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Cobretti2 said:

"The past two years have shown that when the United States hesitates, its allies do as well, but when they lead, then they will be followed"

This may be true, but Europe needs to start thinking for itself. America is an ocean away and it needs to be able to stand on its own feet.

They do.

The reason as to why they waited (or like with Germany and the Leopard 2 tanks, enticed the US to participate) is that they were fully aware that most of their military industry was atrophied and that they wouldn't be able to support Ukraine enough on their own, especially not early on. So without the US participating, it was seen as a lost cause and useless effort, as they couldn't do very much by themselves early on except send some old equipment that's been slowly rotting in storage, which could help Ukraine in a pinch, but not in the long run.

The times are changing though. Europe's military industry is awaking from it's slumber, Russia is awakening the sleeping giant of our time. It will still take time to get it fully ramped up though - but when it does, Russia will not be able to compete anymore, neither in quantity and certainly not in quality.

The main problem is that it's a long process, and I hope it can be done in time. It absolutely needs to be ready by the end of the year, as if Trump were to win the election, I very much doubt that there will be a single additional shell being sent to Ukraine from the US.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 21 January 2024