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What is the Biden admin doing, it's like they know the original statement isn't holding up so they're scrambling for a new narrative.

Assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs Celeste Wallander gave a different answer to this question today, telling HASC that "the issue on attacking critical infrastructure is when those are civilian targets, we have concerns because Ukraine holds itself to the highest standards of observing the laws of armed conflict and that's one of the elements of being a European democracy."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

How the fuck is an oil refinery supplying Russia's war machine a civilian target?

How about America stops being a fucking hypocrite too.

Operation Tidal Wave II - Wikipedia

Or letting Israel get away with whatever the fuck it wants? They have to nerve to try to paint the narrative that Ukraine is bombing civilian targets? Is anyone in Europe going to stand up for Ukraine and tell America to shut the fuck up? These absolute hypocrites, if any country attacked America, they would be bombing the hell out of whoever did it.

Fire that useless Jake Sullivan and get someone in who isn't a coward.