Macron has played this smart, in my view anyway, all of a sudden France despite their support to Ukraine being on the weaker side (in terms of military hardware) and weaker than Germany's overall, the narrative feels flipped all of a sudden, France now looks like a leader of Europe once again, France is setting the lines, France has adopted an almost "no fucks given" attitude and it is making them look strong and confident.
Now we have the Baltic countries aligning themselves closer to France than Germany, not only that, other countries originally reluctant to the idea are now warming to it, multiple countries in fact, whilst Germany is demanding we all shut up about it, Lol. It's making Germany stand out like a sore thumb as once again being unable to step up to the plate.
Other considerations, France openly speaking about this stuff could put doubt and fear into Russia in making them think "okay, how far can we go before France puts boots on the ground?" and France certainly has the ability to put fear into Russia, like I've said before, France and UK are the only two nuke wielding countries in Europe, they can certainly get away with pushing the envelope further than other countries can.
It could also push other countries into increasing their support to Ukraine, those that fear the possibility of having troops in Ukraine, well if they want to avoid that then they better step up support and ensure that it doesn't have to happen, then like Rol said, it pushes the "line" even further out so that sending something like Taurus suddenly looks like a minor line.
I want to see more from France too, I want to see a significant step up in military deliveries but Macron is saying all the right things lately.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024