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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

It's just a raid, Ukraine keeps making these small raids in Kherson and Russians keep panicking for no reason, albeit these raids appear to be getting deeper but there's really no safe or easy way for Ukraine to get heavy armour across so there's little chance it will turn into something bigger, it'd be a very high risk move if they did try to move heavy armour across.

From the video it looks like the Antonivka Railroad bridge is still standing. I don't know the situation of the Antonivka road bridge, but if that one is also operational, and if Ukraine knocks out enough russian artillery pieces they could start to do more than just short raids there.

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Orban met with Putin and Musk had some good words for Hungary today. You can't tell me that's all just a coincident lol

It may even be more than 6 but the others aren't clear enough.

Even 6 is a fucking huge blow in one strike.

It is interesting, isn't it, can't discount it being simple Russian stupidity though and they're just leaving the Heli's there instead of getting them the fuck out of there.

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Add it to example 1,000 of Russia showing how utterly spinless it is against NATO.

There are no red lines outside of the obvious, those being nukes and NATO directly attacking Russia, everything else is fair game in terms of sending Ukraine stronger equipment because Russia is utterly terrified of getting into a war with NATO and they show it every single time we break one of their "red lines". Man just lost 6+ aircraft thanks to ATACMS and here he is trolling, all he has against NATO is words.

For the love of God, NATO. Stop believing in Russia's bullshit red lines and buying into escalation fears.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2023

>Ryuu96 said:

>It's just a raid..

I highly doubt that. Ukrania can try and use the same manoeuvres the Germans did rolling up the Maginot line in WWII. Russian stupidity now  seems to go hand in hand with French stupidity in WWII so getting to the western end of the Russian defence line is a key target. I think we'll see more of the same from Ukrania in the following days and weeks.

drkohler said:

>Ryuu96 said:

>It's just a raid..

I highly doubt that. Ukrania can try and use the same manoeuvres the Germans did rolling up the Maginot line in WWII. Russian stupidity now  seems to go hand in hand with French stupidity in WWII so getting to the western end of the Russian defence line is a key target. I think we'll see more of the same from Ukrania in the following days and weeks.

Just wouldn't get your hopes up, they've been probing the area for weeks, they could be just trying to panic the Russians, being a nuisance, looking for weaknesses, etc. But until they get heavy armour over, they aren't going to make a big push and pretty much every military blogger agrees it would be incredibly difficult to get heavy armour over.

I believe it has been floated in the past as a tactic but it's a very, very high risk, but potentially high reward tactic. At this moment I don't believe Ukraine has any heavy armour over and there's only around 50-70 Ukrainian troops there causing issues for the Russians. They probably have to push Russian artillery back a lot further before they either repair the Antonivsky Bridge (which Russia shot another Iskander missile at only a couple months ago) or ferry heavy equipment over.

ISW will not speculate on the scope and prospects of ongoing Ukrainian activity on the east bank of Kherson Oblast but does not assess that Ukrainian forces have created a bridgehead on the east bank of Kherson Oblast suitable for the further maneuver of sizeable mechanized forces at this time. The Antonivsky bridge, directly south of Kherson city, has up to 200 metres missing as a result of the continuing conflict, making a rebuild highly challenging.

It's funny how much panic 50-70 soldiers is causing the Russians though...I do agree that if Ukraine could get heavy armour over they'd probably rout Kherson Oblast, I doubt Russia has fortified it because of the natural river between them...But they need heavy armour over and they can't really do that yet with all the artillery that Russia still has.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Add it to example 1,000 of Russia showing how utterly spinless it is against NATO.

There are no red lines outside of the obvious, those being nukes and NATO directly attacking Russia, everything else is fair game in terms of sending Ukraine stronger equipment because Russia is utterly terrified of getting into a war with NATO and they show it every single time we break one of their "red lines". Man just lost 6+ aircraft thanks to ATACMS and here he is trolling, all he has against NATO is words.

For the love of God, NATO. Stop believing in Russia's bullshit red lines and buying into escalation fears.

Been saying this from the beginning. These assholes will do anything to intimidate & escalate as long as you let them. Once their bayonet meets steel they fold and back down. 

It's so frustrating drip-feeding military aid & weapons to Ukraine has given russia time to entrench and it'll cost more Ukrainian lives. 

"Why do we need a World if Russia is not in it?" is my personal favourite.