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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

America having the nerve to tell Ukraine to stop striking oil refineries and saying "Ukraine is better served going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight" when America and its allies place restrictions on Ukraine in terms of what they can strike, refuse to send Ukraine certain weaponry out of fear, block Ukraine from using western weapons on Russian soil and America is currently sending Ukraine next to nothing and they're moaning at them to go strike targets that can influence the current fight?

With what fucking weapons?!

Maybe convince Germany to send them fucking Taurus, maybe if you actually sent ATACMS, maybe if you didn't take months of debating, escalation management over every single weapon instead of just being focused on Ukraine winning this war, maybe if Ukraine had the artillery, maybe if Ukraine had way more IFVs and Tanks, way more and better quality drones.

They used Storm Shadow on valuable targets, but how do they get through the minefields and artillery bombardments on the frontlines without enough heavy armour, anti-mine technology, and counter-artillery ammo? Does America just want Ukraine to charge headfirst into artillery and minefields and pray for the best?

They also did use drones on a Russian airfield recently, a large attack and unfortunately based on satellite images they didn't hit anything because of Russia's AD, AD which would be dealt with if the West allowed strikes on Russian soil. Khakhiv is bombed 24/7 because it's so close to the border and Ukraine can barely do anything about it because they don't have much AD but also because the escalation management West won't allow Ukraine to strike back against Russia using western weapons because the missiles are coming from Russian soil.

"Stop doing that Ukraine! Do this instead while we place dozens of restrictions on you and don't give you what you need"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 April 2024

Around the Network

Ryuu96 said:

Thomas Laliberty, President of Raytheon Land & Air Defense Systems says that they have the capacity to build 1 Patriot battery per month! This is currently underutilized though, as they only have Switzerland's order of 5 batteries in production right now, plus some replacement contracts for the assets transferred to Ukraine. They expect another 12 batteries will be on contract within the next 18 months though. It's astounding that the Biden Admin did not use any USAI funds to take advantage of this spare capacity by placing orders for additional Patriot batteries for Ukraine.

On missile production:

PAC-3 MSE is currently at 500/year, and will reach 650 by 2027.

And we finally learn what the rate for PAC-2 GEM-T is; 240/year, reaching 420/year in 2027. GEM-T is only in production for Foreign Military Sales customers. Raytheon currently has 500 GEM-T missiles on contract for production at their US facilities, plus 1000 missiles which will be built by their COMLOG joint venture with MBDA Germany. Raytheon expects another 1000 GEM-T orders on top of those 1500.

So at best in 2027 they will produce 1000 Patriot missiles per year by 2027. That's nowhere near enough for the defense of Ukraine, I hope other systems, like Iris-T and Hawk, can supplement enough missiles for the defense of the Ukrainian air space.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Thomas Laliberty, President of Raytheon Land & Air Defense Systems says that they have the capacity to build 1 Patriot battery per month! This is currently underutilized though, as they only have Switzerland's order of 5 batteries in production right now, plus some replacement contracts for the assets transferred to Ukraine. They expect another 12 batteries will be on contract within the next 18 months though. It's astounding that the Biden Admin did not use any USAI funds to take advantage of this spare capacity by placing orders for additional Patriot batteries for Ukraine.

On missile production:

PAC-3 MSE is currently at 500/year, and will reach 650 by 2027.

And we finally learn what the rate for PAC-2 GEM-T is; 240/year, reaching 420/year in 2027. GEM-T is only in production for Foreign Military Sales customers. Raytheon currently has 500 GEM-T missiles on contract for production at their US facilities, plus 1000 missiles which will be built by their COMLOG joint venture with MBDA Germany. Raytheon expects another 1000 GEM-T orders on top of those 1500.

So at best in 2027 they will produce 1000 Patriot missiles per year by 2027. That's nowhere near enough for the defense of Ukraine, I hope other systems, like Iris-T and Hawk, can supplement enough missiles for the defense of the Ukrainian air space.

Like I said before, Patriot needs to be layered with other AD systems, Patriot is the only system capable of taking out certain missiles, it won't be taking out every single missile that is fired into Ukraine so I don't really agree that 1000 per year won't be enough, especially "nowhere near" because Patriot isn't intended to be the only AD in Ukraine, it's just the best AD in Ukraine. Hundreds of missiles per year is more than enough, if layered with other AD systems, if Western countries at zero risk don't horde missiles for themselves and if Western countries send their current stocks of missiles.

