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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint


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Russian murderers and torture chambers are unable to march further into Europe because they are being held back by Ukrainians holding arms under the blue and yellow flag.

There used to be many white walls of houses and churches in Ukraine, but they have now been burned and damaged by Russian shells. This speaks volumes about who needs to stop for the war to end.

Everyone who defends life and people is carrying out the most honourable mission possible in the face of such an inhumane invasion. And we must fully protect life in our home. I am grateful to everyone who supports our defense and defenders.

When Russian evil launched this war on February 24th, 2022, all Ukrainians rose up to defend their country. Christians, Muslims, Jews — everyone. And I am grateful to each chaplain who is with the army, in our defense forces, on the frontlines, protecting life and humanity. Those who support others through prayer, conversation, and actions.

This is what the Church is: one with the people. Not two and a half thousand kilometers away—somewhere, looking for a virtual meditation between those who want to live and those who want to destroy you.

I am grateful to everyone in and with Ukraine who is making every effort to protect life. I thank everyone who helps, who is truly close in deeds and prayers.

Ryuu96 said:


Bizarrely, after a lot of criticism, his office came out with some contrived explanation about how he wasn’t talking about Ukraine surrendering, when he literally said to raise the white flag.

SecondWar said:
Ryuu96 said:


Bizarrely, after a lot of criticism, his office came out with some contrived explanation about how he wasn’t talking about Ukraine surrendering, when he literally said to raise the white flag.

Apparently the only meaning of the white flag isn't surrender. It's definitely what comes to mind to most, but I don't think it's all all far-fetched that a man of his position might not be able to see the implication that many do as the only one. Additionally, he's originally South American, and it's possible the common meaning there differs from ours. I'm personally willing to give him the benefit of doubt for now, although of course there's only so few times you can do that.

Does anybody give a crap about what the Pope says? The guy is senile, just like Trump.

Last edited by BFR - on 11 March 2024

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I can see France's new attitude of pushing red lines further away bully Germany into delivering Taurus. That way the cowardly SPD can claim that they are only giving long range missiles when more than half of Europe is already talking about sending troops to Ukraine. Because that's the German song and dance; they'll say "no" up until the very last moment, then pat themselves on the back for making a very considerate decision that doesn't escalate the war and keeps Germany safe.

As for Russia being a threat to Germany, it's cowardly thinking. I mean, it should be clear to everyone that if Russia fired any sort of missile on German territory, the stakes in Ukraine would immediately rise tremendously to Russia's disadvantage. For example, Ukraine would be given green light to fire any type of weapon on military targets on Russian soil, because suddenly the war's situation would be about protecting lives that matter. Yes, I am saying this cynically, but you all know it's true. Necessary weapons have been withheld from Ukraine at many steps along the way, as if this was just a game to the West's politicians. Their messed up thinking of "we can't allow Russia to win this war" has got us to this point where the UA has to retreat due to a shortage of ammo. It's well past time that the West flips the switch to "Russia must lose this war", because otherwise the only two outcomes are that either the war drags on for many more years or Russia ultimately wins.

German news media is guessing in their analyses that Macron is only fired up because of the upcoming EU elections, and yes, it might actually be the case that French voters are more important than Ukrainian lives. But even as low as this is, it's still better than the German way of staying course and taking the heavy losses for the social democrats because of cowardice. For those who don't know - probably all of you because why would it be important for you - the German SPD won the German national election in 2021 with a good 26% of the votes and is currently hovering around 15% in polls. I suppose they are content with this, because they know that the conservatives (CDU, risen to above 30% in polls) prefer them as junior partner for a coalition over the Greens. Hence no decisive efforts from them regardless of the topic.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Macron has played this smart, in my view anyway, all of a sudden France despite their support to Ukraine being on the weaker side (in terms of military hardware) and weaker than Germany's overall, the narrative feels flipped all of a sudden, France now looks like a leader of Europe once again, France is setting the lines, France has adopted an almost "no fucks given" attitude and it is making them look strong and confident.

Now we have the Baltic countries aligning themselves closer to France than Germany, not only that, other countries originally reluctant to the idea are now warming to it, multiple countries in fact, whilst Germany is demanding we all shut up about it, Lol. It's making Germany stand out like a sore thumb as once again being unable to step up to the plate.

Other considerations, France openly speaking about this stuff could put doubt and fear into Russia in making them think "okay, how far can we go before France puts boots on the ground?" and France certainly has the ability to put fear into Russia, like I've said before, France and UK are the only two nuke wielding countries in Europe, they can certainly get away with pushing the envelope further than other countries can.

It could also push other countries into increasing their support to Ukraine, those that fear the possibility of having troops in Ukraine, well if they want to avoid that then they better step up support and ensure that it doesn't have to happen, then like Rol said, it pushes the "line" even further out so that sending something like Taurus suddenly looks like a minor line.

I want to see more from France too, I want to see a significant step up in military deliveries but Macron is saying all the right things lately.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024

Apparently the Ringtausch discussions are on for Germany giving Taurus to the UK which in turn would give more Storm Shadows to Ukraine. And as expected, the SPD doesn't like it and describes it as a distraction to the things Ukraine really needs now: ammo and air defense. It's always the same, they keep portraying these subjects as if there were mutual exclusivity in equipment deliveries.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

The Best Defence is a Good Offense

It sure seems like some have never heard of this term before, some believe that Ukraine can win a war by only defending themselves, keep blocking the punches until Russia tires itself out. Ukraine definitely needs air defence right now but it doesn't mean they don't need other things just as much and sending one thing doesn't prevent sending another.

As for the Ringtausch, it's a bit of a frustrating compromise as Storm Shadow isn't capable of destroying Kerch Bridge but if it's the only compromise available then Ukraine doesn't really have a choice, Storm Shadows are still awesome, maybe we'll see more ships destroyed by them, it just makes me disappointed that Kerch Bridge likely isn't anywhere close to being destroyed.

If we could combine Storm Shadow's stealth with Taurus bridge busting, that'd be a deadly weapon 👀

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024

Orban saying what we all knew out loud, not to hurt Trump but because he is just as much of a scumbag as Trump.

"He has a very clear vision that is hard to disagree with. He says the following: first, he will not give a single penny for the Russo-Ukrainian war. That's why the war will end, because it's obvious that Ukraine cannot stand on its own two feet. If the Americans don't give money and weapons along with the Europeans, the war will end. And if the Americans don't give money, then the Europeans won't be able to fund this war alone. And then the war will end."

Use Article 7 on Hungary already, Orban is not an ally.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 March 2024