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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Can't defend themselves when they get attacked by weapons outside of their territory which they aren't allowed to destroy due to stupid rules.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 22 May 2024

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"From the beginning, we have made the mistake of limiting the Ukrainians because it could be seen as an escalation," Landsbergis said.

Landsbergis said such decisions were "dominated by fear of Russia" and worries about escalating the conflict beyond Ukraine's borders.

"The Ukrainians must be allowed to use the equipment provided to them so that they can achieve strategic objectives," he said.

"They must be able to strike Russian territory, supply lines, and military units preparing to attack Ukraine.

"Only one side has rules imposed on it. We must abandon these rules that we created."

Lithuanian FM: Ukraine 'Must Be Allowed' To Strike Russian Territory With Western Arms

“This action serves as further evidence that Russia’s aggressive and revisionist policies threaten the security of neighboring countries and Europe as a whole,” according to a statement from the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry.

The ministry further announced that the Russian ambassador will be summoned today for a detailed explanation. Lithuania will coordinate its response with its partners.

Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also commented on Moscow’s move.

“The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea outlines procedures for defining and revising maritime zones of coastal states,” Finland’s Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen wrote on her Twitter (X) account.

“We expect Russia, as a party to the convention, to act in accordance with those procedures. It’s important to remember that sowing confusion is also a tactic of hybrid warfare. Finland will not be intimidated.”

Lithuania Sees Russia’s Attempt to Redraw Sea Boarders as a Threat to Regional Security

Scholz rushing to the nearest interviewer so he can tell Latvia to stop being warmongers.

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Come on Biden...Even fucking Mike Johnson the damn weasel who spent months letting Ukrainians die is better than you on this issue.

Why wouldn't they? What does China have to lose? This is a result of "escalation management" and showing constant fear, China believes for good reason that the West aren't going to do jack shit because "escalation!" so China gets to help Russia keep the West occupied and keep this conflict going on for longer.

Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

Well this definitely makes me feel good if America or even NATO has to fight Russia. The ruskiesare so hard up for IFVs that they are using 70 year old vehicles that are basically just tractors with no protection at all for the troops. One drone could send 10 soldiers to hell.

No doubt America would destroy Russia in a conventional war, the issue is if they'd have the stomach for it even if Russia starts it. Personally, I'm starting to doubt what America + Western Europe's response would be if Russia started anything with the Baltic countries and I mean no disrespect but Russia would make quick work of the Baltics.

The good thing is that there are already 10k+ troops from USA, UK, Germany and many other countries stationed in the Baltics. So Russia would have to attack and kill some of them and even with how shitty the West is with how they handle Ukraine I doubt they wouldn't use their NATO Response Force in this situation. 

I mean, they would pretty much have to take their already stationed soldiers out of these countries while Russia would attack. That would be some crazy stuff and make the whole purpose of NATO completely irrelevant and would be a collapse of the West.

It would be a sign for countries like Romania that they won't get any help either. This wouldn't be only a military but a political and economical disaster killing all the relationships between countries. 

Ryuu96 said:

Can't defend themselves when they get attacked by weapons outside of their territory which they aren't allowed to destroy due to stupid rules.

This is like when your neighbor would shoot through your window, you call the police and they say you can't shoot back and they won't detain/arrest him either. But here are some wooden plates you can put outside your house to protect yourself. 

Ryuu96 said:

Why wouldn't they? What does China have to lose? This is a result of "escalation management" and showing constant fear, China believes for good reason that the West aren't going to do jack shit because "escalation!" so China gets to help Russia keep the West occupied and keep this conflict going on for longer.

Wouldn't China prefer to end this conflict asap, as the longer it goes on, the more likely Europe is to wake up, remove their heads from their asses and meaningfully up their spending on & investment in their militaries?

I.e. if Europe feels safe they'll stay complacent & militarily weak, whereas if Ukraine continues to cause alarm, enough political will could build for us to properly tool up. 

Or are there angles I'm not seeing?