And I'm sorry, Switzerland should not be ordering those 5 Patriots batteries for itself unless they plan on sending all 5 to Ukraine.

Just ridiculous, these Western countries hording valuable AD for themselves when they don't even need it. Ukraine is asking for 7 batteries...7...Switzerland is hogging the production for 5...Raytheon has the capability to build 1 battery per month, Ukraine could get 7 batteries in 4 months (because they already have 3) but right now they can barely get 1 and have to beg on their hands and knees.

It's as often, political will and not capability, a few countries could easily send Ukraine 4 batteries and just wait 4 months for Raytheon to build them some new ones, oh I'm sure that is a terrifying concept, Russia might tactical nuke them in those 4 months or something, they're defenceless, Russia might steamroll through the multiple countries standing between the cowards in Western Europe and Russia itself.

Back onto the missiles, those hundreds per year are Raytheon only, we also don't know Mitsubishi's capability.

Lockheed is now fully funded by the U.S. Army to build 550 missiles a year at its Camden, Arkansas, production line.

It’s unclear if the U.S. Army sees a need to ramp up its Patriot missile production beyond 650 missiles a year.

Also - NATO - News: NATO to buy 1,000 Patriot missiles to enhance Allies’ air defences, 03-Jan.-2024

550 missiles per year from Raytheon/Lockheed, the hundreds which allies already have in stockpiles, whatever Mitsubishi can also make, layered on top of the current AD systems, it would be enough if Western allies were willing to take an actual "risk"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 April 2024

Around the Network

Ryuu96 said:

And I'm sorry, Switzerland should not be ordering those 5 Patriots batteries for itself unless they plan on sending all 5 to Ukraine.

Just ridiculous, these Western countries hording valuable AD for themselves when they don't even need it. Ukraine is asking for 7 batteries...7...Switzerland is hogging the production for 5...Raytheon has the capability to build 1 battery per month, Ukraine could get 7 batteries in 4 months (because they already have 3) but right now they can barely get 1 and have to beg on their hands and knees.

What's more, Switzerland already has a lot of Patriots: 17 M903 launching stations (basically fixed-position PAC-3 launchers), 70 PAC-2 GEM-T and 72 PAC-3 MSE. I really don't see why they'd need even more launchers

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

And I'm sorry, Switzerland should not be ordering those 5 Patriots batteries for itself unless they plan on sending all 5 to Ukraine.

Just ridiculous, these Western countries hording valuable AD for themselves when they don't even need it. Ukraine is asking for 7 batteries...7...Switzerland is hogging the production for 5...Raytheon has the capability to build 1 battery per month, Ukraine could get 7 batteries in 4 months (because they already have 3) but right now they can barely get 1 and have to beg on their hands and knees.

What's more, Switzerland already has a lot of Patriots: 17 M903 launching stations (basically fixed-position PAC-3 launchers), 70 PAC-2 GEM-T and 72 PAC-3 MSE. I really don't see why they'd need even more launchers

Switzerland's just annoying in general, their neutrality stance while being surrounded by powerful allies, their no export stance, the weapons are just going to rot in Switzerland and never be used, they must be terrified that Germany or France are going to suddenly invade them, Lol.

I've seen yall talk about air defense and the Patriot all morning, can't believe that nobody saw this yet. But the USA is making an emergency sale of the HAWK system to Ukraine. So Ukraine is getting some air defense, again. It isn't the Patriot, but at least it isn't a legacy Soviet system. 138 million dollars worth is being sold, whatever that means, includes spare parts

What is the Biden admin doing, it's like they know the original statement isn't holding up so they're scrambling for a new narrative.

Assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs Celeste Wallander gave a different answer to this question today, telling HASC that "the issue on attacking critical infrastructure is when those are civilian targets, we have concerns because Ukraine holds itself to the highest standards of observing the laws of armed conflict and that's one of the elements of being a European democracy."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

How the fuck is an oil refinery supplying Russia's war machine a civilian target?

How about America stops being a fucking hypocrite too.

Operation Tidal Wave II - Wikipedia

Or letting Israel get away with whatever the fuck it wants? They have to nerve to try to paint the narrative that Ukraine is bombing civilian targets? Is anyone in Europe going to stand up for Ukraine and tell America to shut the fuck up? These absolute hypocrites, if any country attacked America, they would be bombing the hell out of whoever did it.

Fire that useless Jake Sullivan and get someone in who isn't a coward.