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America having the nerve to tell Ukraine to stop striking oil refineries and saying "Ukraine is better served going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight" when America and its allies place restrictions on Ukraine in terms of what they can strike, refuse to send Ukraine certain weaponry out of fear, block Ukraine from using western weapons on Russian soil and America is currently sending Ukraine next to nothing and they're moaning at them to go strike targets that can influence the current fight?

With what fucking weapons?!

Maybe convince Germany to send them fucking Taurus, maybe if you actually sent ATACMS, maybe if you didn't take months of debating, escalation management over every single weapon instead of just being focused on Ukraine winning this war, maybe if Ukraine had the artillery, maybe if Ukraine had way more IFVs and Tanks, way more and better quality drones.

They used Storm Shadow on valuable targets, but how do they get through the minefields and artillery bombardments on the frontlines without enough heavy armour, anti-mine technology, and counter-artillery ammo? Does America just want Ukraine to charge headfirst into artillery and minefields and pray for the best?

They also did use drones on a Russian airfield recently, a large attack and unfortunately based on satellite images they didn't hit anything because of Russia's AD, AD which would be dealt with if the West allowed strikes on Russian soil. Khakhiv is bombed 24/7 because it's so close to the border and Ukraine can barely do anything about it because they don't have much AD but also because the escalation management West won't allow Ukraine to strike back against Russia using western weapons because the missiles are coming from Russian soil.

"Stop doing that Ukraine! Do this instead while we place dozens of restrictions on you and don't give you what you need"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 April 2024