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Happy Fourth of July to all our American friends!

We understand what independence means to you, Americans, and you can see that it means the same thing to us, Ukrainians.

We value independence equally and rely on our brave men and women to defend it. Together, we are creating hope for people all over the world. A hope that freedom will always triumph.

True independence is always the result of won battles, and freedom must be reinforced with victories every time tyranny attempts to destroy it. Different generations of Americans and Ukrainians have witnessed this firsthand, and it is critical that current generations pass on a sense of confident independence and guaranteed freedom to their children and grandchildren.

On this day, we join our trusted ally in recognizing this most sacred value for both of our nations. We do so with deep gratitude for all of the support that the United States has provided and continues to provide to Ukraine in its fight for freedom, independence, and security - not only its own, but that of all free nations.

Thank you, America. Thank you to every American heart that beats in solidarity with brave Ukrainian hearts fighting for independence.

I wish the United States and all Americans strength, unity, and unwavering belief in the triumph of good over evil, liberty over tyranny, and life over terror.


Americans (or rather, MAGA idiots) should remember that without the French, they may not have won the war against the British. The power in having allies instead of being isolationists and abandoning them, they can't claim that Europe has never done anything for America. America didn't win independence on its own.

Happy 4th of July to the non-MAGA idiots.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 July 2024