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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Cobretti2 said:

"The past two years have shown that when the United States hesitates, its allies do as well, but when they lead, then they will be followed"

This may be true, but Europe needs to start thinking for itself. America is an ocean away and it needs to be able to stand on its own feet.

They do.

The reason as to why they waited (or like with Germany and the Leopard 2 tanks, enticed the US to participate) is that they were fully aware that most of their military industry was atrophied and that they wouldn't be able to support Ukraine enough on their own, especially not early on. So without the US participating, it was seen as a lost cause and useless effort, as they couldn't do very much by themselves early on except send some old equipment that's been slowly rotting in storage, which could help Ukraine in a pinch, but not in the long run.

The times are changing though. Europe's military industry is awaking from it's slumber, Russia is awakening the sleeping giant of our time. It will still take time to get it fully ramped up though - but when it does, Russia will not be able to compete anymore, neither in quantity and certainly not in quality.

The main problem is that it's a long process, and I hope it can be done in time. It absolutely needs to be ready by the end of the year, as if Trump were to win the election, I very much doubt that there will be a single additional shell being sent to Ukraine from the US.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 21 January 2024

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This war is a meat grinder and both sides will have to make cocessions that they do not like to make.


hellobion2 said:

This whole conflict is reminding me of the Fallout game series.

I'm just going to respond to you here since this comment is annoying me now but this applies to all your comments on the forums, you come across sterile, almost like someone using ChatGPT to write their responses to the prompt of a thread title. I don't think I've actually ever seen you engage with another user or have an actual conversation with anyone.

It's making everyone think that you're a bot, I've done some investigating of my own and see that you might not be a bot but still, from the actual content of your posts to bumping months/years old threads and you making like a dozen comments within minutes then logging off for the day, if you aren't a bot, you instead look like someone who is just trying to spam the forums for points.

And in the Steam collection thread.

In an article about a multiplatform coming to Switch.

In the article about Sea of Thieves coming to Switch

You even predicted a 31 for FFVII Rebirth...

As for this thread...You've basically said this same comment about "both sides" losing around 3-4 times now and having to make peace, but one of your first comments was the incredibly insensitive comment about being "bored" of the war. Your comments in the Gaza thread about it reminding you of Fallout are aggravating me too.

So I want an actual response to my comment here, I want you to quote me back and respond to me like an actual human being, I want you to engage with me or any member on the forums otherwise I will use this as evidence that either you are using a bot (maybe you're a real person who just activated a bot) or you're spamming the forums for points and I will take it to the other Mods and decide on a course of action from there.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 January 2024

This guy, HB2, has to be a bot. He contributes nothing to the discussion, he just makes asinine comments. I don't post my opinions here very often, I prefer to post the facts and let all of you make up your own mind. Slava Ukraine.

Around the Network

The suggestion of a ring exchange with Great Britain is unsuitable. The #Taurus is then gone for the Bundeswehr and the Ukraine still doesn't have it. Storm Shadow is not an equivalent replacement. The Bundeskanzler has to confess by February.

Republican Party willing to throw Ukraine under the bus for a political win.

I'm really concerned that Ukraine won't receive any aid from America this year, if that is the case then the situation will become absolutely dire for Ukraine, the fact is, Europe simply cannot replace America, they cannot keep up with Ukraine's demands, Europe's military is significantly behind America's, Europe is not ready yet, a year without America aid would probably result in major losses for Ukraine.

I do not believe Ukraine can win without American support.

And the Republicans, the longer they drag this shit out, the more Ukrainian blood they have on their hands, then have the nerve to fly to Kyiv and pretend like they give a shit. Every piece of land lost because Ukraine lacks ammo, every missile that gets through and kills an innocent because Ukraine starts to lack ammo, pretty soon they'll be a direct correlation between that event and American Republicans withholding aid (ammo) to Ukraine.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 24 January 2024