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US transfers captured weapons allegedly sent from Iran to the Houthis

The US says it sent captured weapons earmarked for Yemen’s Houthis to Ukraine’s military.

“The US government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces,” the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a post on X.

The munitions were being transferred from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the Houthis in violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, CENTCOM alleged.

“Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners,” it said. “We will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

The Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have been attacking Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea in recent months in a show of support for Palestinians in Gaza.

Not that that has any effect on hitting ships with rockets, but maybe Ukraine has use for that stuff.