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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

CaptainExplosion said:
Ryuu96 said:

Seems like back to business as usual then.

Slow grind until a breakthrough.


And if possible, fire one right in Putin's face.

The West has blocked Ukraine from using their equipment on Russian soil, Lol.

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Just wish Ukraine could use all that western equipment to march on to Moscow and bargain a favourable deal for themselves, too.

But western nations are just too scared and place unreasonable restrictions on Ukraine. Well, after todays showing it seems their fears were unfounded.

Ryuu96 said:
CaptainExplosion said:

And if possible, fire one right in Putin's face.

The West has blocked Ukraine from using their equipment on Russian soil, Lol.

That's a bullshit rule. Russians obviously have no problem with using their shitty weapons on Ukrainian soil.

While Prigozhin was marching through Russia, soldiers of the 1st mechanized battalion🇺🇦 clashed with the 3rd battalion of the 🇷🇺57th Guards motorized rifle brigade, clearing the western bank of the Siverskiy Donets-Donbass canal.

The enemy battalion lost 50 wounded and over 30 killed and practically stopped existing.

This was reported by the commander of the 3rd Assault Brigade Andriy Byletskiy.

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Ryuu96 said:
KiigelHeart said:

It's a mistake to apply our logic & reasoning to these fuckers. Loyal puppet of Putin will do whatever Putin tells him to do and we have no idea what it could be.

It makes no sense 25k of mercenaries could challenge Putin's regime. There was hardly any resistance which I found suspicious from the beginning, unless Putin was already dethroned and Prigozhin was used for theater. But him backing off all of a sudden like this? Nah I find it hard to believe it was an actual mutiny. 

And now Prigozhin looks like the loser. Shoigu & Gerasimov look like incompetent morons who need to be replaced. Putin? For us he does look like a loser but for Russian people I don't know. We'll see what their propaganda will do in coming days.

This is all my speculation of course, there are numerous of other possibilities. I hope I'm totally wrong and things will heat up in Moscow soon!

Well, in fairness, there was little resistance because Russia's army is bogged down in Ukraine, it's just showing how spread thin they are. In addition, Wagner's column was extremely well kitted out, they had modern tanks and very capable air defence systems alongside it, even Kadyrov's shit didn't come close to what Wagner was packing.

With that AD, no Russian air could get close without risking being blown out the skies, which happened multiple times in a single day, so they would have had to wait for Wagner to meet them in the ground and it seems like the focus was on fortifying Moscow with what little troops they have left in Russia. Just remember how much chaos ~100 Russian volunteer troops did in Belgorod.

I think Prigozhin could have backed off for a number of reasons.

Potentially Prigozhin never had any intention of taking over Russia, he just wanted to spook Putin into giving him what he wanted. Potentially he realised that he doesn't have the support to take Russia, driving along a highway is one thing, actually fighting Russian forces loyal to Putin is another, actually holding onto Moscow after taking it as well, whilst Putin was in St Petersburg, would have been complicated too.

Now the Russian people are cheering for Wagner/Prigozhin and know who he is a lot more than before, Lol.

But in light of this new information, what the fuck, now everyone looks like a moron aside from Lukashenko, Lmao.

If this new information is true then I don't think we'll see things heat up in Moscow, I still think Putin's image has been damaged beyond repair now though but I think for Prigozhin, if this information is true, he has basically got a semi-retirement (I had always speculated that Prigozhin actually didn't want any part in Ukraine and saw it as a sunk cost operation), and some of Wagner has been folded into MoD?

If Prigozhin stays alive and can continue his operations around the world, I'd say he almost certainly was and is Putin's ally. Or that Putin is actually no longer in power. When it comes to Prigozhin I never thought him as anything but a deceptive, lying sack of shit like the rest of them, even though he sometimes says things we like to hear. He's been calling out Shoigu & MoD instead of Putin. He wants Russia to kill Ukrainians more effectively, have a full mobilization etc. I mean he's been talking about loyalty amongst Wagner and then screwed his own army in a heartbeat, he's full of shit.

I think Prigozhin never had any chance to seize power for himself. Potentially he could be used in a coup by Russian elite but it doesn't look like it now. Or maybe the elite wanted to get rid of him and played him who knows. Or maybe he played his part and Putin will be dethroned soon? It's possible as I don't think there's room for Prigozhin in new regime, whatever it will be. 

Not sure if Russian people are cheering for him either. It's going to take more than couple of propaganda clips to convince me.

Russia's army is spread thin alright, but I still find this very suspicious. 

Ryuu96 said:

Good, then Russia's descending further into chaos. It's karma, you vodka sucking terrorists.