issues (hint, they won't, they need you angry to get your votes, once they're in power they'll make you angry about something else and always blame someone else for the issues of the country).

America, France, Germany...

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 3 days ago

Happy Fourth of July to all our American friends!

We understand what independence means to you, Americans, and you can see that it means the same thing to us, Ukrainians.

We value independence equally and rely on our brave men and women to defend it. Together, we are creating hope for people all over the world. A hope that freedom will always triumph.

True independence is always the result of won battles, and freedom must be reinforced with victories every time tyranny attempts to destroy it. Different generations of Americans and Ukrainians have witnessed this firsthand, and it is critical that current generations pass on a sense of confident independence and guaranteed freedom to their children and grandchildren.

On this day, we join our trusted ally in recognizing this most sacred value for both of our nations. We do so with deep gratitude for all of the support that the United States has provided and continues to provide to Ukraine in its fight for freedom, independence, and security - not only its own, but that of all free nations.

Thank you, America. Thank you to every American heart that beats in solidarity with brave Ukrainian hearts fighting for independence.

I wish the United States and all Americans strength, unity, and unwavering belief in the triumph of good over evil, liberty over tyranny, and life over terror.


Americans (or rather, MAGA idiots) should remember that without the French, they may not have won the war against the British. The power in having allies instead of being isolationists and abandoning them, they can't claim that Europe has never done anything for America. America didn't win independence on its own.

Happy 4th of July to the non-MAGA idiots.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 3 days ago