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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

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Ryuu96 said:

Elon Musk, an auto-improvised war consultant who's better suited to judge the situation than NATO and Ukraine. It's certainly not about a narcissistic individual trying to avoid admitting guilt and being rightfully labeled for his pro-Russian disgusting action.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 07 September 2023

Ryuu96 said:

That sounds like he’s compromising Ukraine’s national security. There has to be a reckoning for Space X and Elon Musk. Any company run by Elon should not be working with any governments. He’s a spoiled brat who is massively overstepping the boundaries that should be more firmly in place.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Utter Fucking Piece of Shit.

"There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor. If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation."

You had a chance to significantly help Ukraine, a chance to save innocent lives from Russian missiles and you didn't because you're a fucking coward. You didn't prevent World War 3 nor did you prevent a "conflict escalation" all you did is help Russia kill more innocents. You are complicit in the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women and children.

There is no sitting on the fence in a war like this, either you support Ukraine or you don't and those who sit on the fence have just as much blood on their hands as the ones who support Russia. You are now co-responsible for every Russian missile that is fired from the Black Sea, every ship that Ukraine could have destroyed, or prevented from firing missiles into Ukraine.

He is a national security threat to the USA and this will be repeated with China vs Taiwan. The USA relies too much on him from NASA to DoD. The absolute hypocrite signed multiple DoD contracts worth hundreds of millions across the years, Department of Defence...What the fuck did he think they would use his tech for? Sending baskets of puppies to their enemies? His "morals" seem to go out the window when money is involved.

Your company is partly kept alive by the American government including via military contracts and subsidies. Either nationalise SpaceX or dump this parasite by funding others to replace him. Thankfully the DoD is building its own satellite constellation so they won't have to rely on Musk for too long for the satellites side at least but they do rely on him for other things.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2023

Musk is basically a Russian oligarch at this stage, should be sanctioned as such, using Twitter to help Russia, using SpaceX to help Russia.

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You know what's the worst about Musk? He will reply to a post on X about this or other important topics about him and 5 seconds later he will talk about some funny memes about bananas or something as if just nothing happened. Even Trump has more empathy for humans but what should we expect from a guy who gives his child a name others would give their robot.

Russia Withdraws Military Contingent From Allied Belarus - The Moscow Times

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2023

Musk being more of a dickhead.

"According to the publication, Guterres proposes connecting the Russian Agricultural Bank to #SWIFT, insuring Russian ships against Ukrainian attacks, returning frozen funds to Russia in the EU, and allowing Russian ships to dock in Germany."

Reuters reports that Ukraine opposes the idea of easing sanctions on Russia in order to revive a grain deal between the two countries, foreign ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko said on Friday. "Easing part of the sanctions regime against Russia in exchange for the resumption of the grain agreement would be a victory for Russian food blackmail and an invitation to Moscow for new waves of blackmail," he wrote on Facebook.

Russian Agricultural Bank Could Have SWIFT Access Within 30 Days, UN Tells Moscow | Reuters

UN continues to be one of the biggest clown organisations in the world.

Russia on Friday summoned the Armenian ambassador for a "harsh" protest about a list of what it termed "unfriendly steps", the latest sign of strain between Moscow and the small ex-Soviet republic in a region Russia considers its back yard, Reuters reports.

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry listed these as Yerevan's decisions to sign up to the international criminal court and to host a military exercise with the United States, as well as a visit to Ukraine by the Armenian prime minister's wife to deliver humanitarian aid.

The ministry said a "harsh representation" had been made to the ambassador, Vagharshak Harutyunyan, also complaining of "offensive statements" allegedly made by Alen Simonyan, chair of the Armenian National Assembly, about ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

Armenia, which hosts a Russian military base and relies almost entirely on Russia for its defence supplies, has complained bitterly in recent months that Russian peacekeepers have failed to end an Azerbaijani blockade of supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian enclave within Azerbaijan.

The Guardian

Pressed on the slow speed of Ukraine's counteroffensive, Zelenskiy said:

"People tend to want everything immediately, and understandably so, but this is not a feature movie when everything can happen in an hour and a half.

"Some partners ask what's up with the counteroffensive, what are the next steps. My current answer is 'Our steps are faster than your sanction packages".

The Guardian