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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

Lol. Man looks like he'll fold you in half.

Let's hope he's not acting like that action figurine (watch the movie Small Soldiers if you don't know what I'm talking about. Let's just say that his name of Chip Hazard is very meaningful)

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 09 April 2024

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Cobretti2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Nah this is a bad idea. Isreal already doing that and most the targets are innocent humans.

Plus we are training AI to attack humans as being an OK thing to do. 

Drones are scary but unfortunately also the future of warfare, cheap ass drones have crippled a full fledged Navy, they've taken out million dollar modern tanks, they've wiped out infantry units, they've taken out critical infrastructure, etc. I get your concern but Russia will also likely be working on this stuff and whoever cracks the code of avoiding electronic warfare first will quickly go to having a major advantage on the battlefield, the AI purpose here is to avoid EW.

The drone would be launched and piloted by a human to about a mile before their target. At that point, AI would take over, guiding the drone to its eventual target and making it harder for Russia to jam any signals back to the pilot.

In addition, if the UK is involved along with other countries, it will probably have extremely strict usage considering how many restrictions the West already enforces on Ukraine, we have restrictions that they can't use our weapons on Russia, that they can't use cluster munitions near any populated areas, etc. It's also a different war than that in Israel/Gaza.

Firstly, it's a different environment, the vast majority of the Ukraine/Russia war is in open fields, forested areas, away from city populations and even a lot of these Ukrainian cities were largely evacuated, meanwhile Israel/Gaza is more of an urban war, Gaza is a tightly condensed population and Palestinians have been unable to flee, I imagine the majority of these drones will be used in the actual frontlines.

Secondly, targets don't automatically mean humans, they could input the oil refinery as a target, or as the picture depicts, a tank as a target, Ukraine using an AI drone to blow up a tank in the middle of a combat field far away from a city should have little chance of going rogue, flying off for miles and then picking out a random human target to go kill.

Finally, just because Israel doesn't care about civilian casualties, doesn't mean Ukraine won't. Ukraine is fighting for its country and thus has more reason to be more careful, Israel is fighting to exterminate a country, like Russia, so they don't care about drones killing civilians, they don't care about Palestinians because they aren't Israelis, Ukraine will care about Ukrainians.

Could pose a problem if they use the drones inside of Russia but the West already flipped their shit at Ukraine assassinating people inside of Russia, I can't imagine an oil refinery input having much risk or a command building and I don't see them doing much individual human targeting and EW already kills civilians when drones get jammed, fall out the sky instead of their intended target and explode on a civilian.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 April 2024

BFR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Genius Putin!

Lol. Man looks like he'll fold you in half.

If I'm not mistaken, that patch on his shirt means he's an Oberst as well, Germany's equivalent of a Colonel.

Which is funny because that's what Guile is as well. We should change his origin story!

Nexter to produce up to 12 Caesar self-propelled howitzers per month

Until 2022, Nexter had been producing 2 Caesar self-propelled howitzers per month. However, since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the company has managed to increase production up to 6 vehicles with the prospect of further increasing up to 8 vehicles per month.

However, due to the growing number of European customers and Ukraine's urgent needs, the company said it would be able to increase production by 100% and increase the rate of production of self-propelled howitzers up to 12 units per month.

According to the plans, the new production rates should be reached "within the next 12 months".

At the beginning of the month it became known that Ukraine's arms industry is building eight Bohdana self-propelled howitzers each month.

Nexter to produce up to 12 Caesar self-propelled howitzers per month - Militarnyi

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One way to get around Mike Johnson

US transfers captured weapons allegedly sent from Iran to the Houthis

The US says it sent captured weapons earmarked for Yemen’s Houthis to Ukraine’s military.

“The US government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces,” the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a post on X.

The munitions were being transferred from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the Houthis in violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, CENTCOM alleged.

“Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners,” it said. “We will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

The Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have been attacking Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea in recent months in a show of support for Palestinians in Gaza.

Not that that has any effect on hitting ships with rockets, but maybe Ukraine has use for that stuff.

Didn't the US do a transfer like that some months ago? Hopefully its a set second and its not taken this long to get the 1 shipment through.