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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

Orban saying what we all knew out loud, not to hurt Trump but because he is just as much of a scumbag as Trump.

"He has a very clear vision that is hard to disagree with. He says the following: first, he will not give a single penny for the Russo-Ukrainian war. That's why the war will end, because it's obvious that Ukraine cannot stand on its own two feet. If the Americans don't give money and weapons along with the Europeans, the war will end. And if the Americans don't give money, then the Europeans won't be able to fund this war alone. And then the war will end."

Is this 'clear vision' as detailed as his plan to replace Obamacare, which was all hot air?

Also I notice Orban's speak patterns are so remarkable similarly to those talking about how Russia can achieve victory.

Trump's genius plan for peace = Let the Russians kill all the Ukrainians.

Hopefully Europe doesn't waste its time trying to play nice with Trump, Orban said the quiet part out loud, thanks, now it's clear for everyone to see that there's no point in trying to work with Trump, he is just going to let Ukraine die. So it's time for Europe to move forward without America, Germany needs to step up and stop waiting for America to make moves first and if European countries want to put boots on the ground then we should do so without a care for what America thinks, it is our land to defend. Trump is more an ally to Russia than he is to Europe and the Republican Party is so far gone that they will follow whatever Trump tells them to do.

I do think Biden will win but it's too risky to just assume that's a given so we need to move forward with the assumption that America is a lost cause and if Biden does win then great, if he doesn't win then at least we're prepared, as long as the Republicans have some form of power to stop the Democrats though, America will be no reliable ally to Europe. Might be time even for some countries to start up their own nuclear weapons program and stop relying on America's. Republicans don't realise how short sighted they're being in killing America's influence in Europe, sure it may be a good thing for Europe but it won't be a good thing for America in the long run.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024

Russian media, including the pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper, reported over the weekend that Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov had been replaced by Northern Fleet commander Alexander Moiseyev.

Kremlin Declines to Comment on Naval Chief Sacking Reports - The Moscow Times


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024

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Hopefully this war ends in the next few years and there will be peace finally. Being half polish this conflict is makes me very anxious at times.


about point 3: while it's true that NATO artillery production is ramping up, Russia also increases their production and doesn't stand still. It's not as if Russia is like "we are at war but we don't try to increase our production more and more". We also don't know when they will buy their next bunch of shells from Iran or somewhere else.

But that just shows even more how important USA is for Ukraine. Too bad Trump will win the election...

There's also the fact that NATO isn't as tied to the artillery system as Russia and Ukraine are. I fully expect (for as long as Trump loses this November) that the longer this conflict lasts the more NATO will gradually arm Ukraine to be less reliant on artillery pieces and artillery shells.

crissindahouse said:

about point 3: while it's true that NATO artillery production is ramping up, Russia also increases their production and doesn't stand still. It's not as if Russia is like "we are at war but we don't try to increase our production more and more". We also don't know when they will buy their next bunch of shells from Iran or somewhere else.

But that just shows even more how important USA is for Ukraine. Too bad Trump will win the election...

Yeah, although Russia should theoretically hit bottlenecks lower than the West's full capability, our combined economies far exceed Russia's and with the right sanctions we can slow them down, Russia won't stop but the West is more than capable of not only matching Russia but exceeding them if they actually put significant effort into it. There's also things like the firing cannons themselves, the systems, all those will be worn down over time and need repairing/replacing.

We need to go round to every defence industry and buy every single shell they can possibly produce, to the very last one, we need to be throwing contracts left and right, I assume if Mike Johnson ever passes the bill, America will likely have a backlog waiting for Ukraine and yeah, America is essential for Ukraine, I don't think they can win without them, just the sheer size of their military and they just simply have a stronger defence industry than Europe does, one which America has more control over.

EpicRandy said:

There's also the fact that NATO isn't as tied to the artillery system as Russia and Ukraine are. I fully expect (for as long as Trump loses this November) that the longer this conflict lasts the more NATO will gradually arm Ukraine to be less reliant on artillery pieces and artillery shells.

Idk if Ukraine can become less reliant on artillery for this specific war...Yeah, the West doesn't do artillery slogs anymore, their tactic is air superiority now, bomb the hell out of the enemy then send in the troops to clean up, Idk how this war for Ukraine can go beyond artillery slog though unless Ukraine achieves air superiority which is a long shot and they simply don't have anywhere near the air force able to achieve that.

I don't think Trump will win either, if he does then I will be so angry at America but I'm leaning towards a Biden win at this moment in time, still Biden is evidently not enough, Dems have to take House as well, I want Dems to take Senate as well just for America's sake but I don't think Senate is needed for Ukraine specifically. It's mainly House which is full of uneducated lunatics, nowadays it feels like anyone can become a House member.

If Trump does win then France along with its allies should send troops into Ukraine.

Pretty sure Trump will lose though, unless Americans have short term memory loss.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024